521 research outputs found

    Comparative Studies on Gonad Development in Eutherian and Marsupial Mammals

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    The origins of the somatic cells of the mammalian gonad are still controversial. This histological study was prompted by a lack of information on this topic in marsupials. An attempt has been made to trace the origins of the blastema, granulosa cells, polyovular follicles (POFs), interstitial tissue (IT) and the rete ovarii. This study provides a description of gonad development in mouse (early stages only) and 3 macropod species, namely: the tammar wallaby, the bettong and the potoroo. It was found that the blastema in both the mouse and the macropods has a dual origin. While in mouse embryos it arises from the mesothelial and mesonephric tubule cells, in the macropods studied it derives from the mesothelium and the mesenchyme. In contradistinction to some eutherians, in the bettong and potoroo the granulosa cells derive from the medullary cords which have a blasternal origin. The ovaries of the mouse, bettong and potoroo are similar in that they belong to the type with immediate meiosis. Histochemical and ultrastructural work supports this conclusion: characteristically HSD enzyme was absent from potoroo and Bennett's wallaby ovaries at early stages of development. In the potoroo POFs arise from isolated oocytes becoming surrounded by a common envelope of granulosa cells, while the IT derives from the medullary cords. The mode of development of the rete in the potoroo is similar to that reported for some eutherians and all marsupials investigated: it forms from a condensation of cells at the anterior end of the gonadal rudiment. The extent to which it develops within the ovaries, however, varies in different marsupials


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    The story of Mak Ungkai sea ghost is very commonly heard by old generation of Malay people in Batam coast. The sea ghost portrayed as a scary female ghost, disturbing humans, sinking fishing boats, and harassing coastal people. On the other hand, researchers suspected a paradoxical narrative of Mak Ungkai character which is relatively close to nature, preserves the environment, and counter-patriarch. This problem directed to examine more deeply the image of women in this phenomenon to reveal the interpretation behind the story. This research used an ecofeminist approach with the aim of reversing the stereotypes of women narrated by the community against the character of Mak Ungkai and its relation to the environment and nature. According to Shiva (1998), ecocritic is a new cosmology that views nature and women as having relationships that maintain, cooperate and protect one another. By using descriptive qualitative method, researchers collected data in depth interviews and immediately plunged into the community. Interviews were conducted directly with 5 speakers from the indigenous Malay community in Sebulang Island, Batam. The research used recordings and cameras which are then transcribed in narrative texts that are easily understood. The results of the study found that (1) the existence of patriarchal stereotypes through mak ungkai sea ghost story (2) the paradoxical representation of women based on ecofeminist framework behind the story

    Representation of ecocriticism in the folklore of Mak Ungkai spirit

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    The purpose of this qualitative study is to analyze the relationship between human and nature behind the story of Mak Ungkai by using the ecocritical approach. The informants in this study are the native Malay people who live in Tanjung Kertang village, Batam, Indonesia. They were determined by looking at relevant backgrounds based on the research theme: they are the Malay generation, both young and old, know about the Malay folklore of Mak UngkaiSpirit, have profession and activities at the sea, and reflect the representation of families in Tanjung Kertang village. Based on those criteria, the researchers finally chose 25 respondents to conduct in-depth interviews. These interviews were recorded by using the audio recorder and camera. The results indicated that the relationship between nature and humans behind the story of Mak Ungkai Spirit could be seen from the position of nature as human subjects and objects. The position of nature as a subject included nature as mother of earth, nature as caring ethic, and nature as holistic. Meanwhile, nature as an object is reflected from exploitation of nature and violence. This study is related with the local wisdom and culture in Indonesia. Therefore, international and local environmental non-government organizations related with social and humanity can use the result of this study for preservation of the local culture and environment, and among them is through the local wisdom


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    Indonesia is known as the country "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" that means unity in diversity also symbolizes the unity of the NKRI which is strong and sturdy even though it consists of different backgrounds. Ethnic language is one type of diversity that Indonesian have. In heterogeneous societal structures, language clashes are an unavoidable phenomenon especially in big cities. Language attitudes are tested especially in groups of teenagers. If the speech community does not have a strong language attitude, it will certainly have an impact on language retention. One of the ethnic groups that experienced in this phenomenon was the Batak Toba ethnic group as the urban people in Batam. The aim of this study is to describe the occurrence of the understanding of the Batak Toba adolescents in Batam City in terms of lexicon mastery related to body parts. To get the data on the level of understanding of respondents, as many as 45 lexicon data were tested through a questionnaire to respondents aged 12-18 years who numbered 50 people, and the results were further described. The results showed that there was a decrease in understanding in the group of adolescents towards the body language lexicon of the Batak Toba language. The majority of respondents only heard of the lexicons but did not know the references. This is evidence of the gap in ethnic language understanding between parents and adolescents. This understanding gap is a result of the lack of learning or use of ethnic language in the family. If this condition is then left alone, it is certain that the lexicon will become extinct because it will disappear from the entity's understanding of the speaker


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    A name as part of a language used as a marker of a person's identity. The name will also show the culture of the owner of the name. For example, if you hear the names Johannes, Markus, Samsul, Pardomuan, Rumondang, Sujono and Paijo, it will at least give us an idea of the religion or ethnicity of the owners of these names. In this case, the author will try to uncover the naming system on the Batak Toba ethnic group. In Batak Toba culture itself the naming system is given to a person more than once according to the status of the individual. From birth to death, a person will get several names. The purpose of this study is to describe or describe the Batak Toba ethnic naming system. Data collection is done by capable methods, notes, and records.  The capable method of fishing technique is used to dig up data from informants. The data that has been obtained is recorded and simultaneously recorded. For this method of ability the author selected two informants who were 62 years old. The naming system in batak toba culture is (1) naming in the period before acquiring offspring; (2) Giving a name before being given the real name (prename), (3) Goar Sihadakdanahon (real name / since birth). In goar sihadakdanahon there are several examples of naming taken from the names of the week found in huria Christian Batak Protestant, especially for those who adhere to Christianity. The names are Trinitatis, Letare, Judika, Rogate, Advent, Exaudi, Sebtu Egatima, Seksagesima, Estomihi, Invokatif, Renimiscere, Okuli, Palmarum, Quatimodogenic, Nisericordiasdomini, Jubilate, Kantate, Ephipanias, and Pentekosta, (4) Panggoaran (name of the eldest child/grandson), (5) Goar-goar (nickname), (6) Marga (family name/relative) (7) Naming by Origin or place of birth.Nama sebagai bagian dari bahasa yang digunakan sebagai penanda identitas sesorang. Nama juga akan memperlihatkan budaya pemilik nama tersebut. Misalnya, jika mendengar nama Johannes, Markus, Samsul, Pardomuan, Rumondang, Sujono dan Paijo, paling tidak akan memberi gambaran kepada kita agama atau etnik pemilik nama-nama tersebut. Dalam hal ini, penulis akan mencoba mengungkap sistem penamaan pada etnis Batak Toba. Dalam kebudayaan Batak Toba sendiri sistem penamaan diberikan kepada seseorang lebih dari sekali sesuai dengan status individu tersebut. Sejak seseorang lahir hingga meninggal akan memperoleh beberapa nama. tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan atau menggambarkan sistem penamaan etnis Batak Toba. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode cakap, catat, dan rekam.  Metode cakap teknik pancing digunakan untuk menggali data dari informan. Data yang telah diperoleh dicatat dan sekaligus direkam. Untuk metode cakap ini penulis memilih dua orang informan yang berusia 62 tahun. Adapun sistem penamaan pada budaya Batak Toba adalah (1) Penamaan pada masa sebelum memperoleh keturunan; (2) Pemberian nama sebelum diberi nama sebenarnya (pranama), (3) Goar Sihadakdanahon (nama sebenarnya/sejak lahir). Dalam goar sihadakdanahon terdapat beberapa contoh penamaan yang diambil dari nama-nama minggu yang terdapat pada Huria Kristen Batak Protestan, khususnya untuk yang menganut agama Kristen. Adapun nama-nama tersebut adalah Trinitatis, Latera, Judika, Rogate, Advent, Exaudi, Sebtu Egatima, Seksagesima, Estomihi, Iavokatif, Renimiscere, Okuli, Palmarum, Quatimodogenic, Parbas II, Nisericordiasdomini, Jubilate, kantate, Ephipanias, dan Pentakosta, (4) Panggoaran (nama dari anak/cucu sulung), (5) Goar-goar (nama julukan), (6) Marga (nama keluarga/kerabat) (7) Penamaan berdasarkan Asal atau tempat lahir

    Dissecting polyunsaturated fatty acid synthases for product profile control

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    Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) such as docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and arachidonic acid (ARA) are essential fatty acids for humans and are ingested from fish oils. Because of increasing demand, however, fermentative processes using microalgae, yeasts, and fungi have been developed to produce DHA, EPA, and ARA, respectively. PUFAs are biosynthesized by either desaturases/elongases from oleic acid or PUFA synthases from acetyl units. PUFA synthases are composed of three to four subunits and each create a specific PUFA without undesirable byproducts even though the multiple catalytic domains in each huge subunit are very similar. In this study, we carefully dissected these PUFA synthases by in vivo and in vitro experiments and elucidated how the enzymes control PUFA profiles (Figure 1) 1). Moreover, for the first time, we converted a practical microalgal DHA synthase into an EPA synthase based on the obtained results 2). Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Association Between Degree of Gastritis and Malondialdehyde Level of Gastritis Patients at Adam Malik General Hospital Medan

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    Background: The main pathogenesis of gastritis is inflammation which process can not be separated from the role of free radicals. Malondialdehyde (MDA) is a free radical biomarker and which increases in gastritis patients. However, studies on MDA were generally performed on experimental animals or examined MDA in gastric mucosa. The aim of this study is to determine the association of histopathological degrees of gastritis (the degree of lymphocyte infiltration, neutrophil activity, atrophy, and intestinal metaplasia) with plasma MDA level.Method: Cross-sectional study of 40 consecutive gastritis patients who came to endoscopic unit of Adam Malik General Hospital Medan, from January to May 2017. Assessment for the severity of chronic inflammation, neutrophil activity, atrophy, and intestinal metaplasia refers to Updated Sydney System. Plasma MDA levels were examined using an HPLC MDA kit. Univariate and bivariate (Chi-square and fisher exact test) analysis were performed with SPSS version 22.Results: A total of 26 patients (65%) were men with an average age of 49.25 years. Lymphocyte infiltration was observed in 100% of specimens, neutrophil infiltration in 37.5%, atrophy in 22.5%, and intestinal metaplasia in 22.5%. There was a significant association between degree of lymphocyte infiltration with MDA level (p = 0.014; PR = 8.667; 95% CI: 1.52-89.52). There was a significant association between degree of neutrophil activity with high MDA level (p = 0.002; PR = 11.33; 95% CI: 2.64-48.74). There was a significant association between degree of atrophy with high level of MDA (p < 0.001; PR = 14; 95% CI: 3.4–57.648). There was a significant association between degree of intestinal metaplasia with high MDA level (p = 0.001; PR = 12.5; 95% CI: 3.76-24).Conclusion: There were significant associations between degree of lymphocyte infiltration, neutrophil activity, atrophy, and intestinal metaplasia with high level of MDA

    Comparison of Triiodothyronine (T3), Tetraiodothyronine (T4), Freethyoxine (FT4), Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Levels in with Liver Cirrhosis Patients Based on Child-Pugh Score at H. Adam Malik Central General Hospital, Medan

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    Background: The liver is involved in thyroid hormone conjugation and excretion, as well as the synthesis of thyroid binding globulin. T4 and T3 regulate the basal metabolic rate of all cells.Method: The sample of this research was collected crosssectionally on 40 patients with liver cirrhosis based Child-Pugh score. Ultrasonography and Triiodothyronine (T3), Tetraiodothyronine (T4), Freethyoxine (FT4), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels examinations to know the difference between liver cirrhosis patients with Child-Pugh A, B, and C with ELISA method.Results: Statistical analysis showed there are not found significant differences in T3, T4, FT4, TSH levels in patients with of the liver cirrhosis based on the Child-Pugh score.Conclusion: Not found significant differences in thyroid hormone levels among patients with liver cirrhosis Child-Pugh A, B, and C.
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