2 research outputs found

    Políticas públicas interfederativas : coordenação na implementação do programa alfabetização na idade certa do Ceará

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Iinstituto de Ciência Política, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência Política, 2014.O arranjo federalista brasileiro tem impacto sobre a produção de políticas públicas. No âmbito das relações intergovernamentais, caracterizadas tanto por conflitos como por cooperação, busca-se implementar políticas coordenadas. Contudo, a implementação desse tipo de política mostra-se complexa, pois ela é realizada por estruturas administrativas e burocráticas diferentes e que são lideradas por partidos políticos distintos. Que fatores e institucionais e políticos influenciariam a coordenação na implementação dessas políticas? Este trabalho buscou analisar a influência das regras que conformam a implementação da política, o alinhamento partidário entre os entes federativos, e o perfil profissionalizado da burocracia na coordenação de políticas interfederativas à luz do caso do Programa Alfabetização na Idade Certa - PAIC do Estado do Ceará. Verificou-se que, no caso do PAIC, houve alinhamento partidário entre o estado e um número importante de municípios. Não obstante, os municípios não alinhados também chegaram a bons resultados. Os dados sugeriram que esse fator foi compensado por outros fatores favoráveis: as burocracias que atuam no programa são, no geral, profissionalizadas e as regras de implementação, válidas para todos, criaram importantes incentivos à colaboração e à ação coerente, mesclando elementos de centralização com elementos de descentralização. ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTBrazil’s federal arrangement affects the creation of public policies. Within the range of inter-governmental relations, defined by conflicts as well as cooperation, it is sought to coordinate policy implementation. However, the implementation of this type of policy is complex since it is done by different administrative and bureaucratic structures which are led by distinct political parties. What institutional and political factors could influence the coordination of these policies’ implementation? This work sought to analyze the influence of the rules of the policy, the political alignment between state and local entities and the bureaucracy’s professional profile and performance in the coordination of inter-federal policies in the case of the Literacy at the Right Age Program (PAIC by its Portuguese acronym) in the state of Ceará. It was verified that in the implementation of PAIC there was party alignment between state government and a significant number of municipalities. However, localities not aligned to the state government's party also had positive results. This point could have been traded off by positive factors such as: the bureaucracies in charge of the program are generally professionalized and that the rules of implementation, applied for all, might have facilitated collaboration and coherent action, by combining elements of centralization with elements of decentralization

    An evidence-informed policymaking (EIPM) competency profile for the Brazilian Health System developed through consensus: process and outcomes

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    Abstract Background Evidence-informed policymaking (EIPM) requires a set of individual and organizational knowledge, skills and attitudes that should be articulated with background factors and needs. In this regard, the development of an EIPM competency profile is important to support the diagnosis, planning and implementation of EIPM. Purpose To present the process and outcomes of the development of an EIPM competency profile by an expert committee, to be applied in different contexts of the Brazilian Health System. Methods A committee of experts in EIPM shared different views, experiences and opinions to develop an EIPM competency profile for Brazil. In six consensus workshops mediated by facilitators, the committee defined from macro problems to key actions and performances essential for the competency profile. The development steps consisted of: (1) Constitution of the committee, including researchers, professionals with practical experience, managers, and educators; (2) Development of a rapid review on EIPM competency profiles; (3) Agreement on commitments and responsibilities in the processes; (4) Identification and definition of macro problems relating to the scope of the competency profile; and (5) Outlining of general and specific capacities, to be incorporated into the competency profile, categorized by key actions. Results The development of the EIPM competency profile was guided by the following macro problems: (1) lack of systematic and transparent decision-making processes in health policy management; (2) underdeveloped institutional capacity for knowledge management and translation; and (3) incipient use of scientific evidence in the formulation and implementation of health policies. A general framework of key actions and performances of the EIPM Competency Profile for Brazil was developed, including 42 specific and general key actions distributed by area of activity (Health Management, Scientific Research, Civil Society, Knowledge Translation, and Cross-sectional areas). Conclusions The competency profile presented in this article can be used in different contexts as a key tool for the institutionalization of EIPM