523 research outputs found

    Concepción Arenal y el régimen social penitenciario

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    Desde muy antiguo se propugnó la humanización de los castigos, pero en verdad es en la época del Renacimiento que esa voluntad llega a culminar. Prueba de ello lo tenemos en La Utopía de Tomás Moro (1516) y la Ciudad de Sol de Campanella (1623), ambas tendencias inspiradas en La República de Platón y en La Ciudad de Dios de San Agustín, y la obra de Francisco Bacon Nueva Atlántida (1627). El deplorable estado de las cárceles, su tristeza, el hacinamiento, los malos tratos y la impiedad con que se ejecutaban las penas, hizo que se constituyera un fuerte movimiento renovador, mediante el cual hombres de Estado, filósofos, sociólogos, literatos, conmovieron a la opinión pública por la necesidad inmediata de una profunda reforma penitenciaria. A esa época de las luces pertenecieron John Fioward; César Beccaria Bo- nesana (^Marqués de Baccaria), Marat y Filangieri; enciclopedistas como D Alambert, IVlontesquieu, Rousseau y Voltaire, en Francia; Sonnenfelds en Alemania y, ya en el siglo XIX, el rey de Suecia, Oscar II. Frente a estas inquietudes —señaladas como repaso histórico— nació, en el atardecer de un 30 de enero de 1820, en la hermosa ciudad de Ferrol, Concepción Arenal, un ángel de paz y de caridad, majestuoso emblema de grandeza y un soberbio tipo de la raza gallega, fornida, laboriosa, inteligente y activa.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Concepción Arenal y el régimen social penitenciario

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    Desde muy antiguo se propugnó la humanización de los castigos, pero en verdad es en la época del Renacimiento que esa voluntad llega a culminar. Prueba de ello lo tenemos en La Utopía de Tomás Moro (1516) y la Ciudad de Sol de Campanella (1623), ambas tendencias inspiradas en La República de Platón y en La Ciudad de Dios de San Agustín, y la obra de Francisco Bacon Nueva Atlántida (1627). El deplorable estado de las cárceles, su tristeza, el hacinamiento, los malos tratos y la impiedad con que se ejecutaban las penas, hizo que se constituyera un fuerte movimiento renovador, mediante el cual hombres de Estado, filósofos, sociólogos, literatos, conmovieron a la opinión pública por la necesidad inmediata de una profunda reforma penitenciaria. A esa época de las luces pertenecieron John Fioward; César Beccaria Bo- nesana (^Marqués de Baccaria), Marat y Filangieri; enciclopedistas como D Alambert, IVlontesquieu, Rousseau y Voltaire, en Francia; Sonnenfelds en Alemania y, ya en el siglo XIX, el rey de Suecia, Oscar II. Frente a estas inquietudes —señaladas como repaso histórico— nació, en el atardecer de un 30 de enero de 1820, en la hermosa ciudad de Ferrol, Concepción Arenal, un ángel de paz y de caridad, majestuoso emblema de grandeza y un soberbio tipo de la raza gallega, fornida, laboriosa, inteligente y activa.Universidad Nacional de La Plat


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    Diharapkan dalam proses pembentukan identitas diri pada masa remaja berharap, remaja mampu memahami itudan perannya dalam masyarakat . _\dalam proses pengembangan identitas diri pada masa remaja , remaja akan mampu memahami dirinya dan perannya dalam masyarakat . mengatakan, remaja yang Remaja yang tidak mampu mewujudkan jati dirinya (identitas diri), remaja yang tidak mampu mewujudkan wanita yang tidak memiliki pemahaman yang baik tentang dirinya, remaja yang tidak mampu mewujudkan wanita yang tidak dapat melihat kekurangannya sendiri wanita akan menjadiini individu yang tidak beriman yang tidak percaya diri dan tidak memiliki harga diri . di dalam dirinya sendiri dan tidak memiliki harga diri


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    Program penyuluhan difokuskan pada kajian self-compassion untuk pembentukan pribadi muda yang islami, tangguh dan tangguh. Self-compassion ini dapat ditingkatkan melalui berbagai setting layanan yang ditawarkan seperti coaching, konseling individu, konseling klasik, konseling kelompok, atau layanan responsif, sesuai dengan QS.As-Syams ayat 8 : “Maka Allah mengilhamkan kepada jiwa itu (jalan) kefasikan dan ketakwaannya”. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa iman yang merupakan landasan seseorang untuk melakukan suatu perbuatan perlu terus dijaga dan diperhatikan agar terus terawat dengan kondisi iman yang baik. Layanan bimbingan pribadi Islami adalah salah satu kegiatan bimbingan bagi individu agar dapat menemukan dan mengembangkan pribadi yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan YME, mantap dan mandiri serta sehat jasmani dan rohani mandiri serta mampu mengoptimalkan potensi yang dimiliki sesuai dengan ajaran agama Islam. Allah SWT berfirman dalam Al-Qur’an suratiAzZumar ayat 53 yang artinya“katakanlah wahai hamba-hamba yang melampaui batas terhadap mereka sendiri, janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat Allah . Sesungguhnya Allah mengampuni dosa-dosa semuanya. Sungguh Dialah yang Maha Pengampun dan Maha Penyayang

    High levels of memory B cells are associated with response to a first tumor necrosis factor inhibitor in patients with rheumatoid arthritis in a longitudinal prospective study

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    Tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) therapy is effective for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Some reports suggested that the therapy affects B-cell homeostasis. We studied the effect of TNFi therapy on the distribution of peripheral B-cell subsets and elucidated B-cell-related biomarkers to predict the TNFi response. Peripheral B cells were analyzed for expression of CD19, CD27, CD38, and IgD in 31 healthy donors and 96 RA patients, including 21 who were followed 3 months after TNFi introduction. Treatment with steroids significantly altered the distribution of B-cell subsets. After adjustment for age, gender and steroid dose, patients with RA had similar B-cell subset proportions as controls. B-cell subset distribution did not differ by use of TNFi at baseline or before and after TNFi introduction. TNFi responders (according to European League Against Rheumatism criteria) at 3 months had significantly higher proportion of CD27+ memory B cells at baseline, and >= 26% CD27+ cells at inclusion was associated with a relative risk of 4.9 (1.3 to 18.6) of responding to TNFi treatment. CD27+ cells produced 3 times more TNFalpha than did naive B cells, and were correlated with interferon-gamma produced from CD4+ cells in patients without TNFi treatment. In patients with RA, high levels of baseline memory B cells were associated with response to TNFi, which may be related to TNFalpha-dependent activation of the T helper cell type 1 pathwa

    Interest of a systematic screening of comorbidities in chronic inflammatory rheumatisms

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    BackgroundPatients with chronic inflammatory rheumatisms (CIR) have a greater risk of cardiovascular events, infections, lung diseases and osteoporosis. European League against Rheumatisms (EULAR) recommends annual evaluation of the cardiovascular risks.MethodsA program of comorbidity screening was set up in a daily clinic of our Rheumatology department and includes:– rheumatism evaluation;– cardiovascular evaluation; clinical examination, blood tests, modified systematic coronary risk evaluation (mSCORE) calculation, vessel ultrasound and echocardiography;– lung evaluation; self-questionnaires and spirometry;– osteoporosis; bone mineral density and FRAX calculation;– check-up of vaccinal status and the recommended neoplasic screenings.ResultsNinety-two patients already benefited from this systematic screening with 83% (n=76) of rheumatoid arthritis, 11% (n=10) of spondyloarthritis, 3% (n=2) of psoriatic arthritis and 4% (n=4) of other diseases. The mean rheumatism duration was 14±9 years, the mean age was 59±11 years and 64% were women. Hypertension was diagnosed in 8.7% (n=8) of the patients; dyslipidemia in 9.8% (n=9); diabetes in 6.5% (n=6) of the patients. The echocardiography showed significant abnormalities (valvular and hypokinesia) in 9% (n=8) of the patients, a significant supra-aortic vessel stenosis was found in 4.5% (n=4) of the population and an abdominal aortic aneuvrysm was diagnosed in 5.7% (n=5). Among 92 patients, 18.4% (n=14) were estimated at high risk of lethal cardiovascular event with a mSCORE≥5 and 27.5% (n=25) patients were sent to a cardiologist to pursue further cardiovascular investigations. Among these, 8 had a myocardial scintigraphy and all were normal. Moreover, 32.6% (n=30) of the patients were estimated at risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or sleep apnea syndrome and were recommended to consult pneumologist. An anti-osteoporosis drug was introduced in 12% (n=11) of the patients. The update of the vaccinations and the neoplasic screenings were prescribed for respectively 52.7% (n=48) and 35.2% (n=32) of the patients.DiscussionA daily hospitalization for comorbidity screening seems worthy with significant abnormalities discovered in 36.2% of the patients. Further investigations were recommended in 50% of the patients. Patient’ satisfaction and the effective impact of the proposed or prescribed measures are under evaluation

    Comparing Measurements of Vascular Diameter Using Adaptative Optics Imaging and Conventional Fundus Imaging

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    The aim of this prospective study was to compare retinal vascular diameter measurements taken from standard fundus images and adaptive optics (AO) images. We analysed retinal images of twenty healthy subjects with 45-degree funduscopic colour photographs (CR-2 Canon fundus camera, Canon™) and adaptive optics (AO) fundus images (rtx1 camera, Imagine Eyes(®)). Diameters were measured using three software applications: the VAMPIRE (Vessel Assessment and Measurement Platform for Images of the REtina) annotation tool, IVAN (Interactive Vessel ANalyzer) for funduscopic colour photographs, and AO_Detect_Artery™ for AO images. For the arterial diameters, the mean difference between AO_Detect_Artery™ and IVAN was 9.1 µm (−27.4 to 9.2 µm, p = 0.005) and the measurements were significantly correlated (r = 0.79). The mean difference between AO_Detect_Artery™ and VAMPIRE annotation tool was 3.8 µm (−34.4 to 26.8 µm, p = 0.16) and the measurements were poorly correlated (r = 0.12). For the venous diameters, the mean difference between the AO_Detect_Artery™ and IVAN was 3.9 µm (−40.9 to 41.9 µm, p = 0.35) and the measurements were highly correlated (r = 0.83). The mean difference between the AO_Detect_Artery™ and VAMPIRE annotation tool was 0.4 µm (−17.44 to 25.3 µm, p = 0.91) and the correlations were moderate (r = 0.41). We found that the VAMPIRE annotation tool, an entirely manual software, is accurate for the measurement of arterial and venular diameters, but the correlation with AO measurements is poor. On the contrary, IVAN, a semi-automatic software tool, presents slightly greater differences with AO imaging, but the correlation is stronger. Data from arteries should be considered with caution, since IVAN seems to significantly under-estimate arterial diameters

    Concordance between SIVA, IVAN, and VAMPIRE software tools for semi-automated analysis of retinal vessel caliber

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    We aimed to compare measurements from three of the most widely used software packages in the literature and to generate conversion algorithms for measurement of the central retinal artery equivalent (CRAE) and central retinal vein equivalent (CRVE) between SIVA and IVAN and between SIVA and VAMPIRE. We analyzed 223 retinal photographs from 133 human participants using both SIVA, VAMPIRE and IVAN independently for computing CRAE and CRVE. Agreement between measurements was assessed using Bland–Altman plots and intra-class correlation coefficients. A conversion algorithm between measurements was carried out using linear regression, and validated using bootstrapping and root-mean-square error. The agreement between VAMPIRE and IVAN was poor to moderate: The mean difference was 20.2 µm (95% limits of agreement, LOA, −12.2–52.6 µm) for CRAE and 21.0 µm (95% LOA, −17.5–59.5 µm) for CRVE. The agreement between VAMPIRE and SIVA was also poor to moderate: the mean difference was 36.6 µm (95% LOA, −12.8–60.4 µm) for CRAE, and 40.3 µm (95% LOA, 5.6–75.0 µm) for CRVE. The agreement between IVAN and SIVA was good to excellent: the mean difference was 16.4 µm (95% LOA, −4.25–37.0 µm) for CRAE, and 19.3 µm (95% LOA, 0.09–38.6 µm) for CRVE. We propose an algorithm converting IVAN and VAMPIRE measurements into SIVA-estimated measurements, which could be used to homogenize sets of vessel measurements obtained with different software packages

    Dexamethasone Implant for Diabetic Macular Oedema: 1-Year Treatment Outcomes from the Fight Retinal Blindness! Registry

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    INTRODUCTION Phase III clinical trials of dexamethasone intravitreal implant for diabetic macular oedema (DMO) have reported significant improvements in visual acuity (VA). Studies evaluating the treatment of DMO in routine clinical practice provide data to identify areas that need improvement. This study evaluated 12-month treatment outcomes of dexamethasone implant for DMO in routine clinical practice. METHODS Retrospective data analysis of eyes that started dexamethasone implant for DMO from 1 June 2013 to 30 April 2019 in routine clinical practice tracked in the Fight Retinal Blindness! Registry. RESULTS Of the 4282 eyes (2518 patients) that started DMO treatment in the specified period, 267 (6%) eyes (204 patients) received 454 dexamethasone implant injections. Two-fifths (106 eyes) had received prior treatment for DMO. The mean (95% confidence interval [CI]) VA change at 12 months was 1.8 (- 0.5, 4.2) letters from the mean (standard deviation [SD]) VA of 56.5 (19.8) letters at baseline, with 41% eyes achieving at least 20/40. The mean (95% CI) change in central subfield thickness over 1 year was - 79 (- 104, - 54) µm from a mean (SD) of 459 (120) µm at baseline. Eyes that completed 1 year of follow-up received a median (Q1, Q3) of 2 (1, 2) dexamethasone implants. One-tenth of phakic eyes received cataract surgery while 2% had a pressure response requiring anti-glaucoma medications. CONCLUSIONS One-year treatment outcomes of dexamethasone intravitreal implant for DMO in routine clinical practice were inferior to those in the clinical trials perhaps because of fewer treatments in clinical practice

    Efficient capture of dry eye data from the real world:The Save Sight Dry Eye Registry

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    Purpose To describe a web-based, high-quality data collection tool able to track the clinical data of patients with dry eye disease (DED) in routine clinical practice. Design Retrospective analysis of core system web data from a prospectively designed, observational, routine clinical practice registry, the Save Sight Dry Eye Registry (SSDER). Methods Patients with DED, from 11-Nov-2020 to 04-Mar-2024 were analysed. Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) and Ocular Comfort Index (OCI) questionnaires collected patient-reported DED symptoms, and the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4) screened for anxiety and depression. Outcome data include index visit demography, DED symptoms and signs.  Results Fifteen clinicians (ophthalmologists and optometrists) from nine practices across Australia, France, Germany, Nepal, Spain and the United Kingdom contributed data, comprising index visits of 958 eyes from 479 patients (mean±SD age 56±17 years; 78.7% female). Up to 89.9% of the patients had either evaporative or mixed DED based on clinician's judgement. Mean OSDI symptom score at index visit was 35.7 ± 19.4 (n = 366), and the mean sores for frequency and intensity of discomfort with the OCI was 31.9 ± 6.1 and 31.4 ± 6.8 (n = 202) respectively. Forty-one percent of patients had mild to severe symptoms of anxiety and depression. Median tear breakup time and tear meniscus height were 5 (IQR 2–8) seconds and 0.3 (IQR 0.2–0.4) mm, respectively. Ocular surface staining was graded as none (37.6%), minimal (31.7%), mild (19.8%), moderate (8.8%) and severe (2.1%). Conclusion The SSDER facilitated the collection of data from patients with DED from real-world clinical practice. Presenting patients had moderate DED, which was mostly evaporative in nature. Symptoms of anxiety and depression were reported by more than one-third of the cohort