1,909 research outputs found

    Periodic and homoclinic solutions of the modified 2+1 Chiral model

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    We use algebraic Backlund transformations (BTs) to construct explicit solutions of the modified 2+1 chiral model from T2Γ—RT^2\times R to SU(n), where T2T^2 is a 2-torus. Algebraic BTs are parameterized by z∈Cz\in C (poles) and holomorphic maps Ο€\pi from T2T^2 to Gr(k,Cn)(k,C^n). We apply B\"acklund transformations with carefully chosen poles and Ο€\pi's to construct infinitely many solutions of the 2+1 chiral model that are (i) doubly periodic in space variables and periodic in time, i.e., triply periodic, (ii) homoclinic in the sense that the solution uu has the same stationary limit u0u_0 as tβ†’Β±βˆžt\to \pm\infty and is tangent to a stable linear mode of u0u_0 as tβ†’βˆžt\to\infty and is tangent to an unstable mode of u0u_0 as tβ†’βˆ’βˆžt\to -\infty.Comment: 17 page

    The Impact of Unemployment and Human Development Index on Poverty in Gorontalo Province 2008-2017

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    This research aims to analyze the impact of unemployment rate and human development index on poverty in Regecies and City in Gorontalo Province. This research uses Panel Data Regression analysis with fixed effect model (FEM). This research uses regional datasets from the Registration Management Information System (SIMREG) and datasets from Central Statistics Bureau (BPS) during 2008-2017. Main findings of this research indicates that (i) unemployment rate has positive but insignificant impact on poverty rate; (ii) human development index has positive and significant impact on poverty rate. Keywords: Unemployment Rate; Human Development Index (HDI); Poverty

    Nematic crossover in BaFe2_2As2_2 under uniaxial stress

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    Raman scattering can detect spontaneous point-group symmetry breaking without resorting to single-domain samples. Here we use this technique to study BaFe2As2\mathrm{BaFe_2As_2}, the parent compound of the "122" Fe-based superconductors. We show that an applied compression along the Fe-Fe direction, which is commonly used to produce untwinned orthorhombic samples, changes the structural phase transition at temperature TsT_{\mathrm{s}} into a crossover that spans a considerable temperature range above TsT_{\mathrm{s}}. Even in crystals that are not subject to any applied force, a distribution of substantial residual stress remains, which may explain phenomena that are seemingly indicative of symmetry breaking above TsT_{\mathrm{s}}. Our results are consistent with an onset of spontaneous nematicity only below TsT_{\mathrm{s}}.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Hypergraph-Based Fast Distributed AC Power Flow Optimization

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    This paper presents a novel distributed approach for solving AC power flow (PF) problems. The optimization problem is reformulated into a distributed form using a communication structure corresponding to a hypergraph, by which complex relationships between subgrids can be expressed as hyperedges. Then, a hypergraph-based distributed sequential quadratic programming (HDQ) approach is proposed to handle the reformulated problems, and the hypergraph-based distributed sequential quadratic programming (HDSQP) is used as the inner algorithm to solve the corresponding QP subproblems, which are respectively condensed using Schur complements with respect to coupling variables defined by hyperedges. Furthermore, we rigorously establish the convergence guarantee of the proposed algorithm with a locally quadratic rate and the one-step convergence of the inner algorithm when using the Levenberg-Marquardt regularization. Our analysis also demonstrates that the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is much lower than the state-of-art distributed algorithm. We implement the proposed algorithm in an open-source toolbox, i.e., rapidPF, and conduct numerical tests that validate the proof and demonstrate the great potential of the proposed distributed algorithm in terms of communication effort and computational speed
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