79 research outputs found

    Pemberton, Kelly. Women Mystics and Sufi Shrines in India. 233 pp. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2010.

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    Currently there is an unattached link between the study of social influence in experimental psychology and bad faith in the existential philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre. The methods of psychology and philosophy differ significantly and can be integrated into a unified whole to provide enhanced insight into a topic of investigation compared to what can be achieved separately in each of these disciplines. The goal of this paper is to review the social influence literature with the aim of expositing, integrating and synthesising the findings with Sartre’s analysis of bad faith and authenticity. As a result, this paper aims to uncover the scientific findings that provide clarification to the findings of bad faith in Sartre’s existential philosophy. Precisely, this paper will provide concrete and descriptive empirical examples of the experimental causes and conditions that appear to be identified by participants as a reason to act in bad faith. Specifically, this paper provides evidence that bad faith appears to arise when an individual believes she should be accurate or affiliated with the group. An analysis of the concepts that are necessary to understand bad faith will also be reviewed to uncover the arguments that provide clarification to understanding conformity found in the social influence literature. This paper will benefit both psychologists and philosophers by bridging these two fields of investigation. Further work with the integration of these findings into existential psychotherapy is encouraged and described throughout

    Breath and breathing

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    the importance of breath and breathing in islam and sufis

    Luci celesti e riflessi terrestri: l'uomo e l'universo nel sufismo indiano

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    The aim of this article is to describe and analyze some aspects of the role played by astronomy and astrology in Islam in general and in the Indo-Islamic context in particular. After an introductory discussion on the historical dimension and development of these traditional sciences among Muslims in the historical context of Islam, the article analyzes the importance of symbology in the depiction of the macrocosm and microcosm in the language of traditional Sufi doctrines and how these converge on the idea of a relation between celestial archetypes and their counterpart and/or reflection on the indivdual plane of humans. It finally provides an example of how Suf authorities in mediaeval India have integrated these theoretical notions with the operational and methodological aspect in the context of a spiritual path envisaged as an imitation of the celestial journey accomplished by the prophet Muhammad during his nocturnal ascension (mi'raj) from Jerusalem to the Throne of God. Through this kind of progressive description, the author of this article intends to highlight the relevance, for speculative as well as for very practical reasons, a thorough understanding of how the celestial bodies work, move and thus influence the human nature in the fascinating albeit often neglected interplay between the realities in the cosm at large and their perceived reflections nsde the constitution of living beings, chiefly among them Man

    Grammatica urdu: scrittura, morfologia e sintassi

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    grammatica della lingua urdu organizzata in 20 unità con l'aggiunta di esercizi per lo studente alla fine di ciascuna unità

    Morte, morti e mortificazioni: considerazioni a proposito di ciò che va al di là della vita nell'ottica del Sufismo

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    Il libro costituisce una raccolta di contributi/capitoli che trattano l'argomento di come la morte e ciò che ne va oltre, ovvero le conoscenze e descrizione di una vita nell'al di là, costituiscano una fondamentale esperienza per gli esseri umani e di come essa sia stata affrontata e descritta nelle diverse culture e civiltà d'Oriente, dall'Antico Egitto fino alla Cina, dando maggiore spazio all'area culturale del Sud Asia