74 research outputs found


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    The region of Ksar el Boukhari is an important site for sheep farming in the high plateaus of central Algeria, the main product of which is the lamb. However, the prevalence of neonatal mortality has been scarcely studied. A longitudinal study involving ten veterinary facilities in the region provided us with a detailed description on 171 cases of dystocia, including bad presentations (39%), cervical atony/non-dilation of the cervix (19%), (true) cervical atresia (10%), and uterine torsion (8%). Twenty-nine percent of the cases of dystocia were presented at the veterinary facilities on the same day. Manual relief was provided in 62% of the cases. The remaining cases were relieved surgically

    Impact of rainfall deficiency on water resources in the plain Ghriss Wilaya of Mascara (West of Algeria)

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    ABSTRACT Algeria is one of arid and semi-arid areas, which suffer from long-period drought. Of severe rainfall deficits, adverse consequences on the environment, socio-economic development, water resource quality and quantity, increasing soil degradation. . Thus, four different layers were identified: groundwater, ground limestone lake, the water sands and sandstones and dolomitic limestone aquifer

    Comment manager en Algérie le changement pour l'exploitation du potentiel pédagogique de la visioconférence ?

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    Ces deux derniêres décennies, l'environnement social et culturel en Algérie a connu, dans les domaines de l'information et de la communication, un grand bouleversement  avec  l'apparition  de  nouvelles  technologies.  Les  campus universitaires ont essayé de suivre cette mutation en se dotant de moyens informatiques   didactiques   adéquats   et   três   performants   (laboratoires multimédia, médiathêque, espace Internet, espace audiovisuel, etc). Puis, un Programme National de télé-enseignement três ambitieux a été mis en place par le Ministêre de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique, ce  qui  a  permis  de  mettre  en  service,  dês  2008,  des  cellules  de  télé- enseignement et de visioconférences dans un grand nombre d'universités. Cependant,      malgré  ces                            investissements                                  importants     en     équipement sophistiqué,   les   usages   des   Technologies   de   l'Information   et   de   la Communication  dans  l'Enseignement  n'ont  pas  suivi  le  même  rythme  de croissance.  Il y  a  une  sous-utilisation  de  ces  outils  de  travail  qui  sont  de puissants  outils  à   potentiel  cognitif.  Situation  aggravée  par  les  routines pédagogiques,  administratives,  bureaucratiques,  et  managériales  qui  ont engendré des inerties à  tous les niveaux. Bien que théoriquement les TICE puissent être considéré comme un instrument pédagogique adapté au milieu universitaire, sa mise en pratique est assez difficile à  mettre en oeuvre car elle nécessite des changements dans la gestion au sein de l'université. L'objet de cette communication concerne la visioconférence. Si cette derniêre doit correspondre théoriquement à  un besoin réel dans l'enseignement au       sein des universités algériennes, son usage n'en est rien dans la pratique. L'usage de la visioconférence en Algérie est des plus déconcertants. Aprês cinq ans de sa mise en service, les salles équipées du matériel adéquat sont encore sous utilisées et parfois même pas utilisées !! L'une des plus grandes contradictions entre les objectifs MESRS et l'usage de la visioconférence est que d'une part la tutelle désire diffuser l'enseignement à  un três grand nombre d'étudiants (des milliers), et d'autre part les salles de visioconférence ne peuvent recevoir qu'un nombre limité d'étudiants (généralement inférieur à  100). Alors comment concilier cet objectif et l'usage de ce matériel ? Doit-on prendre le risque de faire des investissements supplémentaires alors que les premiers investissements n'ont pas été rentabilisés ? Nous ne croyons pas que ce serait une bonne solution, pour cela nous proposons dans cette communication, aprês la présentation d'un état des lieux de la visioconférence en Algérie (sur la base d'un sondage), des usages pouvant répondre aux besoins nationaux tout en tenant compte des potentialités humaines disponibles

    Assessment of Workflow Reliability in Two Infrastructure Projects Considering Efficient Adoption of Lean Leadership Culture and Engagement

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    An organization leadership culture is the corner stone of success or failure. This paper focuses on Lean Leadership as an emergent concept introduced to many organizations where leaders are role models, empower their teams and make them accountable. In construction projects, culture is usually the combination of behaviours, attitudes, and communication inherited from previous experiences. A culture change is not welcomed unless mandated by the leadership and practiced daily. Where many factors are similar, two projects had different outcomes. A root cause analysis, on two infrastructure projects with the Public Works Authority ASHGHAL in the State of Qatar, reveals that project culture is the driving factor on a successful delivery on time and budget, and complying to quality, health and safety, and environment standards, with a public satisfaction focus. Client pre-set strategic objectives are achieved through a collaborative effort of project team where accountability is the bonding agent between promises and accomplishments. This paper summarizes a lean leadership culture adoption where it established a psychological safe working environment that delivers project to client expectations


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    Introduction: Cardiovascular complications are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with uncontrolled acromegaly. However, there are no published reports of an increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in such patients. We report three patients with uncontrolled acromegaly who presented with VTE. Clinical Cases: A 52-year-old male with uncontrolled acromegaly despite transsphenoidal (TSP) surgery and medical therapy presented in 2012 with acute chest pain and shortness of breath that was later con rmed as secondary to pulmonary embolism. A 44-year-old male immigrant, previously treated for acromegaly with radiation therapy alone, in 1992, in his native country, was referred to our centre in 2006 for acromegaly which remained uncontrolled despite medical therapy until 2009 when he achieved remission through TSP surgery. He had several episodes of VTE between 2008 and 2010. A 69-year-old male with uncontrolled acromegaly for 28 years despite two surgical resections and radiation therapy in 1986 and 1992, as well as continuous medical therapy, presented with VTE of the right axillary vein and bilateral pulmonary emboli in 2011. A thrombophilia screen in case 1 showed mild protein S de ciency, case 2 was homozygous for factor V Leiden (FVL) mutation and case 3 was heterozygous for FVL. Extensive investigations revealed no evidence of malignancy and echocardiography showed preserved ejection fraction in all three patients. Conclusion: Patients with uncontrolled acromegaly may be at increased risk of VTE. However, larger studies are required to further assess this association and determine the underlying cause. Key words: Acromegaly, pituitary tumours, thromboembolism

    Spectrum of acute hepatitis and its clinical outcome in a central region in Tunisia

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    Introduction: given the lack of studies on acute hepatitis (AH) in Tunisia, we carried out this study to find the etiological spectrum and clinical profile of AH and to investigate the impact of viral etiology on the outcomes of AH. Methods: retrospective descriptive study collecting all patients with AH from 2010 to 2017. The data were compared between two groups (viral AH and non-viral AH). Results: one hundred and three patient´s files were included. The average age of our patients was 30.15 years. An etiology was found in 92 patients (89.3%). The viral etiology was found in 70 patients (76.1%). Hepatitis A virus (HAV), Hepatitis A virus (HBV), Hepatitis A virus (HCV) and cytomegalovirus (CMV) were in the cause in 52, 16, 1 and 1 patient respectively. Elsewhere, it was toxic hepatitis in 10 patients (10.9%) including 7 of drug-related AH. Budd-Chiari syndrome and autoimmune hepatitis with acute onset were reported in 3 (3.3%) and 7 (7.6%) patients, respectively. Patients with viral AH were younger than those with non-viral AH (p = 10-³). There was more recourse to hospitalization for non-viral AH. Patients with viral AH had a higher mean ALT level than those with non-viral AH. The liver damage was more severe in the non-viral AH group with lower PT. There was more severe form, more transition to chronicity and more deaths in the non-viral AH group. Conclusion: the results found in our study concerning the distribution of the etiologies of AH as well as their evolutionary aspects are consistent with the data in the literature

    AI is a viable alternative to high throughput screening: a 318-target study

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    : High throughput screening (HTS) is routinely used to identify bioactive small molecules. This requires physical compounds, which limits coverage of accessible chemical space. Computational approaches combined with vast on-demand chemical libraries can access far greater chemical space, provided that the predictive accuracy is sufficient to identify useful molecules. Through the largest and most diverse virtual HTS campaign reported to date, comprising 318 individual projects, we demonstrate that our AtomNet® convolutional neural network successfully finds novel hits across every major therapeutic area and protein class. We address historical limitations of computational screening by demonstrating success for target proteins without known binders, high-quality X-ray crystal structures, or manual cherry-picking of compounds. We show that the molecules selected by the AtomNet® model are novel drug-like scaffolds rather than minor modifications to known bioactive compounds. Our empirical results suggest that computational methods can substantially replace HTS as the first step of small-molecule drug discovery