703 research outputs found

    Politika aktivacije tržišta rada: zapošljivost, isključenost i aktivni građanski status

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    The article focuses on the formation of the ideal “active citizen” in labour market policy and analyses central ideas and arguments in labour market policy from the 1990s onwards, par-ticularly concerning dominant conceptualisations of work and the ideal working citizen. In Sweden, as well as in many other countries, labour market policies have changed rapidly dur-ing the last two decades. Ever since the late 1980s and early 1990s, Swedish labour market policy has primarily been aiming at “activating” citizens, getting them out of passive “welfare dependency” into active “self-employment”. With the “activating” labour market policies of the 1990s, work has gradually become a duty, rather than a fundamental social right.U članku se usredotočuje na oblikovanje idealnoga »aktivnog građanina« u okviru politike tržišta rada te se analiziraju središnje ideje i argumenti u politici tržišta rada od devedesetih godina 20. stoljeća naovamo, osobito s obzirom na dominantne konceptualizacije rada i idealnoga zaposlenog građanina. U Švedskoj su se, kao i u brojnim drugim zemljama, politike tržišta rada brzo mijenjale tijekom posljednjih dvaju desetljeća. Još od kasnih osamdesetih i ranih devedesetih švedska je politika tržišta rada ponajprije usmjerena na »aktiviranje« građana, pomažući im u prijelazu iz pasivne »socijalne ovisnosti« u aktivno »samozapošljavanje«. S »poticajnim« politikama tržišta rada devedesetih, rad je postupno, umjesto temeljnoga socijalnog prava, postao dužnost

    Physical Interactions with Digital Strings - A hybrid approach to a digital keyboard instrument

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    A new hybrid approach to digital keyboard playing is presented, where the actual acoustic sounds from a digital keyboard are captured with contact microphones and applied as excitation signals to a digital model of a prepared piano, i.e., an extended wave-guide model of strings with the possibility of stopping and muting the strings at arbitrary positions. The parameters of the string model are controlled through TouchKeys multitouch sensors on each key, combined with MIDI data and acoustic signals from the digital keyboard frame, using a novel mapping. The instrument is evaluated from a performing musician's perspective, and emerging playing techniques are discussed. Since the instrument is a hybrid acoustic-digital system with several feedback paths between the domains, it provides for expressive and dynamic playing, with qualities approaching that of an acoustic instrument, yet with new kinds of control. The contributions are two-fold. First, the use of acoustic sounds from a physical keyboard for excitations and resonances results in a novel hybrid keyboard instrument in itself. Second, the digital model of "inside piano" playing, using multitouch keyboard data, allows for performance techniques going far beyond conventional keyboard playing

    Victim or whore: The similarities and differences between victim’s experiences of domestic violence and sex trafficking

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    This research review addresses the similarities and differences between domestic violence and sex trafficking victimization. While there is evidence that domestic violence and sex trafficking often cooccur, there is a large disparity in the understanding and interventions utilized by law enforcement as well as the services available for victims of each crime despite the considerable overlap of victimization. This article explores current research regarding domestic violence and sex trafficking with a focus towards identifying areas of overlap and areas distinct to sex trafficking

    Adult Migrants' Language Learning, Labour Market, and Social Inclusion

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    In this thematic issue, we present up‐to‐date research from authors who problematise the various links between adult migrants' language learning, education, the labour market, and social inclusion. Some contributions are more focused on the relation between education and social inclusion, while others emphasise links between language learning, the labour market, and social inclusion. Together, authors in this thematic issue point to the multiple challenges migrants face when trying to establish themselves in a new country

    (Re)forming the inside/outside: on place as a governable domain through sports-based interventions

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    This article draws attention to two sports-based interventions carried out as part of the Midnight Football initiative and the places where they are conducted in two suburban areas in Sweden. Rather than approaching geographic place as simply a background and a context for sport-based interventions, we put place in the spotlight, scrutinising the very formation of place and its productive role in governing social policy. In line with a Foucauldian approach, and based on interviews and ethnographic fieldwork, the aim of the article is to explore how the specific localities where interventions take place are formed as governable domains. The analysis shows how place is constituted in association with sport sites, local youth outreach and recruiting coaches. These places are made distinct from the rest of the surrounding cities via material and symbolic borders, directing the movement of people within the urban geography. These differentiations underpin attributions of the areas in terms of otherness and exclusion from the rest of society, localising a variety of problematisations to the demarcated areas. Furthermore, the places are demarcated as being filled with danger, intertwined with narratives challenging such a discourse. In conclusion, the findings enable us not only to scrutinise how specific meanings are attributed to place and how place is formed, but also to explore the performative and governable potential of place

    The creative act of live coding practice in music performance

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    Live coding is the creative act of interactive code evaluations and online multimodal assessments. In the context of music performance, novel code evaluations are becoming part of the running program and are interrelated to acoustic sounds. Performers’ and audience ability to experience these novel auditory percepts may involuntary engage our attention. In this study, we discuss how live coding is related to auditory and motor perception and how gestural interactions may influence musical algorithmic structures. Furthermore, we examine how musical live coding practices may bring forth emergent qualities of musical gestures on potentially equivalent systems. The main contribution of this study is a preliminary conceptual framework for evaluation of live coding systems. We discuss several live coding systems which exhibit broad variations on the proposed dimensional framework and two cases which go beyond the expressive capacity of the framework