288 research outputs found

    The system of Coptic vowel reduction : Evidence from L2 Greek usage

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    In this paper I study Coptic vowel reduction through L2 Greek misspellings in Egypt from the Roman period onwards. Greek was the language of the government with mostly Egyptian scribes. In many cases, it is obvious that the nonstandard vowel replacements in Greek result from the Coptic tendency to reduce the quality of unstressed vowels to schwa. L2 Greek misspellings offer a glimpse into the system of vowel reduction in Coptic, evidence of which is not easily obtained language-internally. The misspellings are congruent with phoneme distribution in Coptic and can be verified by similar misspellings of Greek loanwords in native Coptic texts. Observed phenomena are the reduction of unstressed word-final vowels to schwa, stress-conditioned allophonic variation in round vowels, and consonant-to-vowel coarticulation word-medially.Peer reviewe

    Tapaluokan vai foneemin sekaannus? L1 fonologian vaikutus verbin semantiikkaan

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    Abstract: The Greek texts from Egypt show extensive nonstandard vowel production, which could cause inadvertent confusion in e.g. Greek mood or case endings.This has previously been seen as evidence of a bad command of Greek, either because of internal phonological change or due to imperfect knowledge of Greek. On closer look numerous similarities to the nonstandard vowel production in Greek texts can also be found in native (Coptic) Egyptian texts. Greek loanwords in Coptic are treated according to Coptic phonological rules and show nonstandard vowel usage of the same nature that is present in Greek in some sociolects. The nonstandard spellings present evidence of underdifferentiation of Greek phonemes as well as transfer elements of the Egyptian prosodic system. The vowel usage is examined within the framework of L2WS (second language writing systems) studies, and evidence for the coarticulatory effect of the consonants on the vowels’ quality is drawn from the field of articulatory phonetics. Keywords: Ancient Greek phonology, Ancient Greek modality, Postclassical Greek, Coptic phonology, Language contactThe Greek texts from Egypt show extensive nonstandard vowel production, which could cause inadvertent confusion in e.g. Greek mood or case endings.This has previously been seen as evidence of a bad command of Greek, either because of internal phonological change or due to imperfect knowledge of Greek. On closer look numerous similarities to the nonstandard vowel production in Greek texts can also be found in native (Coptic) Egyptian texts. Greek loanwords in Coptic are treated according to Coptic phonological rules and show nonstandard vowel usage of the same nature that is present in Greek in some sociolects. The nonstandard spellings present evidence of underdifferentiation of Greek phonemes as well as transfer elements of the Egyptian prosodic system. The vowel usage is examined within the framework of L2WS (second language writing systems) studies, and evidence for the coarticulatory effect of the consonants on the vowels’ quality is drawn from the field of articulatory phonetics.Peer reviewe

    /r/ from Ă„Ă€nnekoulu? : Families' experiences of an internet site designed for improving articulation errors at home

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    Objectives: 18 percent of Finnish children have some kind of articulation problems when starting their school path. Lack of speech therapists and unequal spread of these professionals has reduced possibility to receive speech therapy for mild problems. Instead resources are allocated for clients with severe speech and language disorders. In some municipalities parents and special education teachers are already responsible for the remediation of articulation problems. The aim of this study was to identify if Ă„Ă€nnekoulu-website (www.aannekoulu.fi) can help to rehabilitate articulation problems and if the site will meet the needs of the parents struggling with their children' articulation problem. Methods: The study was qualitatively centred mixed method design that had also some quantitative elements. 21 children between the ages of 5 and 7 with /r/ articulation problem participated in this study. Children were tested three times. Children's spontaneous development of /r/ was controlled by having one month break after the first testing. After the second test families received the right to use Ă„Ă€nnekoulu practice materials. Families were instructed to use the site for two months just as regular paying customers would do. Outcome of the intervention was observed during the third test. Families were also given a phone call after one and a half months of the last test to explore the possible changes in the /r/ articulation. In addition families were asked to keep a record of their home practices and answer in a survey concerning the Ă„Ă€nnekoulu intervention period. Results and conclusions: Six families dropped out from the intervention. Five children found the right /r/ spontaneously. 12 families participated in the remediation period and one child found the missing /r/. Nine children had no changes in their articulation. From these nine children three continued their practice after the real intervention. During one month of practice two out of these three children found the /r/ completely and one learned to do long /r/-vibration. Families didn't practice a lot and they were unsatisfied with the amount of practice. According to the parents health issues within the family, burdensome family situations, lack of time, child's unwillingness to complete assignments, technical difficulties and laziness were the biggest barriers for practicing. Families considered Ă„Ă€nnekoulu to be a good way to practice. Families were pleased about the nice games and the possibility to practise whenever and wherever since the exercises were available online. Unfortunately families trained impractically without knowing it and actually reinforced the incorrect articulation. Parents thought that the visual look of Ă„Ă€nnekoulu should be revised and some of them also longed for more diverse games. Still the most crucial target for development in Ă„Ă€nnekoulu is the instructions of the assignments. The model of the site hasn't been clear to the users even though families didn't consider the website to be confusing. It's clear that the the instructions have been insufficient since only one family realised how to progress accordingly. On the basis of this study it can be stated that speech therapist's guidance is significant when rehabilitating articulation problems. In the future it would be beneficial to explore, what kind of home instructions help families to execute their role in a best way possible, what is the role of a speech therapist in the future especially when considering telepractice or other technological services and can Ă„Ă€nnekoulu fulfill the gap in the field of articulation remediation.Tavoitteet: Kouluaan aloittavista lapsista noin 18 prosentilla on ÀÀnnevirheitĂ€. Puheterapiaresurssien riittĂ€mĂ€ttömyys ja epĂ€tasainen jakautuminen ovat aiheuttaneet sen, ettĂ€ puheterapiamÀÀrĂ€t ovat vĂ€hentyneet monissa kunnissa ja lievimmĂ€t hĂ€iriöt jÀÀvĂ€t jopa kokonaan hoitamatta. Artikulaatiovirheiden korjaaminen onkin jo paikoittain siirtynyt vanhempien ja erityisopettajien vastuulle. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittÀÀ voisiko Ă„Ă€nnekoulu-sivusto (www.aannekoulu.fi) vastata niihin tarpeisiin, joita ÀÀnnevirheisten lasten vanhemmat kohtaavat, ja auttaako sivusto ÀÀnteen kuntouttamisessa. Ă„Ă€nnekoulun avulla perheet voivat harjoitella kotona lasten puuttuvaa ÀÀnnettĂ€ puheterapeutin suunnittelemilla ohjeilla ja tehtĂ€villĂ€. MenetelmĂ€t: Tutkimus oli laadullisesti painottuva monimenetelmĂ€inen tutkimus, joka sisĂ€lsi myös mÀÀrĂ€llistĂ€ aineistoa. Tutkimukseen osallistui 21 5–7-vuotiasta lasta, joilla oli r-ÀÀnnevirhe. Lapsia tavattiin kolme kertaa: alku-baseline -tutkimuksessa, alkutestauksessa ja lopputestauksessa. Spontaania ÀÀnteen oppimista kontrolloitiin alku-baselinen jĂ€lkeen pidetyllĂ€ kuukauden tauolla. Alkutestauksen jĂ€lkeen perheet saivat kahden kuukauden kĂ€yttöoikeuden Ă„Ă€nnekoulun /r/-materiaaleihin. Perheet toteuttivat harjoittelua samalla tavoin kuin Ă„Ă€nnekoulun muutkin asiakkaat. Harjoittelun tuloksellisuutta tarkasteltiin lopputestauksessa. Ă„Ă€nteen mahdollisia muutoksia kartoitettiin vielĂ€ soittamalla perheisiin puolentoista kuukauden kuluttua lopputestauksesta. PerheitĂ€ pyydettiin myös pitĂ€mÀÀn kirjaa kotiharjoitteluistaan sekĂ€ vastaamaan harjoittelujakson jĂ€lkeen kyselyyn, jossa kartoitetiin harjoittelun sujuvuutta, harjoittelua edistĂ€neitĂ€ ja jarruttaneita asioita sekĂ€ Ă„Ă€nnekoulun toimivuutta. Tulokset ja johtopÀÀtökset: Tutkittavista perheistĂ€ kuusi jĂ€ttĂ€ytyi pois harjoittelujaksolta ja viiden lapsen /r/ löytyi spontaanisti ilman harjoittelua. Harjoittelujaksolle osallistuneista 12 perheestĂ€ yhden lapsi löysi /r/:n tĂ€ryn harjoittelujakson aikana. YhdeksĂ€n lapsen ÀÀnteessĂ€ ei tapahtunut muutosta. NĂ€istĂ€ yhdeksĂ€stĂ€ kolme jatkoi harjoittelua vielĂ€ varsinaisen harjoittelujakson jĂ€lkeen Ă„Ă€nnekoulun avulla. HeistĂ€ kaksi oppi kuukauden aikana /r/:n kokonaan ja yksi oppi pitkĂ€n /r/:n tĂ€ryn. Harjoittelujaksolle osallistuneet perheet olivat yleisesti tyytymĂ€ttömiĂ€ harjoittelumÀÀriinsĂ€ ja harjoittelivatkin melko vĂ€hĂ€n. Harjoittelua vĂ€hensivĂ€t lapsen ja muiden perheenjĂ€senten sairastumiset, kuormittavat perhetilanteet, ajanpuute, lapsen haluttomuus tehdĂ€ tehtĂ€viĂ€, tekniset hankaluudet sekĂ€ laiskuus. Perheet itse pitivĂ€t Ă„Ă€nnekoulua hyvĂ€nĂ€ harjoittelumuotona, mutta etenivĂ€t harjoittelussaan tietĂ€mĂ€ttÀÀn epĂ€tarkoituksenmukaisesti ja vahvistivat vahingossa lastensa virheellistĂ€ ÀÀnnettĂ€. ErityistĂ€ kiitosta sivusto sai kivoista peleistĂ€ sekĂ€ siitĂ€, ettĂ€ harjoittelu tapahtui internetin kautta, jolloin se ei ollut aikaan tai paikkaan sidottua. KehitettĂ€vÀÀ vanhemmat löysivĂ€t erityisesti Ă„Ă€nnekoulun visuaalisesta ilmeestĂ€ ja muutamat perheet kaipasivat myös monipuolisempia pelejĂ€. Ă„Ă€nnekoulun suurin kehityskohta oli kuitenkin tehtĂ€vien ohjeistuksissa. Vaikka perheet eivĂ€t kokeneet yksittĂ€isiĂ€ tehtĂ€vĂ€ohjeistuksia epĂ€selvinĂ€, sivuston etenemismalli oli jÀÀnyt vanhemmille vieraaksi. Koska vain yksi perhe oli harjoitellut tehtĂ€viĂ€ tarkoituksenmukaisella tavalla, on selvÀÀ, ettĂ€ ohjeistukset olivat olleet perheiden tarpeisiin riittĂ€mĂ€ttömĂ€t. Tulosten perusteella voidaan myös todeta, ettĂ€ puheterapeutin antamalla ohjauksella oli merkittĂ€vĂ€ rooli ÀÀnteen kuntoutumisessa. Jatkossa olisikin hyvĂ€ tutkia, millaiset kotiohjeistukset auttavat perheitĂ€ parhaiten toteuttamaan kuntoutustehtĂ€vÀÀnsĂ€, mikĂ€ on puheterapeutin tulevaisuuden rooli erityisesti etĂ€kuntoutuksen kentĂ€llĂ€ ja voiko Ă„Ă€nnekoulu tĂ€yttÀÀ kuntoutuskentĂ€llĂ€ olevaa aukkoa ÀÀnnevirheiden kuntouttamisessa


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    TÀssÀ artikkelissa tutkin maahanmuuttajille suunnatun viranomaistiedon antamista selkokielisessÀ muodossa. Aineistoni on perÀisin selkomukautetun Perustietoa Suomesta -oppaan valmisteluprosessista, jossa S2-oppijat testasivat oppaaseen tulevien tekstien rakenteita. Opas suunniteltiin maahanmuuttajille, ja siihen koottiin tarpeellista tietoa Suomen hallinnosta ja yhteiskunnasta. Testatessa selvisi, ettÀ monet Àidinkielisille kÀyttÀjille tarkoitetut selkokielen rakenteet ovat maahanmuuttajataustaisille koelukijoille vaikeita, ja ettÀ S2-oppijat tarvitsevat tietyiltÀ osin omanlaistaan selkokieltÀ. Kielen rakenteisiin liittyvien haasteiden lisÀksi tutkimuksessa nousi esiin muitakin viranomaistiedon jakamiseen liittyviÀ kysymyksiÀ, kuten kulttuurikohtaisen sanaston vÀÀrinymmÀrtÀminen. -------- In this article I study administrative information given to immigrants that is written in an easy format. The material I use comes from the working process of the Life in Finland guide, which has been translated into easy Finnish. The structures of the texts planned for the guide, designed for immigrants and containing essential information on the Finnish government and society, were tested by second language (L2) Finnish learners. Testing revealed that many of the easy language structures designed for native language (L1) users were difficult for test readers with an L2/immigrant background. It became obvious that to some extent, L2 Finnish learners need an easy language form of their own. In addition to the challenges related to linguistic structures, the study also raised questions related to the distribution of administrative information; one of which was the misunderstanding of culture-specific vocabulary.In this article I study administrative information given to immigrants that is written in an easy format. The material I use comes from the working process of the Life in Finland guide, which has been translated into easy Finnish. The structures of the texts planned for the guide, designed for immigrants and containing essential information on the Finnish government and society, were tested by second language (L2) Finnish learners. Testing revealed that many of the easy language structures designed for native language (L1) users were difficult for test readers with an L2/immigrant background. It became obvious that to some extent, L2 Finnish learners need an easy language form of their own. In addition to the challenges related to linguistic structures, the study also raised questions related to the distribution of administrative information; one of which was the misunderstanding of culture-specific vocabulary.Peer reviewe

    Neutrophil Secretion Induced by an Intracellular Ca(2+) Rise and Followed by Whole-Cell Patch-Clamp Recordings Occurs Without any Selective Mobilization of Different Granule Populations

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    We have investigated calcium-induced secretion in human neutrophils, using a whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Mobilization of subcellular granules to the cell membrane was followed as the change in membrane capacitance (ΔC(m)). Both the magnitude and the kinetics of the response differed between low and high concentrations of Ca(2+). A sustained secretion following a short lag phase was induced by high concentrations of Ca(2+) (100 ÎŒM and higher). A stable plateau was reached after 5–7 minutes at ΔC(m) values corresponding to values expected after all specific as well as azurophil granules have been mobilized. Capacitance values of the same magnitude could be obtained also at lower Ca(2+) concentrations, but typically no stable plateau was reached within the measuring time. In contrast to previous studies, we were unable to detect any pattern of secretion corresponding to a distinct submaximal response or selective mobilization of granule subsets specified by their Ca(2+)-sensitivity

    Impact of alpha-tocopherol deficiency and supplementation on sacrocaudalis and gluteal muscle fiber histopathology and morphology in horses.

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    BackgroundA subset of horses deficient in alpha-tocopherol (α-TP) develop muscle atrophy and vitamin E-responsive myopathy (VEM) characterized by mitochondrial alterations in the sacrocaudalis dorsalis medialis muscle (SC).ObjectivesTo quantify muscle histopathologic abnormalities in subclinical α-TP deficient horses before and after α-TP supplementation and compare with retrospective (r)VEM cases.AnimalsProspective study; 16 healthy α-TP-deficient Quarter Horses. Retrospective study; 10 retrospective vitamin E-responsive myopathy (rVEM) cases .MethodsBlood, SC, and gluteus medius (GM) biopsy specimens were obtained before (day 0) and 56 days after 5000 IU/450 kg horse/day PO water dispersible liquid α-TP (n = 8) or control (n = 8). Muscle fiber morphology and mitochondrial alterations were compared in samples from days 0 and 56 and in rVEM cases.ResultsMitochondrial alterations more common than our reference range (<2.5% affected fibers) were present in 3/8 control and 4/8 treatment horses on day 0 in SC but not in GM (mean, 2.2; range, 0%-10% of fibers). Supplementation with α-TP for 56 days did not change the percentage of fibers with mitochondrial alterations or anguloid atrophy, or fiber size in GM or SC. Clinical rVEM horses had significantly more mitochondrial alterations (rVEM SC, 13% ± 7%; GM, 3% ± 2%) and anguloid atrophy compared to subclinical day 0 horses.Conclusions and clinical importanceClinically normal α-TP-deficient horses can have mitochondrial alterations in the SC that are less severe than in atrophied VEM cases and do not resolve after 56 days of α-TP supplementation. Preventing α-TP deficiency may be of long-term importance for mitochondrial viability
