548 research outputs found


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    This article describes a classroom action research held in writing class using a four-phase technique to improve the eleventh grade students’ writing skill and improve classroom situation. The method used in the research is classroom action research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle included four stages: planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. The research data were collected by using observation, interview, document, photograph and test (pre-test and post-test). The data were analyzed through descriptive analysis which consists of assembling the data, coding the data, comparing the data, building interpretation, and reporting the outcomes for the qualitative data and descriptive statistics for the quantitative data. The research findings show that a four-phase technique is able to improve students’ wriitng skill and classroom situation. It shows that there was an improvement of the students’ writing skill before and after the research. Key words: classroom action research, writing skill, a four-phase techniqu

    Perlindungan Data Terhadap Serangan Menggunakan Metoda Tebakan Pada Sistem Operasi Linux

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    In a security system that allows users to use their password, users usually choose a password that is easy to remember and are usually easy to guess the password. This weakness is often the case in almost all of the existing system. Rather than forcing the user choose a good password, which means it's difficult to remember or long terralu.Li Gong propose a solution that will preserve user comfort while delivering high security guarantees. The basic idea proposed is to ensure that data can be stolen by the attacker can not be predicted and tested in a way to guess. This can be achieved by using a random number generator, ie by performing XOR operations on each message contains confidential information with a value generated by a random number generator.By utilizing a random number generator is expected that each message sent at different times have different shapes. This way every effort to keep it guesses attack more difficult, where the attackers have to guess on the random number is used as to disguise the message, before making a guess on the key of the message.In this study will be discussed about the methods above in more detail and try. To be implemented on the Linux operating system. By utilizing the technique as mentioned above, studied authenticity protocol used in Linux to test the authenticity of the wearer, in order to create a program that utilizes the above method to exchange messages to verify the authenticity of the user

    Menyusun Network Policy Pada STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA

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    Saat ini, infrastruktur jaringan komputer pada sebuah instansi adalah sebuah kebutuhan penting dalam membangun system manajemen Perusahaan. Terlebih untuk sebuah institusi pendidikan STMIK AMIKOM Yogyakarta yang dituntut dapat mengolah data akademik dengan tingkat akurasi yang tinggi. Infrastruktur jaringan yang dibangun haruslah memperhatikan aspek kebijakan dalam penglolaannya terutama dalam hal keamanan jaringan. Maka network policy sangatlah penting untuk disusun

    Interkoneksi Stain, Bsm, Dan Mes Dalam Mengembangkan Ekonomi Islam: Studi Kasus Di Purwokerto

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    STAIN, Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM), and Masyarakat Ekonomi Syariah (MES, Syariah Economic Society) have important rolein the development of Islam economy in Purwokerto. This research result evidenced that these three institutions have an Islamic economydevelopment program according with vision and mission of their institution. STAIN as Islamic higher education is on curriculum design andlecture quality domain, BSM as banking financial institution on enhancing employee/manager quality, and MES Banyumas Raya ascommunity organization at socializes about Islamic economy. Interconnection between STAIN, BSM, and MES in developing Islamic economyis still informal/incidental nature, although there several direction to formal cooperation, namely between STAIN and BSM

    Kajian Undang-undang Otonomi Daerah terhadap Persoalan Batas Wilayah

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    Regional autonomy laws either to Act No. 22 of 1999 Article 89 and instead of Act No. 32 of 2004 still contains many weaknesses that ultimately caused many disputes issues between regions, especially specifically raises the issue boundaries. Thus certainly needed a legal product that is able to provide the answers and be able to prevent the emergence of inter-regional disputes, in this case the writer tend to choose in the form of laws rather than of laws under the Act because the problems that arise boundaries often cause much issues such as politics, economics, culture, religion, race and so forth.From the Nurbadri findings is achieved the important point that boundaries conflict between regions mainly influenced by the legal and non-legal factors. Legal factor consist of 2 (two): first law of substance caused by the formation of legislation that are too hasty, blurring the setting of boundaries, and the second, lack of socialization regional expansion law. Next is a legal structure is still obscure because of the change laws that are too short.Non-legal factors, the socio-cultural, economic, political and service approach. In order settlement boundaries to do with two approaches: first, the legal settlement can be reached through completion using region Autonomy and by the formation of legislation and settlement through the Constitutional Court, non-legal settlement, the first can be done through settlement discussions in which can be by way of consultation, negotiation, mediation, as stipulated in the Arbitration Law, as a way to find a solution for resolving regions boundaries conflict.Secondly, the inter-regional cooperation as specified in Article 195 of Law No. 32 of 2004. Third, socio-cultural approach as a step resolution by exploring indigenous cultures as to marriage (marriage custom) by mating two cultures, those are the local communities culture with immigrant communities (not native) as a measure to reduce border conflicts

    Sodium lauryl sulphate/ultrasound combination for transcutaneous vaccine delivery: effect of changing sodium lauryl sulphate concentration on antigen permeation, cavitation and skin damage

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    Low frequency ultrasound in combination with Sodium Lauryl Sulphate (SLS), a known transdermal chemical enhancer has been found to enhance delivery of molecules through the skin. In this abstract, we report the effects of changing SLS concentration on cavitation, protein permeation through the skin and skin damage

    Kebijakan Pendidikan Gratis Di Tingkat Regional: Konsep Dan Pelaksanaan Di Kabupaten Rembang

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    The substance of the implementation of social welfare is to ensure citizens to meet their basicneeds. The decent Education is one of the basic needs of citizens. However, The policies relating tothe fulfillment of a decent education has been distorted. Such as the phenomenon of free educationpolicy in Indonesia, which is just often becomes a mantra on sale for the politicians during thecampaigns. But ironically, the concept of free education often does not have a clear meaning in theempirical level, whether in relation to the scope, management and the destination. The researcher willtake a case study of free education policy in Rembang District of Central Java. The researcher willexamine the case by implementing public policy approaches. The researcher will explore variousaspects of the program that occur in the stages of pre-formulation, formulation, implementation,evaluation, and feedback of the free education policy

    Murtad: antara Hukuman Mati dan Kebebasan Beragama

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    One of controversial issues emerged in this country dealing with ethnicity, religion, and race lately is the issue of apostasy and the punishment for the converts. Dealing with this, the religious persons are polarized into two groups; the first group helds the majority opinion of fiqh ulama that the punishment for the coverts is the death sentence. The second one argues that they are merely judged as laden with sin, not a crime case. This article tries to analyze both two views by using hadits approach. Keywords: apostasy, riddah mugha / ladzah, riddah mukhajfafah, capital punishmen

    Murtad: Antara Hukuman Mati Dan Kebebasan Beragama (Kajian Hadis Dengan Pendekatan Tematik)

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    Apostasy: Between Death Penalty and Religious Freedom: A Thematic Study of Hadîth. One of the most sensitive discussions in Islamiclaw is the issue of apostasy. Some scholars of Islam maintain that the dead penalty for the apostate found in the precept of Islamic law is perceived as contrary to human rights, since it is against the principles of religious freedom. This paper presents a different perspective, which explains that this allegation is not entirely true. Not merely because of the apostasy. By using thematic hadis approach, this essay attempt to proof that it is apostasy which combined with rivalry against the state and enmity against Islam (bughât) that can be penalized with death sentence. And this can be executed after the state have decided to do so
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