9,971 research outputs found


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    A procedure using linear programming and Bayesian analysis for incorporating risks associated with cattle prices and forage yields was developed for maximizing net ranch income in the Southern Plains of Texas. Risk-efficient production/marketing (buy/sell) strategies included strategies which assume normal and low cattle prices and low and normal forage production. Only one of the enterprises in the risk-efficient strategies constituted a traditional marketing approach of spring buying and fall selling.Livestock Production/Industries,

    Heat Stress Effect on Immune Function in Dairy Cattle

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    This information was presented at the 2017 Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers, organized by the Department of Animal Science In the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Cornell University. Softcover copies of the entire conference proceedings may be purchased at http://ansci.cals.cornell.edu/extension-outreach/adult-extension/dairy-management/order-proceedings-resources.This presentation will cover recent work examining the impact of heat stress in late gestation on the cow and the calf, during the dry period and subsequent lactation, including the effects on immune function. The presentation will also address the effects of heat stress on health and performance of lactating dairy cows, and use of an immune modulator to reduce the impacts of heat stress

    Trust in the US-EU fruit and vegetable chain: Do US exporters understand EU importers?

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    Research on organizational and inter organizational trust has become an important field in management and marketing literature, as it is perceived as a pivotal aspect of business transactions. However, clarifications are still needed on the issue of whom we trust; is the person whom we are trading with trusted, or the organization, or just the product‐quality? Not only has this question not been answered within this field of research, neither have cultural differences have been described to any great extent. Additionally, if the perceived factors important to establish trusting relationships may or may not be the same on the buyers and the sellers side in international business transaction in food chains. The primary objective of this research study therefore is to identify how well US exporters understand the elements of trust that establish strong relationships with EU importers. The Analytical Hierarchy Process was used to evaluate the importance of different trust elements in interviews conducted with US exporters and EU importers of fruits and vegetables. Results are compared, providing both a picture of the important facets of trust, as well as whether the partners understand the perspectives of the other partner

    Scanning Electron Microscopy of the Accessory Sex Glands of the Adult Male Rat

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    This study describes the morphology of the accessory sex glands of the adult male rat as observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The purpose was to obtain a systematic and comparative SEM description of these glands and to evaluate different preparation techniques. A common morphological feature is polyhedral delineation of the cells, which exhibited a variable convexity of their apical surface. The cell apices were more or less studded with microvilli. Nevertheless, it was possible to distinguish the glands by their surface morphology. In the ventral prostate, there was a considerable heterogeneity in cell surface appearance. The lateral lobe bad a characteristic brush border, and in the dorsal lobe, surface blebbing and intracellular cisternae were observed. The cells of the seminal vesicle were covered by long microvilli, while particularly distinct, elevated cell borders and intracellular cisternae were typical for the coagulating gland. The secretory mechanism was merocrine in the ventral and lateral prostate and the seminal vesicle, and was mainly apocrine in the dorsal prostate. Surprisingly, only merocrine secretion was obvious in the coagulating gland. The most controversial observation, which needs further investigation, was the discovery of large orifices in the apical surface of individual seminal vesicle cells. These orifices may be indicative of an additional apocrine secretion in this gland. In studying this organ system, SEM provides in-formation that adds to previous transmission electron microscopical investigations

    Effects of Castration Upon the Morphology of the Accessory Sex Organs of the Male Rat - A Scanning Electron Microscopy Study

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    A systematic, comparative study of the accessory sex glands of the adult male rat after androgen withdrawal was carried out. The changes were investigated by using scanning electron microscopy at different intervals after surgical castration. The main common signs of epithelial cell involution were flattening of the cell surface, reduction of the size and number of microvilli, some blurring of the cell borders, cessation of secretory activity and diminution of the luminal volume of the glands. Overall, confident signs of atrophy were evident after one week, and complete epithelial involution was reached by the third week. The epithelial cell atrophy was accompanied by a relative stromal hyperplasia. The new observation seems to be that the process of stroma consolidation is progressing for a considerable time subsequent to the completion of the epithelial involution. This phenomenon is particularly evident in the dorsal prostate, the seminal vesicle and the coagulating gland

    Dilaton-Axion hair for slowly rotating Kerr black holes

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    Campbell et al. demonstrated the existence of axion ``hair'' for Kerr black holes due to the non-trivial Lorentz Chern-Simons term and calculated it explicitly for the case of slow rotation. Here we consider the dilaton coupling to the axion field strength, consistent with low energy string theory and calculate the dilaton ``hair'' arising from this specific axion source.Comment: 13 pages + 1 fi

    Hydrogen atom in phase space. The Kirkwood-Rihaczek representation

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    We present a phase-space representation of the hydrogen atom using the Kirkwood-Rikaczek distribution function. This distribution allows us to obtain analytical results, which is quite unique because an exact analytical form of the Wigner functions corresponding to the atom states is not known. We show how the Kirkwood-Rihaczek distribution reflects properties of the hydrogen atom wave functions in position and momentum representations.Comment: 5 pages (and 5 figures

    Evolutionary Approaches to Optimization Problems in Chimera Topologies

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    Chimera graphs define the topology of one of the first commercially available quantum computers. A variety of optimization problems have been mapped to this topology to evaluate the behavior of quantum enhanced optimization heuristics in relation to other optimizers, being able to efficiently solve problems classically to use them as benchmarks for quantum machines. In this paper we investigate for the first time the use of Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) on Ising spin glass instances defined on the Chimera topology. Three genetic algorithms (GAs) and three estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs) are evaluated over 10001000 hard instances of the Ising spin glass constructed from Sidon sets. We focus on determining whether the information about the topology of the graph can be used to improve the results of EAs and on identifying the characteristics of the Ising instances that influence the success rate of GAs and EDAs.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Determination of electromagnetic medium from the Fresnel surface

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    We study Maxwell's equations on a 4-manifold where the electromagnetic medium is described by an antisymmetric (22)2\choose 2-tensor Îș\kappa. In this setting, the Tamm-Rubilar tensor density determines a polynomial surface of fourth order in each cotangent space. This surface is called the Fresnel surface and acts as a generalisation of the light-cone determined by a Lorentz metric; the Fresnel surface parameterises electromagnetic wave-speed as a function of direction. Favaro and Bergamin have recently proven that if Îș\kappa has only a principal part and if the Fresnel surface of Îș\kappa coincides with the light cone for a Lorentz metric gg, then Îș\kappa is proportional to the Hodge star operator of gg. That is, under additional assumptions, the Fresnel surface of Îș\kappa determines the conformal class of Îș\kappa. The purpose of this paper is twofold. First, we provide a new proof of this result using Gr\"obner bases. Second, we describe a number of cases where the Fresnel surface does not determine the conformal class of the original (22)2\choose 2-tensor Îș\kappa. For example, if Îș\kappa is invertible we show that Îș\kappa and Îș−1\kappa^{-1} have the same Fresnel surfaces.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur
