177 research outputs found

    The extent of the impact of cash flow on financial performance: An applied study on a sample of commercial banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange for the period (2012-2021)

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    The purpose of the research project is to determine how much cash flows affected private banks' financial performance from 2012 to 2021. The research sample consisted of private commercial banks whose shares were listed on the Iraqi market between 2012 and 2021. These banks consisted of: Middle East Investment Bank, the National Bank of Iraq, and North Bank for Finance and Investment. The results of the research revealed that cash flows have a greater influence on the financial achievement of private commercial banks registered on the Iraqi market than returns on equity. Giving attention to the cash flow statement for its role used by decision makers and for the parties that use it

    Study of the mechanical and metallurgical properties of AMDRY 9954 HVOF coated Ti-6A1-4V alloy

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    Ti-6A1-4V alloy is commonly used in gas turbines due to its excellent tensile and fatigue strength, corrosion resistance, and high toughness to mass ratio. In the present study, the metallurgical and mechanical properties of High Velocity Oxygen Fuel (HVOF) thermally sprayed AMDRY 9954 (Cobai.Ni32Cr21Al8Yo.5) superalloy powder on Ti-6A1-4V alloy are examined. The mechanical tests include three point bending, tensile, fatigue, indentation, and microhardness tests. The mechanical tests are applied on Ti-6A1-4V specimens (a) asreceived, (b) as-received heat treated, (c) coated then heat treated and (d) coated without heat treatment. Three-point bending tests are carried out to investigate the coating-base material interface properties and the influence of heat treatment on the interface properties. Tensile tests are performed to evaluate the adhesion of the thermally sprayed coating to Ti- 6A1-4V alloy. The fatigue tests are conducted to study the fatigue resistance behavior of the coated substrate martial under fluctuating load. Finite element method (FEM) is introduced to simulate the bending and tensile testing situations and predict the stress distribution in the workpieces. In addition, the microhardness and the indentation tests are carried out to measure the hardness and estimate the plane fracture toughness of the coating, respectively. The metallurgical characterization and surface morphology prior and after mechanical testing are investigated using SEM, optical microscopy, EDS, and XRD. It is found that heat treatment modifies the elastic modulus of the coating; in addition, tensile and fatigue performance of the specimens subjected to the heat treatment is low

    Experimental Study of Annulus Flow for Can Combustor with Vibration Influence

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    ركز هذا البحث على دراسة سلوك مخطط السرعة تحت تأثير الاهتزاز وبترددات مختلفة (34 , 48, 65, 80 هرتز) لكل من الجزء العلوي والسفلي من الجريان الحلقي لغرفة احتراق توربين غازي  نوع العلبة .تم تصميم جهازومنظومة الاهتزاز لتوليد قيم الترددات المذكورة اعلاه وتسليطها على جدار غرفة الاحتراق لدراسة تأثير الاهتزاز على الجريان الحلقي لغرفة الاحتراق.تم جلب غرفة الاحتراق وهي جزء حقيقي من محطة الخيرات الغازية.تم الاختبار لثلاث مناطق في غرفة الاحتراق في كلا الجزئين العلوي والسفلي من الغرفة لأختبار تأثير الاهتزاز على مخطط السرعة وشدة الاضطراب والنتيجة كانت ان الزيادة في التردد تؤدي الى الزيادة في قيم السرع مع نشوء دوامات كبيرة في بعض النقاط, كذلك رقم رينولد يزداد مع زيادة السرعة.وفي النهاية وجد ان الزيادة في مستوى الاهتزاز يسبب او يؤدي الى عدم انتظام مخطط السرع والذي ينتج عنه او يأثر على التوزيع لكفاءة التبريد لغرفة الاحتراق.This paper concentrate on studying the behavior of velocity profile under the influence of different frequency (34, 48, 65 and 80 Hz) in each of the upper and lower annulus of Can Combustor.An experimental rig was designed to simulate the annulus flow inside a Can Combustor.The Can Combustor tested in this study is real part collected from Al-Khairat/Iraq gas turbine power station.The velocity profiles are investigated at three positions in the annular for upper and lower region.The axial velocity and turbulence intensity are calculating with different frequency for upper and lower annulus.The results were shown that the increase of frequency lead to increase the velocity profile and large recirculation zone will build in some points.Reynolds number increasing with raise of axial velocity. Also the increasing in vibration level cause non-uniform velocity profile which affect on distribution of cooling effectiveness


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    The primary mechanism used to resolve breaches of diplomatic protection is to accord states responsibility for due protection. This Public International Law approach works in the majority of cases except for very few cases such as in Libya, when incumbent governments struggle to maintain control over the national territory of their own states. This thesis investigates problems with the current approach and proposes solutions through virtual diplomacy, to safe guard diplomats from imminent attacks while enabling diplomatic functions to continue using modern communications. In other words,a preventative approach. However, in the absence of virtual diplomacy, if diplomats are attacked or injured by non-state parties in a conflict environment such as Libya in the post-Gaddafi period, the question of reparations and punishment of offenders becomes a difficult process to achieve because of the political and security situation in the country. The starting point will still be the principle of state responsibility in terms of payment of reparations to the sending state of the injured diplomats or their families. The punishment of offenders will be for criminal law.This thesis contends that TJ can play a supporting or complementary role to state responsibility and criminal law. TJ can play role in terms of facilitating state responsibility for the protection of diplomats, fact finding, enabling the gathering of evidence and maybe even the assessment of reparations to be paid by armed rebel groups’ offenders such as Ansar al-Sharia in Libya whose actions have caused injury to foreign diplomats

    On a Sub Branch of Element Related to an Element in a (BCC, gBCK)-algebras

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    In this paper, we introduce a new notion that we call a sub branch of an element (a) related to an element (b), denoted by S(a)b in a BCC-algebra and gBCK-algebra, and we link this notion with another  notions of BCC- algebra and gBCK-algebra. We give some properties of S(a)b in a (BCC, gBCK)-algebras. Keywords: Sub branch of element related to an element, BCC-algebra, gBCK-algebra

    Anti-Cancer Studies Of β-Caryophyllene, A Natural Component Isolated From Aquilaria Crassna On Colorectal Cancer

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    Aquilaria crassna (Thymelaeceae) telah digunakan dalam perubatan tradisional penduduk Asia untuk merawat jangkitan, penyakit kronik dan keradangan. Tumbuhan ini telah dilaporkan sebagai sumber yang kaya dengan komponen bioaktif Aquilaria crassna (Thymelaeceae) has been used in traditional Asian medicine to treat infections, chronic pain and inflammation. This plant has been reported as a rich source of bioactive constituent

    Responsibility of Armed Groups for Sexual Violence Against Women During Internal Armed Conflicts: The Case of Iraq

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    Women have suffered in Iraq under totalitarian regimes, foreign occupation and now armed insurgency. The focus of this paper is to determine if International Law is adequate enough to protect the women during internal conflicts. Also to identify any legal mechanisms to protect women from sexual violence in Iraq in times of IRC. This research analyses how international law addresses the problem of sexual violence during armed conflicts, with particular focus on the Geneva Convention (GC, 1949) and its two Additional Protocols as well as the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). This research holds that it is necessary to hold armed groups responsible for reparations due to victims of sexual violence, particularly when states lose control over the situations. In this regard more must be done by the Government of Iraq to ensure justice and reparation for victims. This paper highlights the current reality of the situation of women during internal armed conflict in Iraq (as of 2014). The paper also explores the effectiveness of legal mechanisms to protect women from sexual violence in times of conflict, as well as paying attention to the legislation pertinent to the accountability of armed groups

    Drawbacks Treatment Associated with use of Conventional Corrosion Inhibitors Especially in Combustion of Vanadium-Contaminated Liquid Fuels using Nickel Compounds

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    A new process where used for the treatment of drawbacks resulting from using conventional corrosion inhibitors in thermal equipment (such as Boilers, Diesels and Turbine engines) that burning vanadium-contaminated fuels. Nickelous compounds were used in this work as a base material for the manufacture of these corrosive inhibitors. Nickel hydroxide salt was used in this new work as a suspension in an aqueous solution or an organic solvent with respect to the treated fuel. The results show that this salt is a good choice used as anticorrosion agent in high temperatures equipment that use burning fuels contaminated with Vanadium.  The new anticorrosion agent must contain (8 - 10) % by weight of Nickel metal and(Ni:V) active weight ratio is (2.25: 1). Keywords: Drawbacks treatment, Vanadium-contaminated, inhibitor, high temperature corrosion, molten electrolyte