28 research outputs found

    Designing a business Plan for a European-Nepalese Fusion Restaurant in Nepal

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    The author draws up a business plan in this thesis on the basis of research, personal experi-ences and understanding with the intention of implementing it in real life. The main objec-tive of this thesis is to generate a business plan for authors own restaurant. The author intends to establish a European-Nepalese fusion restaurant in Nepal which will serve break-fast, lunch and dinner alongside non-alcoholic beverages. The theoretical framework of the thesis theories, such as food culture in Nepal and Europe, where European, Nepalese food culture and fusion food trends are briefly discussed. It helps the author to deeply understand both food cultures and the potential of establishing a fusion food restaurant in Nepal. Entrepreneurship provides an idea on how to start and op-erate the business, factors affecting entrepreneurship as well as entrepreneurship opportu-nities in Nepal. The theory section also includes a business plan where the types of a busi-ness plan and its advantages, financial planning in business plan are included. It provides some knowledge about the process of building a business plan for a restaurant and factors to focus on. The business plan teaches the importance of creating a business plan for any company and how it is prepared in relation with the business canvas model. The business model canvas illustrates the key factors of the company which are the most essential factors to start and operate any business. The research methods used for the development of this thesis are online interview and net-scouting. The online interview was conducted with the owner and manager of Sri Sai palace restaurant and bar located in Jhapa, Nepal, with the concept of obtaining genereal information about planning and opening a new restaurant in Nepal. Similarly, net-scouting was done obout three Nepalese restaurants located in the capital region of Nepal inorder to have an idea about the ideal location, products and services and customers. The outcome of this thesis helped the author to have a better understanding of creating an effective business plan, how to write it and eventually apply it in the real market. The information collected during the thesis process helped the author to have a better understanding of the factors needed to operate a restaurant. The interview provided specific information to establish and operate a restaurant in Nepal. The results of net-scouting helped the author to focus on the specif areas to ensure the success of the business