77 research outputs found

    Scientific commentary: Strategic analysis of environmental policy risks-heat maps, risk futures and the character of environmental harm

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    We summarise our recent efforts on the policy level risk appraisal of environmental risks. These have necessitated working closely with policy teams and a requirement to maintain crisp and accessible messages for policy audiences. Our comparative analysis uses heat maps, supplemented with risk narratives, and employs the multidimensional character of risks to inform debates on the management of current residual risk and future threats. The policy research and ensuing analysis raises core issues about how comparative risk analyses are used by policy audiences, their validation and future developments that are discussed in the commentary below

    Etude des liens entre immersion et présence pour la mise au point d'un simulateur de conduite de deux-roues motorisé.

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    Les environnements virtuels, et en particulier les simulateurs de conduite à plate-forme dynamique, posent la délicate question de la restitution multisensorielle en vue de générer la bonne "illusion" pour leurs utilisateurs. Si la réalité virtuelle est reconnue pour la limitation des coûts, le gain temporel et la contrôlabilité et reproductibilité des situations étudiées, la problématique de la validité de ces outils de recherche (ou de formation) est cruciale pour la transférabilité des connaissances produites.Constituant une première étape dans le processus de validation du simulateur IFSTTAR, ce travail s appuie sur une démarche originale reposant sur une double évaluation, par élément et globale. Il s agit (i) de configurer de manière optimale les caractéristiques immersives et interactives du simulateur liées au mouvement de roulis afin de produire une illusion d inclinaison crédible et acceptée, et (ii) d évaluer, de manière globale, différentes configurations du simulateur (modèles dynamiques de véhicule) au moyen de mesures objectives (temps de familiarisation) et subjectives (présence, mal du simulateur).Prises dans leur ensemble, les sept études menées durant cette thèse ont permis de valider une plage de restitution du mouvement de roulis pertinente pour produire une sensation d inclinaison sans entraîner de déséquilibre critique ou de sensation de chute. Un angle d inclinaison du simulateur au-delà de 11,4 degrés est ainsi déconseillé pour éviter toute sensation de chute, néanmoins cette valeur est susceptible d être influencée par divers facteurs (e.g., présence d informations visuelles, positionnement de l axe de roulis). Ces études ont également permis d identifier, en conduite passive, les paramètres nécessaires ainsi que les contributions relatives des informations visuelle et inertielle pour la production d une sensation d inclinaison crédible. En conduite active, l évaluation du degré de contrôle des participants en fonction du modèle dynamique de véhicule (virtuel) a permis de pointer les faiblesses actuelles du simulateur IFSTTAR afin de proposer plusieurs pistes de développement.Virtual environments, and specifically motion-based driving simulators, raise the delicate question of multisensory cueing in order to produce the good "illusion" to the users. If virtual reality is well acknowledged for cost limitation, validity issue of these research (or training) tools is critical for knowledge transfer of new results.As a first step in the validation process of the IFSTTAR motorcycle simulator, this work relies upon an original design based on a double approach : by element and global. It consists in (i) optimal balancing of simulator s immersive and interactive characteristics linked to roll motion so as to yield a believable and embraced leaning illusion, and (ii) evaluating more generally different simulator configurations (vehicle dynamic models) through objective (training length) and subjective measures (presence, simulator sickness).Taken as a whole, the seven studies conducted during this thesis enable the validation of the relevant range of roll motion cueing to produce a leaning sensation without leading to a critical unbalance or fall sensation. A leaning angle of the simulator beyond 11.4 degrees is not recommended to avoid any fall sensation, however this figure can be influenced by various factors (e.g., visual informations, roll axis location). These studies also allow to identify, in passive driving situations, the necessary parameters as well as the relative contribution of visual and inertial informations for the production of a believable leaning sensation. In an active driving situation, the evaluation of the degree of users control through different (virtual) vehicles dynamic models has permitted to highlight the weaknesses of IFSTTAR simulator in order to set several guidelines for further development.PARIS11-SCD-Bib. électronique (914719901) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Strategic risk appraisal. Comparing expert- and literature-informed consequence assessments for environmental policy risks receiving national attention

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    Strategic risk appraisal (SRA) has been applied to compare diverse policy level risks to and from the environment in England and Wales. Its application has relied on expert-informed assessments of the potential consequences from residual risks that attract policy attention at the national scale. Here we compare consequence assessments, across environmental, economic and social impact categories that draw on ‘expert’- and ‘literature-based’ analyses of the evidence for 12 public risks appraised by Government. For environmental consequences there is reasonable agreement between the two sources of assessment, with expert-informed assessments providing a narrower dispersion of impact severity and with median values similar in scale to those produced by an analysis of the literature. The situation is more complex for economic consequences, with a greater spread in the median values, less consistency between the two assessment types and a shift toward higher severity values across the risk portfolio. For social consequences, the spread of severity values is greater still, with no consistent trend between the severities of impact expressed by the two types of assessment. For the latter, the findings suggest the need for a fuller representation of socioeconomic expertise in SRA and the workshops that inform SRA output

    Strategic risk appraisal. Comparing expert- and literature-informed consequence assessments for environmental policy risks receiving national attention

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    Strategic risk appraisal (SRA) has been applied to compare diverse policy level risks to and from the environment in England and Wales. Its application has relied on expert-informed assessments of the potential consequences from residual risks that attract policy attention at the national scale. Here we compare consequence assessments, across environmental, economic and social impact categories that draw on ‘expert’- and ‘literature-based’ analyses of the evidence for 12 public risks appraised by Government. For environmental consequences there is reasonable agreement between the two sources of assessment, with expert-informed assessments providing a narrower dispersion of impact severity and with median values similar in scale to those produced by an analysis of the literature. The situation is more complex for economic consequences, with a greater spread in the median values, less consistency between the two assessment types and a shift toward higher severity values across the risk portfolio. For social consequences, the spread of severity values is greater still, with no consistent trend between the severities of impact expressed by the two types of assessment. For the latter, the findings suggest the need for a fuller representation of socioeconomic expertise in SRA and the workshops that inform SRA output

    Validating the strategic risk appraisals of policy experts

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    The emergence and evolution of environmental risks increases the need of government organisations to prioritise their resources for efficient risk management in a manner that is transparent and auditable. Many different data sources (including expert opinion and published data) can be used to inform assessments. This work evaluates and compares the use of two different data sources for environmental strategic risk assessment (SRA). Here, a developed SRA framework (Prpich et al., 2012) was applied to 12 environmental risks within the UK to characterise the environmental, economic and social impacts of a risk on semi-qualitative scales and provide a descriptive narrative. A structured literature search of peer-reviewed and grey literature was assessed for relevance and quality and impact values were determined giving equal weighting to evidence. It was not possible to identify likelihood data from the literature evidence, therefore the expert assessment was used for all risks. Individual assessments for the different risks were compared to expert elicitation data (n ≥ 3) where it was found that they provided similar risk assessments and referred to similar evidence. Where the assessments differed, differences in evidence were noted possibly due to publication delays or method rigidity. Knowledge gaps were noted in the assessment of ‘economic services’ and ‘social cohesion’ sub-attributes for both data sources. These results suggest that the expert elicitation validated the use of literature evidence for SRAs impact assessment, but in order to provide a robust SRA, future assessments could combine both evidence sources

    Etude des liens entre immersion et présence pour la mise au point d'un simulateur de conduite de deux-roues motorisé

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    Virtual environments, and specifically motion-based driving simulators, raise the delicate question of multisensory cueing in order to produce the good "illusion" to the users. If virtual reality is well acknowledged for cost limitation, validity issue of these research (or training) tools is critical for knowledge transfer of new results.As a first step in the validation process of the IFSTTAR motorcycle simulator, this work relies upon an original design based on a double approach : by element and global. It consists in (i) optimal balancing of simulator’s immersive and interactive characteristics linked to roll motion so as to yield a believable and embraced leaning illusion, and (ii) evaluating more generally different simulator configurations (vehicle dynamic models) through objective (training length) and subjective measures (presence, simulator sickness).Taken as a whole, the seven studies conducted during this thesis enable the validation of the relevant range of roll motion cueing to produce a leaning sensation without leading to a critical unbalance or fall sensation. A leaning angle of the simulator beyond 11.4 degrees is not recommended to avoid any fall sensation, however this figure can be influenced by various factors (e.g., visual informations, roll axis location). These studies also allow to identify, in passive driving situations, the necessary parameters as well as the relative contribution of visual and inertial informations for the production of a believable leaning sensation. In an active driving situation, the evaluation of the degree of users control through different (virtual) vehicles dynamic models has permitted to highlight the weaknesses of IFSTTAR simulator in order to set several guidelines for further development.Les environnements virtuels, et en particulier les simulateurs de conduite à plate-forme dynamique, posent la délicate question de la restitution multisensorielle en vue de générer la bonne "illusion" pour leurs utilisateurs. Si la réalité virtuelle est reconnue pour la limitation des coûts, le gain temporel et la contrôlabilité et reproductibilité des situations étudiées, la problématique de la validité de ces outils de recherche (ou de formation) est cruciale pour la transférabilité des connaissances produites.Constituant une première étape dans le processus de validation du simulateur IFSTTAR, ce travail s’appuie sur une démarche originale reposant sur une double évaluation, par élément et globale. Il s’agit (i) de configurer de manière optimale les caractéristiques immersives et interactives du simulateur liées au mouvement de roulis afin de produire une illusion d’inclinaison crédible et acceptée, et (ii) d’évaluer, de manière globale, différentes configurations du simulateur (modèles dynamiques de véhicule) au moyen de mesures objectives (temps de familiarisation) et subjectives (présence, mal du simulateur).Prises dans leur ensemble, les sept études menées durant cette thèse ont permis de valider une plage de restitution du mouvement de roulis pertinente pour produire une sensation d’inclinaison sans entraîner de déséquilibre critique ou de sensation de chute. Un angle d’inclinaison du simulateur au-delà de 11,4 degrés est ainsi déconseillé pour éviter toute sensation de chute, néanmoins cette valeur est susceptible d’être influencée par divers facteurs (e.g., présence d’informations visuelles, positionnement de l’axe de roulis). Ces études ont également permis d’identifier, en conduite passive, les paramètres nécessaires ainsi que les contributions relatives des informations visuelle et inertielle pour la production d’une sensation d’inclinaison crédible. En conduite active, l’évaluation du degré de contrôle des participants en fonction du modèle dynamique de véhicule (virtuel) a permis de pointer les faiblesses actuelles du simulateur IFSTTAR afin de proposer plusieurs pistes de développement

    Les tiers-lieux en France, laboratoires de nouvelles solidarités socio-spatiales ?

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    Sometimes understood as a community psycho-socio-anthropological process born of the discrepancy between societal needs and management of these by the institution (in the broad sense), the third place is experiencing a lively societal topicality on the fringes of the dominant system and at the light of the contributions of digital culture. It experiments and disseminates, on a territorial scale and in various formal guises, the utopia of the culture of the commons, thus becoming one of the privileged levers of a model of solidarity, citizen, endogenous and empirical development of the territories. To this extent, it proves to be a key to reading and a catalyst for new uses and representations of rural and urban territories
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