17 research outputs found

    Survey of intestinal parasites of Neogobius bathybius in south-western coasts of the Caspian Sea

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    Neogobius bathybious fish were caught in south-western coastal waters of the Caspian Sea, from Anzali to Zibakenar, by bottom trawl. Fish specimens numbering 97 were examined for intestinal parasites and prevalence, intensity and dominance were calculated for each kind of parasites. Four different parasites were isolated from the fish including Dichelyne minutes which with %85.56 prevalence and %65.76 intensity was the most important infecting parasite. Corynosoma strumosum showed %51.54, Anisakis sp. %12.37 and Eustrogylides excises %1.03 prevalence as the other isolated parasites in fish

    The first record of Pomphorhynchus laevis (Acanthocephala) in chub, Squalius cephalus (Linnaeus, 1758) from Gamasiab River, Hamedan, Iran

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    Pomphorhynchus laevis is a common fish parasite in Europe which has been reported from Acipenser stellatus, Barbus capito, Barbus lacerta, Barbus mursa and Onchorhynchus mykiss in Iran. In a survey on the aquaculture potential of Gamasiab River in Hamedan Province, endemic fish parasites were investigated in summer and autumn 2008. After recording biometric characteristics, common necropsy and parasitology methods were used. Live acanthocephalans were relaxed in distilled water at 4 ºC for 1 h and fixed in 10% hot buffered formalin. All specimens fixed in 10% formalin were stained with aqueous acetocarmine, dehydrated and mounted in Permount. The worms were identified using parasite identification keys. A total of 36 individuals of Chub, Squalius cephalus, were investigated and 459 individuals of Pomphorhinchus laevis were recovered from intestine of 32 fish specimens. The prevalence mean intensity and mean abundance of P. laevis were %88.9, 14.3 and 12.7, respectively. The maximum number of the parasite recorded in a five years old fish (403gr in weight) was 130 plerocercoids. Chub, Squalius cephalus, is reported for the first time as a new host record for P. laevis in Iran


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    In this survey 109 specimens of goldfish (Carassius auratus) were collected from Guilan fish ponds during 2012-13. After recording biometric characteristics, common parasitology methods were used. In the present study 11 parasite species were recovered from goldfish. Parasitofauna consisted of two protozoans: Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Trichodina sp.; one digenean trematodes: Diplostomum spathaceum; six monogenean trematodes: Dactylogyrus vastator, Dactylogyrus formosus, Dactylogyrus baueri, Dactylogyrus anchoratus and Gyrodactylus sp.; one crustacean: copepodid stage of Lernaea cyprinacea and one nematodes larvae. All the monogeneans found during the current study are considered new locality records for goldfish in Guilan province, Iran. Mean intensity of infection and abundances of parasite species (with prevalences >10%) among seasons were tested by the Kruskal-Wallis test (KW, multiple comparisons) and Conover-Inman test. Results have shown that monogeneans had the highest prevalence values (49.54%) in goldfish in Guilan fish ponds.U ovom je istraživanju prikupljeno 109 primjeraka zlatne ribice (Carassius auratus) iz ribnjaka pokrajine Guilan tijekom 2012.-13. godine. Nakon određivanja biometrijskih karakteristika, koristile su se uobičajene metode parazitologije. Utvrđeno je 11 vrsta parazita kod zlatnih ribica. Parazitofauna se sastojala od dvije protozoe: Ichthyophthirius multifiliis i Trichodina sp.; od jedne digenean trematode: Diplostomum spathaceum; šest jednorodnih metilja (Monogenea) trematoda: Dactylogyrus vastator, Dactylogyrus formosus, Dactylogyrus baueri, Dactylogyrus anchoratus i Gyrodactylus sp.; jednog raka: copepodne faze Lernaea cyprinacea i jedne ličinke nematode. Svi jednorodni metilji pronađeni tijekom ovog istraživanja prvi put su zabilježeni kod zlatnih ribica u pokrajini Guilan, Iran. Srednji intenzitet infekcije i brojnost vrsta parazita (u prevalenciji > 10%) među godišnjim dobima testiran je Kruskal-Wallis testom (KW, višestruke usporedbe) i Conover-Inman testom. Rezultati su pokazali da su jednorodni metilji imali najvišu revalenciju (49.54%) kod zlatnih ribica u ribnjacima pokrajine Guilan

    Occurrence and intensity of parasites in Prussian carp, Carassius gibelio from Anzali wetland, southwest Caspian Sea

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    The aim of this study was to detect the occurrence of parasites in Prussian carp, Carassius gibelio as the most important alien fish in Anzali international wetland. This undesirable fish was introduced accidentally to Iran with Chinese carp fries which imported to the country during the last decades and then acceded to Anzali wetland. Today this fish has significant stocks in Anzali wetland but there have been limited studies about the parasites of this fish in Anzali wetland. During this study a total of 90 Prussian carp were collected by electrofishing and gillnets from April through July 2012. After recording biometric characteristics, common necropsy and parasitology methods were used. A total of 2715 individuals out of 11 parasite species were recovered. Parasitofauna consisted of: two protozoans, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Trichodina sp.; one nematode, Raphidascaris acus; one trematode, Diplostomum spathaceum; six monogeneans, Dactylogyrus formosus, Dactylogyrus dulkeiti, Dactylogyrus baueri, Dactylogyrus arquatus, Dactylogyrus inexpectatus and Gyrodactylus kobayashii; and one crustacean, copepodid stage of Lernaea cyprinacea. The monogeneans had the highest prevalence values (88.89%). The occurrence of D. inexpectatus in C. gibelio is reported for the first time in Iran

    Culture of Chinese carps using anaerobic fermented cow manure (Slurry) and comparison of survival and growth factors versus traditional culture

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    The objective of this project is to compare growth and survival rate in Chinese carps reared under traditional culture conditions versus those reared in ponds treated with slurry (anaerobic fermented of cow manure). This experiment was conducted using two treatments one treatment using slurry and the other using cow manure plus chemical fertilizer as the control with three replicates for each. Chinese carp were stocked at the density of 2375 individuals/ha ( Silver carp 60%, Bighead 15%, common carp 17% and grass carp 8%). In this investigation common carp and grass carp were fed with formulated diets and fresh grass, respectively. The survival rate in the slurry treatment was higher than that in traditional treatment. Survival rates were 98, 100, 84 and 52 percent for silver carp, bighead, common carp and grass carp, respectively in the slurry treated ponds and 96.0, 98.3, 82.8 and 20.0% percent in the control ponds. The results showed that survival rate and yields were higher in the slurry treated ponds than that in the control. The increasing percent of yield were 13.5, 2.6, 18.4 and 85.3 in silver carp, bighead, common carp and grass carp, respectively. The survival rate for grass carp was two times higher in the slurry treatment than control. Zooplankton abundance in slurry ponds was higher than that in control, but blue-green algae density in slurry treated ponds was less than (over 50%). In general the results indicate that slurry with higher nutritional content is more effective on the survival and growth rate of fishes and also is more efficient in the proliferation of plankton in particular zooplankton. Slurry also reduces the use of chemical fertilizers

    The effect of anaerobic fermentation of cow manure on culture of Rutilus frisii Kutum and comparison of survival and growth factors versus traditional feeding

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    Rutilus firisii kutum is one of the important fish in Caspian Sea that has significant economical role to the region. The overall objective of the project is to compare the growth and survival of Rutilus frisii Kutum larvae under conventional conditions and conditions under use of organic fertilizer by anaerobic fermentation or slurry. This study was conducted in nine 1.7 hec pounds with 3 treatments with stocking densities of 1.7 million fish larva at Dr Yousefpoor Center at Siakal Village, 32km far from city of Rasht in North of Iran. The first treatment considered as control using concentrated food and grinded kilka fish. In the second treatment, the pound was supplied only by slurry for 13 days followed by concentrated fish food. The third treatment started with slurry for 13 days followed by slurry and concentrated food together. The physical and chemical parameters of water, plankton, biometry of fish, growth indices were monitored weekly. The result indicated that production was 1.7 to 2 times higher in slurry than traditional treatment also the survival rate was 1.7 times higher in slurry treatment. Slurry with several active substances is more effective and can promote the growth of zooplanktons that is the food for larval stage of Rutilus frisi kutum. Nutritional contents of phosphorous, nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, potassium, protein and lipid after anaerobic fermentation were higher in slurry treatment than control. The blue-green algae density in slurry pounds was less than control

    First Record of Anisakis sp. Third-Stage Larvae (Nematoda) Occurrence, as a Human Risk, in Pacific Jack Mackerel from a Fish Processing and Packaging Plant in the North of Iran

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    Purpose: This research was performed with the aim of hygienic tracking for fish-borne parasitic contamination imported by Jack mackerel fish from certain parts of the world in a fish processing unit during a health inspection in the northern region of Iran in the summer of the year 2019. Methods: A sample of 150 jack mackerel fish specimens were selected at random. All the fish had the same length and weight sizes at average measures of 53.6 cm and 2.04 kg. The cysts consisting of robust parasites seen on mesentery and muscles were then removed larval from their locality and placed in small glass jars containing 10% formalin and transferred to the lab. The results: A total of 100% of Jack Mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus) fish cargo, as a portion of human food, imported from New Zealand were severely contaminated with Anisakis sp. worm parasite. The parasite intensity ranges were between 25 and 70 individuals per fish, and the total of parasites was 7125 individuals. The mean intensity reached 47.5. The encysted parasite specimens were observed in the muscles, mesentery, and peritoneum of viscera around the abdominal cavity of mackerel whereas seeing as twisted third-stage larvae. Conclusion: As an aspect of human sanitary, Anisakis species due to being zoonoses has significant importance. For this reason, people should avoid consuming raw or semi-cooked marine fish. The present study is the first available report of Anisakis sp. contamination in Jack mackerel imported to Iran


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    The Anzali wetland is located in the southwest of the Caspian Sea. A total of 86 European catfish, Silurus glanis L., 1758, were collected between April and July 2012 in this wetland. After recording biometric characteristics, common necropsy and parasitology methods were used. In the presentstudy, a total of 17,214 individuals of 14 parasite species were recovered from European catfish. Parasitofauna consisted of two protozoans: Ichthyophthirius multifiliis and Trichodina sp.; two nematodes: Raphidascarisacus and Eustrongylides excisus larvae; one acanthocephalan: Acanthocephalus lucii; three cestodes: Silurotaenia siluri, Proteocephalus osculatus and Bothriocephalus sp. larvae; two digenean trematodes: Orientocreadiumsiluri and Diplostomum spathaceum; two monogenean trematodes: Silurodiscoides vistulensis and Silurodiscoides siluri; and two crustaceans: copepodid stage of Lernaea cyprinacea and Argulus foliaceus. The occurrence of R. acus, I. multifiliis, Trichodina sp., Silurotaenia siluri, A. lucii, A. foliaceus in S. glanis has been reported for the first time in Iran.Močvara Anzali nalazi se u jugozapadnom dijelu Kaspijskog jezera. U razdoblju od travnja do srpnja 2012. godine u tom je području sakupljeno ukupno 86 europskih somova Silurusglanis L., 1758. Nakon snimanja biometrijskih karakteristika, korištene su uobičajene metode nekropsije i parazitologije. Kod europskog soma ukupno je otkriveno 17 214 jedinki iz 14 vrsta parazita. Parazitofauna se sastojala od dvije protozoe: Ichthyophthirius multifiliis i Trichodina sp.; dvije nematode: Raphidascaris acus i ličinke Eustrongylides excisus; jednog akantocefala: Acanthocephalus lucii; tri cestode: Silurotaenia siluri, Proteocephalus osculatus i ličinke Bothriocephalus sp.; dva dvorodna metilja (trematoda): Orientocreadium siluri iDiplostomum spathaceum; dva jednorodna metilja (trematoda): Silurodiscoides vistulensis i Silurodiscoides siluri; i dva račića: kopepodni račić Lernaea cyprinacea i Argulus foliaceus. Pojava R. acus, I. multifiliis, Trichodina sp., Silurotaenia siluri, A. lucii, A. foliaceus u S. Glanis prvi je put zabilježena u Iranu

    Survey of preservatives on shelf life of silver carp burger

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    In this research in order to assess the possibility of antioxidant effects in quality protection and increase the shelf alife of fish burgers, ascorbic acid as a antioxidant by natural source used in raw uncoated fish burgers and in order to comparison by vacuum packaging, 3 treatments of uncoated fish burgers produced from cultivated silver carp: 1- burgers by common packaging (control) 2- burgers by vacunm packaging 3- burgers by 500ppm Ascorbic acid. Also in order to comparison BHA+BHT antioxidants (that have synergistic effects to each other) effect by vacuum packaging to prevention of lipid oxidation in semi-fried fish burgers 3 other treatments produced too: 1- burgers by common packaging (control) 2- burgers by vacunm packaging 3-burgers by 200 ppm BHA+BHT antioxidants comparatively to fats of product. All of the burgers after production and freezing conserved in -18°c for 6 months (Raw uncoated burgers) and one year (Semi-fried coated burgers). During the storage period chemical, microbiological, and organoleptic tests were down by three repetition monthly. Although peroxide value in raw uncoated fish burgers were higher than standard range even from first month but it seems this factor is not suitable for quality evaluation of uncoated raw fish burgers. Evaluation of TBA index in raw uncoated fish burgers during storage time showed at the end of storage period TBA index for control, vacuum and ascorbic acid treatments were 6.31, 4.76 and 1.29 mg malonaldehyde/kg respectively and taste scores were 5.11, 5.42 and 6.16 respectively. Results indicate the positive effects of ascorbic acid to prevention of lipid oxidation. By attention to TVN, TBA and organoleptic tests 4 mounths for treatments without ascorbic acid by vacuum packaging preference and 6 months shelf life for ascorbic acid treatment have suggested in -18°c temperature. For semi fried fish burger 28 prevention effect for lipid oxidation but vacuum packaging had 32 (without significantly difference,P>0.05). so we can for %BHA+BHT treatment this property was recommend the use of vacuum packaging instead of antioxidant treatment. By attention to TVN, pH, PV, TBA and microbiological and organoleptic tests we can suggest the 8 months for shelf life time of semi fried fish burgers. In this product TVN was the only limitation factor and exeeded from standard range at 9th month of maintenance

    Study of parasites occurrence and intensity in fishes of Anzali Lagoon

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    Tish survey prolonged from summer 2011 trough summer 2012. During this period 574 samples of different fish species were investigated for their parasites. Totally 30 species of parasites isolated of the fishes. Some of the isolated parasites are recorded for the first time in Iran. Rafidascaris acus Orientocreadium siluri, Silurotaenia siluri, Acanthocephalus lucii , Argulus foliaceus has recorded for the first time from European catfish, Silurus glanis, and Dactylogyrus inexpectatus has recorded for the first time from Gibel Carp, Carassius auratus gibelio, in Anzali wetland. Statistical comparison of parasites infections and intensity between the different area of Anzali wetland were done. Infection of Pike, Esox lucius, to Diplostomum spathaceum, Raphidascaris acus and Monogenean in western parts of wetland were significantly different from the Eastern and Central areas (p<0.05). So based on the data have concluded the eastern and central regions of the wetland are more polluted than the western part. Comparing the results of the present study with before ones showed that the composition of parasite species has been changed over time, while the prevalence, intensity and abundance of parasites have been increased. It may be due to changing environmental conditions such as increasing discharge of effluent, eutrophication of the wetland. This results accents to necessity of reconstruction of Anzali wetland with preference of eastern and central regions