43 research outputs found

    Day\u27s Pyramid Ignores Sturdy Severability Foundation, Builds Off Granite Rock: Day v. Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing, Inc.

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    Persons involved in a pyramid scheme are often blind to the overarching pyramid\u27s purpose; similarly, contracting parties may possess little initial knowledge of an agreement\u27s terms in their entirety. Arbitration agreements and other contractual obligations can be hidden in the depths of multiple documents, memorialized through simultaneous agreements incorporating the additional terms by various references. After Day, courts may now be required to dig through countless terms to parties\u27 agreements to determine if a valid contract exists, and if so, which agreement governs the dispute at issue. After sifting through this contractual jungle, courts will be forced to take one of two actions: refuse to uphold the entire agreement for a contractual deficiency, rendering the arbitration clause useless, or sever the unenforceable provisions and compel the remaining terms to arbitration

    Surface currents in operational oceanography: Key applications, mechanisms, and methods

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    This paper reviews physical mechanisms, observation techniques and modelling approaches dealing with surface currents on short time scales (hours to days) relevant for operational oceanography. Key motivations for this article include fundamental difficulties in reliable measurements and the persistent lack of a widely held consensus on the definition of surface currents. These problems are augmented by the fact that various methods to observe and model ocean currents yield very different representations of a surface current. We distinguish between four applicable definitions for surface currents; (i) the interfacial surface current, (ii) the direct wind-driven surface current, (iii) the surface boundary layer current, and (iv) an effective drift current. Finally, we discuss challenges in synthesising various data sources of surface currents - i.e. observational and modelling – and take a view on the predictability of surface currents concluding with arguments that parts of the surface circulation exhibit predictability useful in an operational context

    Progress in operational modeling in support of oil spill response

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    Following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon accident of a massive blow-out in the Gulf of Mexico, scientists from government, industry, and academia collaborated to advance oil spill modeling and share best practices in model algorithms, parameterizations, and application protocols. This synergy was greatly enhanced by research funded under the Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI), a 10-year enterprise that allowed unprecedented collection of observations and data products, novel experiments, and international collaborations that focused on the Gulf of Mexico, but resulted in the generation of scientific findings and tools of broader value. Operational oil spill modeling greatly benefited from research during the GoMRI decade. This paper provides a comprehensive synthesis of the related scientific advances, remaining challenges, and future outlook. Two main modeling components are discussed: Ocean circulation and oil spill models, to provide details on all attributes that contribute to the success and limitations of the integrated oil spill forecasts. These forecasts are discussed in tandem with uncertainty factors and methods to mitigate them. The paper focuses on operational aspects of oil spill modeling and forecasting, including examples of international operational center practices, observational needs, communication protocols, and promising new methodologies

    Surveillance of Water Quality in the Songhua River, Heilongjiang Province, P.R. of China. Mudanjiang River catchment Abatement Strategy Principles and some examples

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    The report describes the abatement part of the Sino-Norwegian project CHN 017 "Surveillance of Water Quality in the Songhua River System in Heilongjiang Province, P.R. of China". The Mudanjiang river catchment was selected as a case catchment in the Songhua River catchment for abatement strategy purposes. The whole co-operation project in focused on the application of ENSIS as a database and data analysis tool. The river and lake monitoring data from Mudanjiang river catchment was stored within ENSIS. The development of ENSIS and its functions represents an important part also of the abatement work, e.g. data collection oart, data analysis. The sources of pollutants focused upon in the project were industry, domestic sewage and diffuse sources such as pollutants from agricultural activities. Focus on the abatement issue at this stage was on data collection, storage and handling, and on the overall principles of abatement plans. The next steps in the abatement strategy planning will be to identify detailed user interests and possible conflict areas, to make the list of measures more exhausstive, to prioritise amongst the possible measures (cost-effectiveness analysis), and to propose timetables for implementing the selected measures

    ENSIS, Measurement (part II) and geography. Functional specification

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    This document is a detailed functionality description of the Measurements Module in the user requirements for ENSIS 3.0. The document is intended to give a cost and time estimate of the programming of the functionality it describes, and will be used for programming and testing of the final product. The main objective of the specified functionality is to make the system more efficient and useful as a tool for planners and manager dealing with the management of water and in general and with monitoring activities such as ambient water quality, meteorology, hydrology, oceanography and biology in particular. The EU water framework directive (WFD) has in particular been a driving force

    Overvåking av oksygen - 1994. Glykolutslipp til Lysakerfjorden - Oslo Lufthavn, Fornebu

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    Norsk Institutt for Vannforskning (NIVA) har, på oppdrag fra Luftfartsverket Region Fornebu, overvåket oksygen i området ved utslippsledning fra flyavisingsvæske (glykol) i Lysakerfjorden. Overvåkingen har pågått i perioden 15.04.1994 - 20.06.1994. Det er målt oksygen, saltholdighet og temperatur på forskjellige dyp ved 5 stasjoner rundt utslippet. Det er i tillegg foretatt målinger ved en referansestasjon. Overvåkingsresultatene fra 1994 viser at oksygenbalansen ikke er påvirket. Det er ingen vesentlige variasjoner i oksygeninnholdet i perioder med og uten utslipp av glykol. Det er heller ingen signifikant forskjell ved stasjonene i området rundt utslippet sammenlignet med referansestasjonen. Oksygenmetningen var i måleperioden over 100%. Med bakgrunn i resultater fra overvåking i 1991/1992, 1993 og 1994, synes det ikke å være behov for kontinuerlig overvåking av oksygen i utslippsområdet for glykol. Lufthavnen anbefales imidlertid til å ta kontrollmålinger i 2 uavhengige perioder med høye utslipp, f.eks. i november måned. Målingene bør fortrinnsvis utføres ved islagt fjord. I tillegg til å måle oksygen, saltholdighet og temperatur, kan det tilsettes sporstoff for å bestemme fortynningen i utslippsområdet. Ved tilsetning av sporstoff kan en få bekreftet om difussoren virker etter hensikten, og at forutsetninger lagt til grunn i tidligere beregninger gjelder

    Surveillance of Water Quality in the Songhua River System in Heilongjiang Province, P.R. of China, CHN 017. Consolidated Summary Report of NIVA's mission to Harbin April 1999

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    This report describes the activities taking place under NIVA's mission to Harbin, Heilongjiang in April 1999 on the project "Surveillance of Water Quality in the Songhua River System in Heilongjiang Province, P.R. of China". The report consists of five main parts a general section, project management, data collection, training and ENSIS installation and a summary report on instrument installation. More detailed information from the project activities and discussions is given in Annex 1-8

    A Cost-effective Strategy for Pollution Abatement in the Hernad Catchment, Hungary

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    The overall aims of this study are to elaborate tools for a more cost-effective and recipient oriented water management, and to conduct a specific abatement analysis in the Hernad catchment area. The Hernad river is transboundary. It has its source in Slovakia, and enters Hungary in the north -eastern part of the country. 19 % of the catchment area is in Hungary, of which crop area is predominant. Five different water quality objectives have been proposed, based on user interests and general water quality criteria. Nitrogen inputs, especially ammonia, are the most important inputs to be reduced. This implies also a reduction of BOD. Reduction of phoshorus is important if the drinking water quality should be achieved throughout the river. The most important measures to be implemented in the municipal sector is building of wastewater treatment plants for 23 of the most important municipalities ("hot-spots"), which will reduce BOD, nitrogen and phosphorus inputs. Agricultural measures include better manure handling, spring tillage of the soil and better utilisation of manure. The objectives will only partly be met by implementing measures on the Hungarian side. Measures must also be implemented on the Slovakian side to meet the user requirements, and to secure a cost-effective approach through the entire catchment area

    Utbygging av avløpsanlegg i Nògràd fylke, Ungarn. En markedsundersøkelse av muligheter for norsk miljøteknologi

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    kommuner med vilje og evne til teknisk og økonomisk samarbeid. En mulig start kan være i Pest fylke. Norske konkurransefordeler må skapes og utnyttes

    Tiltak mot vannforurensning, Bergen Lufthavn - Flesland, Ålesund Lufthavn - Vigra, Kristiandsund Lufthavn - Kvernberget og Molde Lufthavn - Årø

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    NIVA har på oppdrag for Luftfartsverkets hovedadministrasjon utarbeidet en miljøtiltaksplan for Bergen Lufthavn - Flesland. Konsekvenser ved bruk av baneavisingskjemikaliet urea ved Ålesund Lufthavn - Vigra, Kristiansund Lufthavn - Kvernberget og Molde Lufthavn - Årø er også vurdert. Ved Bergen Lufthavn gjennomføres det allerede tekniske tiltak for å hindre forurensning i forbindelse med flyavising og brannøving. Nåværende forbruk av urea synes ikke å ha medført problemer, og urea bør fortsatt kunne benyttes for baneavising. Urea spres over et stort areal og tilføres grøntområdene ved banesystemene. Noe urea vil nå Raunefjorden direkte, men en del kan brytes ned før utslipp til fjorden. Avløpet vil både før og etter utslipp til fjorden bli veldig fortynnet. Påvirkning på småvannene antas også å være liten. Det er allikevel ønskelig at kjemikalieforbruket begrenses i størst mulig grad. Lufthavnen bør befares jevnlig. Oljeutskillere og olje-/ drivstoffanlegg bør kartlegges, og være i forskriftmessig stand. Gamle avfallsdeponier (inkludert anleggsdeponi med asfaltrester ved Skjenavann) og områder med forurenset grunn, bør på sikt kartlegges og eventuelle tiltak gjennomføres. Bruk av urea ved lufthavnene Kristiansund, Vigra og Molde, vil neppe være til skade for miljøet p.g.a. gode resipienter og lavt forbruk. Det er viktig at overvann som innholder flyavisingsvæske blir ledet direkte til resipient, og ikke tilføres grunnen hvor væsken kan utsettes for anaerob nedbrytning. Ved anaerob nedbrytning kan luktproblemer oppstå. Det ble observert oljesøl rundt brannøvelsesfeltene ved VIGRA og Kvernberget. Luftfartsverket har planer om å utbedre øvelsesfeltene for å minimalisere miljøulempene knyttet til brannøving