10 research outputs found

    A High-Throughput Screen Indicates Gemcitabine and JAK Inhibitors May be Useful for Treating Pediatric AML

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    Improvement in survival has been achieved for children and adolescents with AML but is largely attributed to enhanced supportive care as opposed to the development of better treatment regimens. High risk subtypes continue to have poor outcomes with event free survival rates \u3c 40% despite the use of high intensity chemotherapy in combination with hematopoietic stem cell transplant. Here we combine high-throughput screening, intracellular accumulation assays, and in vivo efficacy studies to identify therapeutic strategies for pediatric AML. We report therapeutics not currently used to treat AML, gemcitabine and cabazitaxel, have broad anti-leukemic activity across subtypes and are more effective relative to the AML standard of care, cytarabine, both in vitro and in vivo. JAK inhibitors are selective for acute megakaryoblastic leukemia and significantly prolong survival in multiple preclinical models. Our approach provides advances in the development of treatment strategies for pediatric AML

    Clinical resistance to crenolanib in acute myeloid leukemia due to diverse molecular mechanisms.

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    FLT3 mutations are prevalent in AML patients and confer poor prognosis. Crenolanib, a potent type I pan-FLT3 inhibitor, is effective against both internal tandem duplications and resistance-conferring tyrosine kinase domain mutations. While crenolanib monotherapy has demonstrated clinical benefit in heavily pretreated relapsed/refractory AML patients, responses are transient and relapse eventually occurs. Here, to investigate the mechanisms of crenolanib resistance, we perform whole exome sequencing of AML patient samples before and after crenolanib treatment. Unlike other FLT3 inhibitors, crenolanib does not induce FLT3 secondary mutations, and mutations of the FLT3 gatekeeper residue are infrequent. Instead, mutations of NRAS and IDH2 arise, mostly as FLT3-independent subclones, while TET2 and IDH1 predominantly co-occur with FLT3-mutant clones and are enriched in crenolanib poor-responders. The remaining patients exhibit post-crenolanib expansion of mutations associated with epigenetic regulators, transcription factors, and cohesion factors, suggesting diverse genetic/epigenetic mechanisms of crenolanib resistance. Drug combinations in experimental models restore crenolanib sensitivity.This work was supported in part by The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Beat AML Program, the V Foundation for Cancer Research, the Gabrielle’s Angel Foundation for Cancer Research and the National Cancer Institute (1R01CA183947–01; 1U01CA217862–01; 1U54CA224019-01; 3P30CA069533-18S5). H.Z. received a Collins Medical Trust research grant. S.D.B. was supported by the National Cancer Institute (5R01CA138744-08)

    Cpx Signal Transduction Is Influenced by a Conserved N-Terminal Domain in the Novel Inhibitor CpxP and the Periplasmic Protease DegP

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    In Escherichia coli, envelope stress can be overcome by three different envelope stress responses: the σ(E) stress response and the Bae and Cpx two-component systems. The Cpx envelope stress response is controlled by the sensor kinase CpxA, the response regulator CpxR, and the novel periplasmic protein CpxP. CpxP mediates feedback inhibition of the Cpx pathway through a hypothetical interaction with the sensing domain of CpxA. No informative homologues of CpxP are known, and thus it is unclear how CpxP exerts this inhibition. Here, we identified six cpxP loss-of-function mutations using a CpxP-β-lactamase (CpxP′-′Bla) translational fusion construct. These loss-of-function mutations identified a highly conserved, predicted α-helix in the N-terminal domain of CpxP that affects both the function and the stability of the protein. In the course of this study, we also found that CpxP′-′Bla stability is differentially controlled by the periplasmic protease DegP in response to inducing cues and that mutation of degP diminishes Cpx pathway activity. We propose that the N-terminal α-helix is an important functional domain for inhibition of the Cpx pathway and that CpxP is subject to DegP-dependent proteolysis

    Campylobacter jejuni survival within human epithelial cells is enhanced by the secreted protein CiaI

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    Although it is known that Campylobacter jejuni invade the cells that line the human intestinal tract, the bacterial proteins that enable this pathogen to survive within Campylobacter-containing vacuoles (CCV) have not been identified. Here, we describe the identification and characterization of a protein that we termed CiaI for Campylobacter invasion antigen involved in intracellular survival. We show that CiaI harbours an amino-terminal type III secretion sequence and is secreted from C. jejuni through the flagellar type III secretion system. In addition, the ciaI mutant was impaired in intracellular survival when compared with a wild-type strain, as judged by the gentamicin-protection assay. Fluorescence microscopy examination of epithelial cells infected with the C. jejuni ciaI mutant revealed that the CCV were more frequently co-localized with Cathepsin D (a lysosomal marker) than the CCV in cells infected with a C. jejuni wild-type strain. Ectopic expression of CiaI-GFP in epithelial cells yielded a punctate phenotype not observed with the other C. jejuni genes, and this phenotype was abolished by mutation of a dileucine motif located in the carboxy-terminus of the protein. Based on the data, we conclude that CiaI contributes to the ability of C. jejuni to survive within epithelial cells

    TP-0903 Is Active in Preclinical Models of Acute Myeloid Leukemia with <i>TP53</i> Mutation/Deletion

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    Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with mutations in the tumor suppressor gene TP53 confers a dismal prognosis with 3-year overall survival of TP53 mutant cancers, this strategy has not been evaluated in mutant TP53 AML. Previously, we demonstrated that TP-0903 is a novel multikinase inhibitor with low nM activity against AURKA/B, Chk1/2, and other cell cycle regulators. Here, we evaluated the preclinical activity of TP-0903 in TP53 mutant AML cell lines, including a single-cell clone of MV4-11 containing a TP53 mutation (R248W), Kasumi-1 (R248Q), and HL-60 (TP 53 null). TP-0903 inhibited cell viability (IC50, 12–32 nM) and induced apoptosis at 50 nM. By immunoblot, 50 nM TP-0903 upregulated pChk1/2 and pH2AX, suggesting induction of DNA damage. The combination of TP-0903 and decitabine was additive in vitro, and in vivo significantly prolonged median survival compared to single-agent treatments in mice xenografted with HL-60 (vehicle, 46 days; decitabine, 55 days; TP-0903, 63 days; combination, 75 days) or MV4-11 (R248W) (51 days; 62 days; 81 days; 89 days) (p TP53 mutant AML

    TP-0903 is active in models of drug-resistant acute myeloid leukemia

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    Effective treatment for AML is challenging due to the presence of clonal heterogeneity and the evolution of polyclonal drug resistance. Here, we report that TP-0903 has potent activity against protein kinases related to STAT, AKT, and ERK signaling, as well as cell cycle regulators in biochemical and cellular assays. In vitro and in vivo, TP-0903 was active in multiple models of drug-resistant FLT3 mutant AML, including those involving the F691L gatekeeper mutation and bone marrow microenvironment–mediated factors. Furthermore, TP-0903 demonstrated preclinical activity in AML models with FLT3-ITD and common co-occurring mutations in IDH2 and NRAS genes. We also showed that TP-0903 had ex vivo activity in primary AML cells with recurrent mutations including MLL-PTD, ASXL1, SRSF2, and WT1, which are associated with poor prognosis or promote clinical resistance to AML-directed therapies. Our preclinical studies demonstrate that TP-0903 is a multikinase inhibitor with potent activity against multiple drug-resistant models of AML that will have an immediate clinical impact in a heterogeneous disease like AML