25 research outputs found

    The Potency of Formalin in Atenuation of Pathogeniticy in Eimeria Tenella at the Caecum of Broiler Chicken

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    Background: Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease that disrupts digestive tract, especially in caecum. It causes a lot of harm to chicken farms. Formalin, can be a new invention as an alternative for Eimeria tanella protozoa attenuation in vaccines. Aim: To determine formalin effect and optimum concentration for formalin attenuation of pathogenicity to cecum lesions inoculated score in boiler chickens. Method: This study was an experimental study using completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments. Treatment variation is formaldehyde with a concentration of 0%, 0.15%, 0.3%, 0.6%, 1.2% Results: Results of the study showed that formalin with different concentrations resulted in a significant decrease. Decreasing microscopic cecum lesions inoculated score in boiler chickens in each treatment 0%, 0.15%, 0.3%, 0.6% and 1.2% were 10.32; 9.86; 7.00; 5,14; 4.98 respectively. The largest decrease in lesion score was at 1.2%. Conclusion: Formalin with 1.2% concentration could reduce cecum lesions inoculated score in boiler chickens Keywords: Formalin, E. tenella, Caecum of boiler chicken, Attenuatio

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Etanol Daun Kelor (Moringa oliefera) sebagai Hepatoprotektif pada Mencit (Mus musculus) yang terpapar Metil Merkuri

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    This research aimed to investigate the protective effect of Moringa oleifera ethanolic extract towards histopathological changes of hepatic cells including hepatocytes and kupffer cells induced by methylmercury in mice (Mus musculus). There are 25 male mice used in this research then were divided into 5 groups. Each group received different treatment with oral administration for 21 days. C- (0.2 ml aquadest), C+ (0.4 mg/kg bw methylmercury), T1, T2 and T3 (200, 400 and 800 mg/kg bw Moringa oleifera leaves ethanolic extract respectively + 0.4 mg/kg bw of methylmercury). The histopathological features of liver were examined under light microscope in 100 and 400 times magnification. Scoring method were using Arsad Scoring Method to examined the presence of activated kupffer cells, sinusoidal dilatation, cytoplasmic vacuolation, karyorrhexis and karyolysis. Then, Kruskal-Wallis test followed with Mann-Whitney test of statistical analysis. The result showed that Moringa oleifera ethanloic extract could not protect the liver exposed by methylmercury. It is showed that the antioxidant content of Moringa oleifera extract consisted quercetin and kaempherol could not resist methylmercury intoxication in liver. Keywords: Moringa oleifera, liver, methylmercur

    Antibiotics Resistant at Staphylococcus Aureus and Steptococcus Sp Isolated from Bovine Mastitis in Karangploso, East Java, Indonesia

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    Karangploso, District Malang is known as a milk producing area and is a suitable place for the development of dairy cattle business. Mastitis is one of the most common problems found in dairy farming in Indonesia that has a negative impact on the milk production economy. The study was conducted to examine the incidence of antibiotic resistance as an attempt to appropriate treatment for the treatment of mastitis in dairy cows. A total of 85 positive samples are Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus sp from farms in the KUD Karangploso region. Based on the sensitivity test against various antibiotics it is known that Staphylococcus aureus has been resistant to Penicillin (100%), Tetracycline (48.23%), Erythromycin (44.70%), Gentamicin (2.35%), and Ampicillin (1.18% ). For Streptococcus sp has been resistant to antibiotic Penicillin (98.82%), Erythromycin (94.18%), Tetracycline (84.70%), Gentamicin (11.76%), Ampicillin (5.88%), and Cefalexin (3.53%). Key words: Subclinical mastitis, California Mastitis Test (CMT), Staphylococcus aureus and, Streptococcus sp, antibiotics resistan

    Uji Penetapan Stabilitas Retention Time Megestrole acetate Dalam Eluent Mobile Phase Menggunakan High Performmance Liquid Chromatography

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    The aim of this research was to determine the level of stability of Megestrole acetate-retention time in storage period for six, eight and 12 hours using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The research method used posttest-only control group design by using three treatments and six repetitions. The three repetitions consist into six hours, eight hours and 12 hours. The data were obtained analyzed by Summery Independent T-Test with SPSS 24 for windows. The result showed six hours retention time of Megestrole acetate is stable and eight hours treatment and 12 hours treatment are not stable there is one unstable point of 12 hours treatment that indicates the substance is break down. Based on those result, it could be concluded that the storage time of Megestrole acetate in Eluent Mobile Phase began to show unstable at eight hours of storage Keywords stability, Megestrole acetate, retention time, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC

    Penerapan Pencegahan Dan Pemberantasan Demam Berdarah Melalui Media Pembinaan Budidaya Ikan Pada Masyarakat Terjangkit Endemis Di Kec. Lamongan Kabupaten Lamongan

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    Kabupaten Larnongan merupakan salah satu wilayah yang terjangkit demam berdarah. Meningkatnya kasus demam berdarah diwilayah ini didukung oleh daerah yang berawa yang maerupakan tempat berkembangbiaknya nyamuk Aides aegypti sebagai vector penyakit demam berdarah dengue. Tingkat pendidikan masyarakat yang rendah menyebabkan masyarakat kurang dalam mencari informasi tentang penangguiangan penyakit demam berdarah. Namun motivasi masyarakat terhadap pemberantasan penyakit ini cukup tinggi. Berdasarkan hat tersebut diatas, diselenggarakanlah pengabdian kepada masyarakat oleh staf pengajar Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Airlangga mengenai peningkatan pengetahuan pencegahan dan pemberantasan demam berdarah melalui media pembinaan budidaya ikan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kepedulian masyarakat terhadap penyakit demam berdarah sebagai upaya peningkatan kemampuan sumber daya manusia sehingga menurunkan angka kesakitan. Pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berlangsung selam 4 bulan. Dimulai tanggal 31 Mei sampai dengan 9 Agustus 2004 di desa Tanjung Kecamatan Lamongan Kabupaten Lamongan. Metode yang digunakan meliputi ceramah, peragaan dan prak.1ek. Diikuti oleh 30 orang peserta. Pelaksanaan pac;ia umumnya berlangsung dengan baik dan lancer serta memberikan manfaat bagi peserta latihan. Terlihat dari antusiasnya para peserta pada setiap tahap pelaksanaan. Peserta terlihat sangat puas dengan hasil ceramah, peragaan dan praktek. Peserta sangat mengharapkan akan kelanjutan kegiatan ini diwaktu yang akan datang, guna meningkatkan kerjasarna yang telah dibina

    Surveillance of Helicobacter pylori antibiotic susceptibility in Indonesia: Different resistance types among regions and with novel genetic mutations

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    Information regarding Helicobacter pylori antibiotic resistance in Indonesia was previously inadequate. We assessed antibiotic susceptibility for H. pylori in Indonesia, and determined the association between virulence genes or genetic mutations and antibiotic resistance. We recruited 849 dyspeptic patients who underwent endoscopy in 11 cities in Indonesia. E-test was used to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration of five antibiotics. PCR-based sequencing assessed mutations in 23S rRNA, rdxA, gyrA, gyrB, and virulence genes. Next generation sequencing was used to obtain full-length sequences of 23S rRNA, infB, and rpl22. We cultured 77 strains and identified 9.1 with clarithromycin resistance. Low prevalence was also found for amoxicillin and tetracycline resistance (5.2 and 2.6, respectively). In contrast, high resistance rates to metronidazole (46.7) and levofloxacin (31.2) were demonstrated. Strains isolated from Sumatera Island had significantly higher metronidazole resistance than those from other locations. Metronidazole resistant strains had highly distributed rdxA amino acid substitutions and the 23S rRNA A2143G mutation was associated with clarithromycin resistance (42.9). However, one strain with the highest MIC value had a novel mutation in rpl22 without an A2143G mutation. Mutation at Asn-87 and/or Asp- 91 of gyrA was associated with levofloxacin-resistance and was related to gyrB mutations. In conclusions, although this is a pilot study for a larger survey, our current data show that Indonesian strains had the high prevalence of metronidazole and levofloxacin resistance with low prevalence of clarithromycin, amoxicillin, and tetracycline resistance. Nevertheless, clarithromycin- or metronidazole-based triple therapy should be administered with caution in some regions of Indonesia. © 2016 Miftahussurur et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited


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    Antibiotic resistance now days become a main issue to the medical researches as found many positive result of antibiotic resistance test. One of the causes of antibiotic resistance is using antibiotic as a feed additive to animal. Bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics can be a danger to humans, in this case the resistant bacteria as a result of treatment errors animals, especially chickens that uses low-dose antibiotics as growth promoters. This study aimed to determine the contamination of Salmonella sp and its antibiotics resistance patterns of Salmonella sp isolated from broiler meat sold at wet market in the Center of Surabaya: (a) Pasar Kembang, (b) Pasar Kupang, (c) Pasar Dukuh Kupang, (d) Pasar Kedungsari, (e) Pasar Kedungdoro and (f) Pasar Keputran. The method that used in this study was bacteriological isolation and identification method. The method started with pre-enrichment using Buffered Pepton Water, selective enrichment using Tetrathionate Broth and Selenite Cysteine broth, selective media using Salmonella-Shigella Agar, Biochemical test using Triple Sugar Iron Agar, Simon Citrate, Methyl Red – Voges Proskauer, and Sulfide Indol Motility, and followed with susceptibility test according to Kirby-Bauer method using Mueller-Hinton Agar. The antibiotics that used in susceptibility test were: (a) Meropenem, (b) Ampicillin Sulbactam, (c) Amikacin, (d) Ofloxacin and (e) Nalidixic Acid. The results of this study were found 90% or 27 of 30 samples positive contaminated with Salmonella sp. The results of antibiotics resistance from 27 isolates 0% were resistant to Meropenem, 0% were resistant to Amikacin; 3.7% were resistant to Ampicillin-Sulbactam; 11.1% were resistant to Ofloxacin and 44.4% were resistant to Nalidixic Acid

    Penggunaan Skor Indeks Plasenta Akreta (IPA) sebagai Prediktor Manajemen Perioperatif Seksio Sesarea Pasien dengan Plasenta Previa Totalis Suspek Akreta

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    Plasenta akreta adalah suatu kondisi kehamilan yang serius yang disebabkan oleh kelainan perlekatan plasenta yang membutuhkan perhatian khusus secara perioperatif. Kasus ini menggambarkan manajemen anestesi yang sesuai untuk seksio sesarea dan total abdominal histerektomi karena  plasenta previa totalis dugaan akreta. Seorang wanita berusia 33 tahun dipersiapkan untuk menjalani seksio sesarea elektif dan histerektomi total akibat plasenta previa totalis dengan kecurigaan tinggi terhadap akreta berdasarkan Indeks Skor Plasenta Akreta (IPA). Pemeriksaan penunjang dilakukan oleh dokter kandungan untuk mengkonfirmasi diagnosis. Pada pasien ini dilakukan tindakan anestesi umum untuk prosedur operasinya. Kadar hemoglobin pasien sebelum operasi adalah 9,1 g / dl. Dengan total perdarahan selama operasi adalah 2000 mL. Estimasi kehilangan darah yang ditolerir untuk pasien ini adalah 633 ml. Pasien menerima transfusi 2(dua) kantong darah PRC dan 1(satu) kantong darah WB. Kadar hemoglobin setelah transfusi adalah 8,9 g / dL Pasien dipulangkan dari rumah sakit dalam kondisi stabil setelah dirawat selama 3 hari diruangan. Sebagai kesimpulan, evaluasi dan persiapan perioperatif dan kolaborasi multidisiplin adalah kunci keberhasilan manajemen pasien dengan plasenta previa suspek akreta.   The Use of Placenta Acreta Index (PAI) Score as Perioperative Management Predictor of Sectio Caesarean Patient with Total Placenta Previa Suspected Acreta Placenta accreta is a serious pregnancy condition caused by disorder of placenta attachment that needs a special consideration perioperatively. This case was described the propriate anesthesia management for Cesarean Section and Total Abdominal Hysterectomy due to Total Placenta Previa suspected Accreta. A 33 years old woman considered for elective cesarean section and hysterectomy due to Total Placenta Previa with high suspicion of Accreta according to Placenta Accreta Index (PAI) Score. Supportive examination was done by the obstetrician to confirm the diagnosis. She underwent general anesthesia for the surgery. Patient’s hemoglobin level before surgery was 9.1 g/dL. With total bleeding during the surgery is 2000 mL. The allowable blood loss for the patient is 633 mL. Patient was transfused with 2 bags of PRC and 1 bag of Whole Blood. The hemoglobin level after transfusion was 8.9 g/dL She was discharged from the hospital in stable condition after being treated for 3 days at normal ward. As conclusion, perioperative evaluation and preparations and multidiscipline collaboration are the key for successful management for patient with Placenta previa/accreta

    Pengembangan Metode Deteksi Cepat dan Tingkat Spesifik Kepekaannya terhadap Escherichia coli 0157:H7 pada Bahan Makanan dan Spesimen

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan suatu sistem deteksi cepat terhadap E. coli 0157:H7 dari sampel feses dan bahan makanan dalam jumlah kecil (25 gram) dan jumlah besar (375 gram). Peng~mbangan metode pen IDIjian baru yang spesifik untuk E. coli 0157:H7 dengan pembanding kontrol positif dan negatif. Teknik ini menggunakan E. coli 0157 :H7, alat PCR dengan penggunaan primer multiplex yang dirancang khusus dan pengoptimasian siklus ulangan, waktu dan temperatur denaturasi, annealing dan ekstensi primer. Suatu protokol akan dikembangkan untuk system ini yang dirancang guna meminimalkan kompleksitas dan panjangnya rantai media perbenihan, memakai media umum yang ada dipasaran (komersial). Dapat memeriksa beberapa sampel sekaligus. Preparasi sampel untuk pengujian menggunakan langkah-langkah sederhana untuk melisiskan dan mengencerkannya. E. coli 0157:H7 merupakan bakteri pathogen "food borne disease" yang menyebabkan hemolytic-uremic syndrome (HUS) dan hemorrhagic colitis (HC). Metode yang dikembangkan untuk mendeteksi E. coli 0157:H7 dan diperuntukan bagi industry makanan, distributor makanan dan badan pengawas makanan. Metode : 25 g bahan makanan (daging giling, hati, kecambah) dalam 375 g larutan buffer NaCI 0,9 % diinokulasi dengan E. coli 0157:H7 yang telah dibiakan dalam media pertumbuhan, kemudian diuji. Data yang diperoleh dari hasil pengujian ini menggambarkan berbagai variasi gene virulen yang dimiliki untuk dievaluasi. Variabel ini meliputi berbagai strain E. coli 0l57:H7. Media yang digunakan adalah buffered peptone water (BPW) untuk memperbanyak E. coli OI57:H7. Protokol yang dihasilkan khusus untuk E. coli OI57:H7. Lama waktu pembiakannya hanya 8 jam. Pembacaan hasil uji keseluruhan tahapan proses hanya memakan wakru 10 jam dari sampel hingga hasil. Sistem iini dirancang khusus untuk deteksi secara spesifik dan cepat terhadap E. coli 0157 :H7. Sistem ini berdasarkan teknik PCR, yang memungkinkan pendeteksian E. coli 0157:H7 lebih cepat, spesifik, sahih dan sensitif

    Plasmid Mikroba Sebagai Bioindikator Tingkat Pencemaran Dan Konstruktor Bakteri Pengurai Limbah Beracun

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    pencemaran limbah industri yang mengandung logam berat seperti timbal, kadmium, mangan, seng, air raksa dan lain-lain tidak hanya kurang menyenangkan tetapi juga membahayakan tetapi juga membahayakan kesehatan manusia, hewan dan tanaman