141 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic duality in general relativity

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    By resolving the Riemann curvature relative to a unit timelike vector into electric and magnetic parts, we consider duality relations analogous to the electromagnetic theory. It turns out that the duality symmetry of the Einstein action implies the Einstein vacuum equation without the cosmological term. The vacuum equation is invariant under interchange of active and passive electric parts giving rise to the same vacuum solutions but the gravitational constant changes sign. Further by modifying the equation it is possible to construct interesting dual solutions to vacuum as well as to flat spacetimes.Comment: 18 pages, LaTEX versio

    A duality relation for fluid spacetime

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    We consider the electromagnetic resolution of gravitational field. We show that under the duality transformation, in which active and passive electric parts of the Riemann curvature are interchanged, a fluid spacetime in comoving coordinates remains invariant in its character with density and pressure transforming, while energy flux and anisotropic pressure remaining unaltered. Further if fluid admits a barotropic equation of state, p=(γ1)ρp = (\gamma - 1) \rho where 1γ21 \leq \gamma \leq 2, which will transform to p=(2γ3γ21)ρp = (\frac{2 \gamma}{3 \gamma - 2} - 1) \rho. Clearly the stiff fluid and dust are dual to each-other while ρ+3p=0\rho + 3 p =0, will go to flat spacetime. However the n (ρ3p=0)(\rho - 3 p = 0) and the deSitter (ρ+p=0(\rho + p = 0) universes ar e self-dual.Comment: 5 pages, LaTeX version, Accepted in Classical Quantum Gravity as a Lette

    Response of bio-regulators to yield and quality of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L. Czernj. and Cosson) under different irrigation environments

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    A field study was conducted during rabi seasons of 2008 and 2009 to evaluated of productivity of Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) by foliar spray of bio-regulators under different irrigation environments. Amongst treatments, the application of sufficient irrigation water (four irrigations) recorded the highest number siliqua per plant, higher number of seeds per siliqua, 1000 seed weight and yields as compared to all other irrigation treatments. Results show that an increased in seed yield of 92.40 and 39.37 % under sufficient irrigation and limitedwater condition in 2008 and 93.34% and 40.31% in 2009, respectively over deficient irrigation conditions, foliar sprays of 100 ppm thioglycollic acid at initiation of branching were recorded highest yield attributes and yields. Similarly, 500 ppm of thiourea at initiation of branching and flowering stages also gave second best highest yield attributes and yields as compared to all other bio-regulators spray stages. However, bio-regulators sprays were not recorded any significant effect on oil and protein content. The results were concluded that economic feasibility to improve productivity of Indian mustard with four irrigations levels and sprays of 100 ppm thioglycollic acid and 500 ppm of thiourea at initiation of branching and flowering stages under hyper arid environment

    Towards a path integral for the pure-spin connection formulation of gravity

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    A proposal for the path-integral of pure-spin-connection formulation of gravity is described, based on the two-form formulation of Capovilla et. al. It is shown that the resulting effective-action for the spin-connection, upon functional integration of the two-form field Σ\Sigma and the auxiliary matrix field ψ\psi is {\it non-polynomial}, even for the case of vanishing cosmological constant and absence of any matter couplings. Further, a diagramatic evaluation is proposed for the contribution of the matrix-field to the pure spin connection action.Comment: 8 pages in plain-TeX.-----IUCAA_TH/9

    On-brane data for braneworld stars

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    Stellar structure in braneworlds is markedly different from that in ordinary general relativity. As an indispensable first step towards a more general analysis, we completely solve the ``on brane'' 4-dimensional Gauss and Codazzi equations for an arbitrary static spherically symmetric star in a Randall--Sundrum type II braneworld. We then indicate how this on-brane boundary data should be propagated into the bulk in order to determine the full 5-dimensional spacetime geometry. Finally, we demonstrate how this procedure can be generalized to solid objects such as planets.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX4, v2: Main algorithm and results substantially simplified, further discussion and references adde

    Vacuum solutions of the gravitational field equations in the brane world model

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    We consider some classes of solutions of the static, spherically symmetric gravitational field equations in the vacuum in the brane world scenario, in which our Universe is a three-brane embedded in a higher dimensional space-time. The vacuum field equations on the brane are reduced to a system of two ordinary differential equations, which describe all the geometric properties of the vacuum as functions of the dark pressure and dark radiation terms (the projections of the Weyl curvature of the bulk, generating non-local brane stresses). Several classes of exact solutions of the vacuum gravitational field equations on the brane are derived. In the particular case of a vanishing dark pressure the integration of the field equations can be reduced to the integration of an Abel type equation. A perturbative procedure, based on the iterative solution of an integral equation, is also developed for this case. Brane vacuums with particular symmetries are investigated by using Lie group techniques. In the case of a static vacuum brane admitting a one-parameter group of conformal motions the exact solution of the field equations can be found, with the functional form of the dark radiation and pressure terms uniquely fixed by the symmetry. The requirement of the invariance of the field equations with respect to the quasi-homologous group of transformations also imposes a unique, linear proportionality relation between the dark energy and dark pressure. A homology theorem for the static, spherically symmetric gravitational field equations in the vacuum on the brane is also proven.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, to appear in PR

    Gravitationally induced electromagnetism at the Compton scale

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    It is shown that Einstein gravity tends to modify the electric and magnetic fields appreciably at distances of the order of the Compton wavelength. At that distance the gravitational field becomes spin dominated rather than mass dominated. The gravitational field couples to the electromagnetic field via the Einstein-Maxwell equations which in the simplest model causes the electrostatic field of charged spinning particles to acquire an oblate structure relative to the spin direction. For electrons and protons, a pure Coulomb field is therefore likely to be incompatible with general relativity at the Compton scale. In the simplest model, the magnetic dipole corresponds to the Dirac g-factor, g=2. Also, it follows from the form of the electric field that the electric dipole moment vanishes, in agreement with current experimental limits for the electron. Quantitatively, the classical Einstein-Maxwell theory predicts the magnetic and electric dipoles of the electron to an accuracy of about one part in 10^{-3} or better. Going to the next multipole order, one finds that the first non-vanishing higher multipole is the electric quadrupole moment which is predicted to be -124 barn for the electron. Any non-zero value of the electric quadrupole moment for the electron or the proton would be a clear sign of curvature due to the implied violation of rotation invariance. There is also a possible spherical modification of the Coulomb force proportional to r^{-4}. However, the size of this effect is well below current experimental limits. The corrections to the hydrogen spectrum are expected to be small but possibly detectable.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures: revised version published in Class. Quantum Grav. 23 (2006) 3111-3122; Conclusions unchange

    Gravitational Geons on the Brane

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    In this paper, we examine the possibility of static, spherically symmetric gravitational geons on a 3 dimensional brane embedded in a 4+1 dimensional space-time. We choose a specific g_tt for the brane-world space-time metric. We then calculate g_rr analytically in the weak field limit and numerically for stronger fields. We show that the induced field equations on the brane do admit gravitational geon solutions.Comment: 14 pages with 9 figures. To appear in General Relativity and Gravitatio

    A Plane-Symmetric Inhomogeneous Cosmological Model of Perfect Fluid Distribution with Electromagnetic Field I

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    A plane-symmetric inhomogeneous cosmological model of perfect fluid distribution with electro-magnetic field is obtained. The source of the magnetic field is due to an electric current produced along the z-axis. F12F_{12} is the non-vanishing component of electromagnetic field tensor. To get a deterministic solution, we assume the free gravitational field is Petrov type-II non-degenerate. The behaviour of the electro-magnetic field tensor together with some physical aspects of the model are also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, no figur

    Radiating black holes in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory and cosmic censorship

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    Exact nonstatic spherically symmetric black-hole solution of the higher dimensional Einstein-Yang-Mills equations for a null dust with Yang-Mills gauge charge are obtained by employing Wu-Yang \textit{ansatz}, namely, HD-EYM Vaidya solution. It is interesting to note that gravitational contribution of YM gauge charge for this ansatz is indeed opposite (attractive rather than repulsive) that of Maxwell charge. It turns out that the gravitational collapse of null dust with YM gauge charge admit strong curvature shell focusing naked singularities violating cosmic censorship. However, there is significant shrinkage of the initial data space for a naked singularity of the HD-Vaidya collapse due to presence of YM gauge charge. The effect of YM gauge charge on structure and location of the apparent and event horizons is also discussed.Comment: 9 RevTeX pages, 1 figur