28 research outputs found

    Thermal ecology of red lionfish Pterois volitans from southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia, with comparisons to other Scorpaenidae

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    Scorpionfishes (family Scorpaenidae) occupy a wide range of thermal environments, yet little is known about the groupís thermal ecology. Recent invasions by red lionfish Pterois volitans and devil firefish P. miles into the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea have stimulated interest in the ability of these species to withstand thermal extremes, but current temperature data are limited to cold tolerance estimates, or employ nonstandard techniques, making it difficult to compare values across studies. Using standardized methodologies, we quantified metabolic, physiological, and behavioral thermal responses of red lionfish from the Banda Sea, Sulawesi, Indonesia, and interpret the data in light of the groupís diversity and range of thermal habitats. Red lionfish acclimated at temperatures between 13 and 32∞C exhibit a thermal scope of nearly 25∞C. The resulting thermal niche is moderately large, allowing lionfish to exploit a wide range of thermal habitats, from mid-Atlantic coastal waters to hyperthermal tropical mangroves and tidepools. Although lionfish prefer temperatures of ~23∞C, they acclimate to the high temperature of a cycling thermoperiod. This feature, along with their comparatively low temperature sensitivity (metabolic temperature quotient <2), likely permits lionfish to limit energetic costs during forays into warmer waters. Although lionfishes are considered to be a tropical group, they exhibit a number of thermal tolerance characteristics that allow them to persist in some surprisingly cool environments. Modeling thermal strategies used by red lionfish may provide new insights to the range and variability of thermal adaptations of scorpaenid fishes in general

    Inter-population differences in salinity tolerance and osmoregulation of juvenile wild and hatchery-born Sacramento splittail.

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    The Sacramento splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) is a minnow endemic to the highly modified San Francisco Estuary of California, USA and its associated rivers and tributaries. This species is composed of two genetically distinct populations, which, according to field observations and otolith strontium signatures, show largely allopatric distribution patterns as recently hatched juveniles. Juvenile Central Valley splittail are found primarily in the nearly fresh waters of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and their tributaries, whereas San Pablo juveniles are found in the typically higher-salinity waters (i.e. up to 10‰) of the Napa and Petaluma Rivers. As the large salinity differences between young-of-year habitats may indicate population-specific differences in salinity tolerance, we hypothesized that juvenile San Pablo and Central Valley splittail populations differ in their response to salinity. In hatchery-born and wild-caught juvenile San Pablo splittail, we found upper salinity tolerances, where mortalities occurred within 336 h of exposure to 16‰ or higher, which was higher than the upper salinity tolerance of 14‰ for wild-caught juvenile Central Valley splittail. This, in conjunction with slower recovery of plasma osmolality, but not ion levels, muscle moisture or gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase activity, in Central Valley relative to San Pablo splittail during osmoregulatory disturbance provides some support for our hypothesis of inter-population variation in salinity tolerance and osmoregulation. The modestly improved salinity tolerance of San Pablo splittail is consistent with its use of higher-salinity habitats. Although confirmation of the putative adaptive difference through further studies is recommended, this may highlight the need for population-specific management considerations

    Divergent transcriptomic signatures in response to salinity exposure in two populations of an estuarine fish.

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    In estuary and coastal systems, human demand for freshwater, climate change-driven precipitation variability, and extreme weather impact salinity levels, reducing connectivity between mesohaline coastal fish populations and potentially contributing to genomic divergence. We examined gill transcriptome responses to salinity in wild-caught juveniles from two populations of Sacramento splittail (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus), a species of conservation concern that is endemic to the San Francisco Estuary, USA, and the lower reaches of its tributaries. Recent extreme droughts have led to salinities above the tolerance limits for this species, creating a migration barrier between these populations, which potentially contributed to population divergence. We identified transcripts involved in a conserved response to salinity; however, the more salinity-tolerant San Pablo population had greater transcriptome plasticity (3.6-fold more transcripts responded than the Central Valley population) and a response consistent with gill remodeling after 168 hr of exposure to elevated salinity. The reorganization of the gill in response to changing osmotic gradients is a process critical for acclimation and would facilitate enhanced salinity tolerance. We detected an upregulation of receptors that control the Wnt (wingless-type) cell signaling pathway that may be required for an adaptive response to increases in salinity, patterns not observed in the relatively salinity-sensitive Central Valley population. We detected 62 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in coding regions of 26 transcripts that differed between the populations. Eight transcripts that contained SNPs were associated with immune responses, highlighting the importance of diversity in immune gene sequences as a defining characteristic of genomic divergence between these populations. Our data demonstrate that these populations have divergent transcriptomic responses to salinity, which is consistent with observed physiological differences in salinity tolerance