4 research outputs found

    Publication productivity of women physicists in India: A Scientometrics study

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    The present study focused on the research publications of women faculty in the field of physics, Astrophysics, Astronomy and Atmospheric Science in India. To collect the data we have covered the women faculty of Central Universities, State Universities, IITs, NITs, IISER’s, NISER’s, research institutes, laboratories and some selected deemed universities. The first fact we found was that the number of women were very less as compare to male staff. To see the publication productivity of women authors we tried to analyze the year-wise productivity, authorship pattern, preferred journals, place and designation and the research papers received highest citations for the period of five years from 2011-2015. Year 2014 found to be the most productive year and in authorship pattern, women authors preferred to publish their research in collaboration. Highest number of research papers was published in Journal of Applied Physics

    Research Output of Indian Women Scientists in the field of Physics and Astronomy: A Scientometrics study

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    The research output of the women scientists of the selected Indian research institutes in the field of physics and astronomy is analyzed for a period of 2011 to 2015. It is observed that the strength of women scientists (12.35 %) are less in compare to men scientists (87.65%), as only 73 women scientists out of total 583 staff. These women scientists have published total number of 713 research articles, and the current study reveals the contribution of each scientist individually. The highest numbers of papers (144) were published by National Physical Laboratory but Indian Institute of Astrophysics got the highest number of citations for fewer publications (2018 for 129 articles). The majority of these articles were published in collaboration with other institutes of national and international level. To understand the collaboration between these and other institute the collaboration coefficient is calculated (CC) and found that these institute have average CC ~0 .7480. On the basis of analysis of 713 publications of women scientists, the Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics is assigned as rank one because maximum articles were published in this journal, and in term of most productive authors, Aditi Sen De from Harish Chandra Research Institute with maximum 38 publications is allocated as rank one among all women scientists. Additionally, this study also presents detailed information on the corresponding and first authorship of all these papers

    Research Output of Indian Women Scientists in the field of Physics and Astronomy: A Scientometrics study

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    The research output of the women scientists of the selected Indian research institutes in the field of physics and astronomy is analyzed for a period of 2011 to 2015. It is observed that the strength of women scientists (12.35 %) are less in compare to men scientists (87.65%), as only 73 women scientists out of total 583 staff. These women scientists have published total number of 713 research articles, and the current study reveals the contribution of each scientist individually. The highest numbers of papers (144) were published by National Physical Laboratory but Indian Institute of Astrophysics got the highest number of citations for fewer publications (2018 for 129 articles). The majority of these articles were published in collaboration with other institutes of national and international level. To understand the collaboration between these and other institute the collaboration coefficient is calculated (CC) and found that these institute have average CC ~0 .7480. On the basis of analysis of 713 publications of women scientists, the Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics is assigned as rank one because maximum articles were published in this journal, and in term of most productive authors, Aditi Sen De from Harish Chandra Research Institute with maximum 38 publications is allocated as rank one among all women scientists. Additionally, this study also presents detailed information on the corresponding and first authorship of all these papers

    Application of Bradford’s Law on journal citations: A study of Ph.D. theses in social sciences of University of Delhi

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    The study covers 260 Ph.D. theses submitted during 1995-2008 that have a total of 9,997 references scattered in 934 journals. The study found that the journal Economic & Political Weekly is the most cited journal with 22.8% citations, followed by The Punjab Past and Present with 1.80% citations. Bradford’s law of scattering fits to the present study