Publication productivity of women physicists in India: A Scientometrics study


The present study focused on the research publications of women faculty in the field of physics, Astrophysics, Astronomy and Atmospheric Science in India. To collect the data we have covered the women faculty of Central Universities, State Universities, IITs, NITs, IISER’s, NISER’s, research institutes, laboratories and some selected deemed universities. The first fact we found was that the number of women were very less as compare to male staff. To see the publication productivity of women authors we tried to analyze the year-wise productivity, authorship pattern, preferred journals, place and designation and the research papers received highest citations for the period of five years from 2011-2015. Year 2014 found to be the most productive year and in authorship pattern, women authors preferred to publish their research in collaboration. Highest number of research papers was published in Journal of Applied Physics

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