21 research outputs found

    X ray radiation channeling in micro channel plates Spectroscopy with a synchrotron radiation beam

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    We present here the angular distribution of the radiation propagated inside MultiChannel Plates with micro-channels of 3μm\sim 3 \mu m diameter. The spectra collected at the exit of the channels present a complex distribution with contributions that can be assigned to the fluorescence radiation, originated from the excitation of the micro-channel walls. For radiation above the absorption edge, when the monochromatic energy in the region of the Si L-edge hits the micro-channel walls with a grazing angle θ5\theta \geqslant 5^{\circ}, or at the O K-edge when θ2\theta \geqslant 2^{\circ} a fluorescence radiation is detected. Additional information associated to the fine structures of the XANES spectra detected at the exit of MCPs are also presented and discussed

    Focusing Properties of Bent Micro Channel Plates in the X Ray Range

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    Compact and flexible Micro-Channel Plate (MCP) devices are versatile optical systems suitable to condense and shape intense X-ray beams. Studies on propagation of both soft and hard X-ray radiations through these devices are of continuous interests because of increasing demand of synchrotron radiation X‑ray sources, in particular, to enhance the spot stability and to optimize the beam for specific experiments. In this work synchrotron radiation sources as well as a conventional X-ray tube coupled to polycapillary lenses have been used to characterize the transmission and the angular distribution of thin flat or spherically bent MCPs with different curvature radii. It is shown that the radiation beam from both synchrotron radiation and conventional X-ray sources can be efficiently condensed by thin spherically bent MCPs

    Deflection of high energy protons by multiple volume reflections in a modified multi-strip silicon deflector

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    The effect of multiple volume reflections in one crystal was observed in each of several bent silicon strips for 400 GeV/c protons. This considerably increased the particle deflections. Some particles were also deflected due to channeling in one of the subsequent strips. As a result, the incident beam was strongly spread because of opposite directions of the deflections. A modified multi-strip deflector produced by periodic grooves on the surface of a thick silicon plate was used for these measurements. This technique provides perfect mutual alignment between crystal strips. Such multi-strip deflector may be effective for collider beam halo collimation and a study is planned at the CERN SPS circulating beam