21 research outputs found

    Traffic eavesdropping based scheme to deliver time-sensitive data in sensor networks

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    Due to the broadcast nature of wireless channels, neighbouring sensor nodes may overhear packets transmissions from each other even if they are not the intended recipients of these transmissions. This redundant packet reception leads to unnecessary expenditure of battery energy of the recipients. Particularly in highly dense sensor networks, overhearing or eavesdropping overheads can constitute a significant fraction of the total energy consumption. Since overhearing of wireless traffic is unavoidable and sometimes essential, a new distributed energy efficient scheme is proposed in this paper. This new scheme exploits the inevitable overhearing effect as an effective approach in order to collect the required information to perform energy efficient delivery for data aggregation. Based on this approach, the proposed scheme achieves moderate energy consumption and high packet delivery rate notwithstanding the occurrence of high link failure rates. The performance of the proposed scheme is experimentally investigated a testbed of TelosB motes in addition to ns-2 simulations to validate the performed experiments on large-scale network

    Reliable routing for low-power smart space communications

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    Smart Space (SS) communications has rapidly emerged as an exciting new paradigm that includes ubiquitous, grid, and pervasive computing to provide intelligence, insight, and vision for the emerging world of intelligent environments, products, services and human interaction. Dependable networking of a smart space environment can be ensured through reliable routing, efficient selection of error free links, rapid recovery from broken links and the avoidance of congested gateways. Since link failure and packet loss are inevitable in smart space wireless sensor networks, we have developed an efficient scheme to achieve a reliable data collection for smart spaces composed of low capacity wireless sensor nodes. Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) must tolerate a certain lack of reliability without a significant effect on packet delivery performance, data aggregation accuracy or energy consumption. In this paper we present an effective hybrid scheme that adaptively reduces control traffic with a metric that measures the reception success ratio of representative data packets. Based on this approach, our proposed routing scheme can achieve reduced energy consumption while ensuring minimal packet loss in environments featuring high link failure rates. The performance of our proposed routing scheme is experimentally investigated using both simulations and a test bed of TelosB motes. It is shown to be more robust and energy efficient than the network layer provided by TinyOS2.x. Our results show that the scheme is able to maintain better than 95% connectivity in an interference-prone medium while achieving a 35% energy saving

    Reliable routing scheme for indoor sensor networks

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    Indoor Wireless sensor networks require a highly dynamic, adaptive routing scheme to deal with the high rate of topology changes due to fading of indoor wireless channels. Besides that, energy consumption rate needs to be consistently distributed among sensor nodes and efficient utilization of battery power is essential. If only the link reliability metric is considered in the routing scheme, it may create long hops routes, and the high quality paths will be frequently used. This leads to shorter lifetime of such paths; thereby the entire network's lifetime will be significantly minimized. This paper briefly presents a reliable load-balanced routing (RLBR) scheme for indoor ad hoc wireless sensor networks, which integrates routing information from different layers. The proposed scheme aims to redistribute the relaying workload and the energy usage among relay sensor nodes to achieve balanced energy dissipation; thereby maximizing the functional network lifetime. RLBR scheme was tested and benchmarked against the TinyOS-2.x implementation of MintRoute on an indoor testbed comprising 20 Mica2 motes and low power listening (LPL) link layer provided by CC1000 radio. RLBR scheme consumes less energy for communications while reducing topology repair latency and achieves better connectivity and communication reliability in terms of end-to-end packets delivery performance

    Reliable data delivery in low energy ad hoc sensor networks

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    Reliable delivery of data is a classical design goal for reliability-oriented collection routing protocols for ad hoc wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Guaranteed packet delivery performance can be ensured by careful selection of error free links, quick recovery from packet losses, and avoidance of overloaded relay sensor nodes. Due to limited resources of individual senor nodes, there is usually a trade-off between energy spending for packets transmissions and the appropriate level of reliability. Since link failures and packet losses are unavoidable, sensor networks may tolerate a certain level of reliability without significantly affecting packets delivery performance and data aggregation accuracy in favor of efficient energy consumption. However a certain degree of reliability is needed, especially when hop count increases between source sensor nodes and the base station as a single lost packet may result in loss of a large amount of aggregated data along longer hops. An effective solution is to jointly make a trade-off between energy, reliability, cost, and agility while improving packet delivery, maintaining low packet error ratio, minimizing unnecessary packets transmissions, and adaptively reducing control traffic in favor of high success reception ratios of representative data packets. Based on this approach, the proposed routing protocol can achieve moderate energy consumption and high packet delivery ratio even with high link failure rates. The proposed routing protocol was experimentally investigated on a testbed of Crossbow's TelosB motes and proven to be more robust and energy efficient than the current implementation of TinyOS2.x MultihopLQI

    Integrating wireless Sensor Network with Networked Control Systems

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    The integration of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) into industrial networked monitoring and control systems has become an essential factor to effectively regulate and manage industrial automation operations. The automation of monitoring and control systems is an important function for many utility companies such as oil/gas and electricity companies in order to reduce operating cost and to increase efficiency. There are many issues that have to be dealt with concerning the integration of WSNs into such systems and these issues have to be addressed in an application-specific manner. One of the most widely used control systems in industrial control automation is the Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems, and with the aim of improving productivity of monitored sites (e.g., oil/gas well and pipelines) at minimal costs, it is very significant to enable the interoperability of SCADA systems with new technologies such as WSNs and extensibility of future SCADA systems for new applications. Furthermore, a new approach of in-network processing system is essential to successfully monitor, detect, identify, and localize anomalies such as blockage and leakage. This new approach should consider the benefits of low cost, flexible deployment, continuous monitoring, and accurate problem detection, identification, and localization quickly, reliably, and accurately, thereby improving the current SCADA system

    Reliable load-balancing routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks

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    The most critical routing-related issue of wireless sensor network (WSNs) is the quality of the underlying links. While most routing protocols are formulated in a graphtheoretical manner, it is often by no means clear which sensor nodes are connected by a wireless link. Links fluctuate in reliability and can have relatively high packet error rates. Using flooding-based protocols over such links can result in rather convoluted routing tables where nodes are considered to be neighbors only because a flooding packet happened to go through despite actually poor link quality. To overcome these problems, the proposed routing scheme advocate a careful selection of actual parents for a routing tree toward the base station, using information that the link layer can provide. In addition, the determined routes evidently influence the lifetime of the network. Hence, the proposed routing scheme goes a step further in that it attempts to provide guarantee on the lifetime of the network. The initial experimental results, on Crossbow’s Mica2 sensor nodes, show that the proposed routing scheme achieves an overall average of over 30% energy savings over the standard network layer provided by TinyOS, i.e., MintRoute and achieves greater than 60% connectivity to neighboring nodes and communication reliability. Particularly, it shows a higher success rate of packet delivery and moderate energy consumption

    LBR: Load balancing routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks

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    Homogeneous wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are organized using identical sensor nodes, but the nature of WSNs operations results in an imbalanced workload on gateway sensor nodes which may lead to a hot-spot or routing hole problem. The routing hole problem can be considered as a natural result of the tree-based routing schemes that are widely used in WSNs, where all nodes construct a multi-hop routing tree to a centralized root, e.g., a gateway or base station. For example, sensor nodes on the routing path and closer to the base station deplete their own energy faster than other nodes, or sensor nodes with the best link state to the base station are overloaded with traffic from the rest of the network and experience a faster energy depletion rate than their peers. Routing protocols for WSNs are reliability-oriented and their use of reliability metric to avoid unreliable links makes the routing scheme worse. However, none of these reliability oriented routing protocols explicitly uses load balancing in their routing schemes. Since improving network lifetime is a fundamental challenge of WSNs, we present, in this chapter, a novel, energy-wise, load balancing routing (LBR) algorithm that addresses load balancing in an energy efficient manner by maintaining a reliable set of parent nodes. This allows sensor nodes to quickly find a new parent upon parent loss due to the existing of node failure or energy hole. The proposed routing algorithm is tested using simulations and the results demonstrate that it outperforms the MultiHopLQI reliability based routing algorithm

    Multihop routing reliability in wireless sensor networks

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    Recent studies on a reliable energy efficient routing in multihop wireless sensor networks have shown a great reliance on radio channel quality in route selection decisions. If sensor nodes along the routing path and closer to the base station present a high quality link to forwarding upstream packets, these sensor nodes will experience a faster depletion rate in their residual energy levels. This results in a topological bottleneck or network partitioning. In this extended abstract, we present an empirical study on how to improve energy efficiency for reliable multihop communications by integrating additional useful information from different layers: e.g., residual energy level, link quality, and hop count. The proposed approach aims to balance the workload among relay nodes to achieve a balanced energy usage, thereby maximizing the operational network lifetime. The obtained results are presented from prototype real-network experiments based on the Mica2 (MPR400) wireless sensor platform developed by Crossbow Technologies Inc

    Avoiding routing holes in homogeneous wireless sensor networks

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    Homogeneous wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are organized using identical sensor nodes, but the nature of WSNs operations results in an imbalanced workload on gateway sensor nodes which may lead to a hot-spot or routing hole problem. The routing hole problem can be considered as a natural result of the tree-based routing schemes that are widely used in WSNs, where all nodes construct a multi-hop routing tree to a centralized root, e.g., a gateway or base station. For example, sensor nodes on the routing path and closer to the base station deplete their own energy faster than other nodes, or sensor nodes with the best link state to the base station are overloaded with traffic from the rest of the network and experience a faster energy depletion rate than their peers. Routing protocols for WSNs are reliability-oriented and their use of a reliability metric to avoid unreliable links makes the routing scheme worse. however, none of these reliability oriented routing protocols explicitly uses load balancing in their routing schemes. In this paper, we present a novel, energy-wise, load balancing routing (LBR) algorithm that addresses load balancing in an energy efficient manner by maintaining a reliable set of parent nodes. This allows sensor nodes to quickly find a new parent upon parent loss due to the existing of node failure or energy hole. The proposed routing algorithm is tested using simulations and the results demonstrate that it outperforms the MultiHopLQI reliability based routing algorithm

    Adaptive transmission power control scheme for wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless communication is the major energy consumer compared to computation and sensing operations performed by a battery-powered wireless sensor node. The reduction of communication power consumption in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) can be achieved using adaptive transmission power adjustment paradigms. Although transmission reliability can be enhanced further by transmitting route discovery messages and data packets at unnecessarily high transmission power outputs, this may introduce excessive interference and collisions and wastes energy