17 research outputs found

    Soil Characteristics Affected By Using The New Conservationist Tillage Tool Rotary Paraplow [características Del Suelo En Respuesta Al Uso De La Herramienta De Labranza Conservacionista Paraplow Rotatorio]

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    Soil preparation systems with conservationist features aimed at preserving soil and environment are currently very important. To this end, the Rotary Paraplow was created; namely, a new conservationist tool for soil preparation in which a vertical rotary hoe with a traction Paraplow was added. The aim of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of the planting strip generated by the new conservationist tool for the preparation of soil, the Rotary Paraplow. The analysis of the results showed that the Rotary Paraplow produces a wellprepared soil strip that has ideal characteristics for sowing seeds, characterized by a small surface and large subsurface width, which means less exposure of topsoil to erosion.452147156Albiero, D., (2008) Avaliação do preparo empregando o sistema de cultivo conservacionista em faixas com "Paraplow" Rotativo usando análise dimensional, , http://libdigi.unicamp.br/document/?code=vtls000385362, (Consultado: diciembre, 2008)(1997) ASAE Standards 1997, p. 1105. , ASAE (American Society of Agricultural Engineers). ASAE, St. JosephChang, C.S., (2010) Patente UNICAMP (PI 0204930-9): Dispositivo arador rotativo com cortador de ervas para cultivo conservacionista, , http://pesquisa.inpi.gov.br/MarcaPatente/servlet/PatenteServletController, (Consultado: octubre, 2010)Coelho, J.L.D., (2008) Avaliação de elementos sulcadores para semeadoras adubadoras em sistemas conservacionistas de manejo de solo, , http://libdigi.unicamp.br/document/?code=vtls000188942, (Consultado: diciembre, 2008)Freire, O., (2006) Solos das Regiões Tropicais, p. 410. , Fepaf, BotucatuFogarty, B., Paraplow: fracturing soil along natural lines (1984) Implement and Tractor, pp. 15-25. , OctoberGeissen, V., Kim, R.Y., Schoning, A., Schutte, S., Brummer, G.W., Effects on strip wise tillage in combination with liming on chemical and physical properties of acidic spruce forest soils after clear cutting (2003) For. Ecol. Management., 180, pp. 75-83Halliday, D., Resnick, R., Walker, J., (2008) Fundamentals of Physics, p. 995. , Wiley, New YorkJustino, A., (2010) Desenvolvimento e avaliação de alguns parâmetros operacionais de um protótipo de máquina de preparo mínimo de solo, , http://libdigi.unicamp.br/document/?code=vtls0009423, (Consultado: octubre, 2010)Kataoka, T., Shibusawa, S., Soil blade dynamics in reverse rotational rotary tillage (2002) J. Terramechanics, 39, pp. 95-113Karmakar, S., Kushwaha, R.L., Dynamic modeling of soil tool interaction: an overview from a fluid flow perspective (2005) J. Terramechanics, 43, pp. 90-110Kiehl, E.J., (1979) Manual de Edafologia, p. 280. , 1o Ed. Ceres, São PauloKladivko, E.J., Tillage systems and soil ecology (2001) Soil and Tillage Res, 61, pp. 61-76Maciel, A.J.S., (2010) Enxada rotativa: análise dimensional, requerimento energético e efeitos no solo utilizando diferentes geometrias de lâminas, , http://www.athena.biblioteca.unesp.br, (Consultado: octubre, 2010)Maciel, A.J.S., Albiero, D., Avaliação de ferramenta de preparo conservacionista de solo para plantio em pequenas propriedades (2007) Braz. J. Biosystems Eng., 1, pp. 1-12(Soil Science Society of America). Internet glossary of soil science terms, , www.sois.org, SSSA (Consultado: noviembre, 2005)Zhang, B., Horn, R., Baumgartl, T., Changes in penetration resistance of Utilsols from southern China as affected by shearing (2001) Soil and Tillage Res, 57, pp. 193-20

    A Simple Green Method For Biodiesel Iodine Number Determination

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    A simple and green method for the determination of the iodine number in biodiesel is proposed based on the Friedmann procedure for oils and fats adapted for biodiesel. The reagent solutions used are prepared in water with the exception of the standard iodine and the biodiesel solutions that are dissolved in ethanol 96 %. The method was compared with the procedure recommended by the norm EN 14111, which is essentially the Wijs method. Biodiesel derived from several oils and fats were analyzed using the two methods. A statistical comparison between them shows that both offer equivalent results and precision. Copyright © 2010 by ASTM International,.1477146156Shay, E.G., Diesel fuel from vegetable oils: Status and opportunities (1993) Biomass Bioenergy, 4, pp. 227-242Rinaldi, R., Garcia, C., Marciniuk, L.L., Rossi, A.V., Schuchardt, U., "Síntese de Biodiesel: Uma Proposta Contextualizada de Experimento para Laboratório de Química Geral (2007) Quim. Nova, 30, pp. 1374-1380Ma, F., Hanna, M., Biodiesel Prodution: A review (1999) Bioresour. Technol, 70, pp. 1-15Demirbas, A., Relationships derived from physical properties of vegetable oil and biodiesel fuels (2008) Fuel, 87, pp. 1743-1748Ramos, J.R., Fernández, C.M., Casas, A., Rodríguez, L., Pérez, Á., Influence of fatty acid composition of raw materials on biodiesel properties (2009) Bioresour. Technol, 100, pp. 261-268Encinar, J.M., González, J.F., Rodrigues-Reinares, A., Ethanolysis of used frying oil. biodiesel preparation and characterization (2007) Fuel Process. Technol, 88, pp. 513-522Schuchardt, U., Sercheli, R., Vargas, R.M.J., Transesterification of vegetable oils: A review (1998) J. Braz. Chem. Soc., 9, pp. 199-210Knothe, G., Analyzing biodiesel: S tandards and other methods (2006) J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc, 83, pp. 823-833Knothe, G., Structure indices in FA chemistry. How relevant is the iodine value? (2002) J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc, 79, pp. 847-854Mittelbach, M., Diesel fuel derived from vegetable oils. VI: Specifications and quality control of biodiesel (1996) Bioresour. Technol, 56, pp. 7-11Standard test method for iodine value of drying oils and fatty acids Annual Book of ASTM Standards, pp. 277-279. , ASTM D1959-85, Vol. 06.03, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 1985Standard test method for iodine value of drying oils and their derivatives (1986) Annual Book of ASTM Standards, pp. 210-212. , ASTM D1541-86, Vol. 06.03, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PABouaid, A., Martinez, M., Aracil, J., Production of biodiesel from bioethanol and brassica carinata oil: Oxidation stability study (2009) Bioresour. Technol, 100, pp. 2234-2239Knothe, G., Dependence of biodiesel fuel properties on the structure of fatty acid alkyl esters (2005) Fuel Process. Technol, 86, pp. 1059-1070Knothe, G., Some aspects of biodiesel oxidative stability (2007) Fuel Process. Technol, 88, pp. 669-677Xin, J., Imahara, H., Saka, S., Oxidation Stability of Biodiesel Fuel as Pre-pared by Supercritical Methanol (2008) Fuel, 87, pp. 1807-1813Bouaid, A., Martinez, M., Aracil, J., Long storage stability of biodiesel from vegetable and used frying oils (2007) Fuel, 86, pp. 2596-2602Naz, S., Sheikh, H., Saddiqi, R., Sayeed, S.A., Oxidative stability of olive, corn and soybean oil under different condition (2004) Food Chem., 88, pp. 253-259Kodali, D.R., High performance ester lubricants from natural oils (2002) Ind. Lubr. Tribol, 54, pp. 165-170Imahara, H., Minami, E., Saka, S., Thermodynamic study on cloud point of biodiesel with its fatty acid composition (2006) Fuel, 85, pp. 1666-1670AOCS official method cd 1-25. iodine value of fats and oils wijs method (1998) Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the American Oils Chemists' Society, , AOCS, 5th ed., D. Firestone, Ed., AOCS, Champaign, ILFat and Oil Derivatives-Fatty Acid Methyl Esters (FAME)Determination of Iodine Value, , EN 14111, 2003, " European Committee for Standardization, BerlinMargosches, V.B.M., Hinner, W., Friedmann, L., Über eine Schnellmethode zur Bestimmung der Jodzahl fetter Öle mit Jod und Alkohol (1924) Angew. Chem., 37, pp. 334-337(1996) An Encyclopedia of Chemical, Drugs and Biological, pp. 860-861. , The Merck Index, 12th ed., S. Budavari, Ed., Merck Reserch Laboratories, Whitehouse Station, NJEckschlager, K., (1972) Errors, Measurement and Results in Chemical Analysis, pp. 109-120. , Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, Londo

    Evaluation Of Vibration And Noise Emitted By Chain Saw: Partial Results [avaliação De Ruído E Vibração Em Motosserra: Resultados Parciais]

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    The chain saw is an equipment of high risk to operator's safety and health. Federal government has passed bills regulating the manufacture, import, sale and safety aspects. In this work, we report preliminary results on the vibration and sound pressure level emitted by chain saws commercialized in Brazil. In this initial phase of the work, the international methods and some measurements systems were evaluated as to assess their operational difficulties.571193196(1991) ANSI B 175.1. Gasoline: Powered Chain Saws. Safety Requirements, , New York, ANSI, 95p(1993) Safety Requirements for Agricultural and Forestry Machinery. Portable Saws, (E). , Bruxelas, 18p(1984) ISO 7182. Acoustics: Measurement at the Operator's Position of Airbone Noise Emitted by Chain Saws, (E). , Genebra, ISO, 5p(1986) ISO 7505. Forestry Machinery: Chain Saws. - Measurement of Hard-transmitted Vibration, (E). , Genebra, ISO, 10p(1986) ISO 5349. Mechanical Vibration: Guidelines for the Measurement and Assessment of Human Exposure to Hand - Transmitted Vibration, , Genebra, ISO, 14p(1991) ISO 9207. Manually Portable Chain Saws: Determination of Sound Power Levels, , Genebra, ISO, 15

    A Conceptual Proposal For Self-propelled Açai (euterpe Oleracea Mart.) Harvesters For The Amazon Region [proposta Conceitual De Colhedoras Autopropelidas De Açaí (euterpe Oleracea Mart.) Para A Região Amazônica]

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    Production of the açai fruit is mainly accomplished through manual collection; but there is a strong trend towards the implementation of commercial crops. Fruit harvesting is carried out exclusively by climbers who risk injury to themselves, besides not being very efficient at harvesting. The aim of this study was to produce design concepts for self-propelled açai harvesters for dry-land forest environments, floodplain forest environments and commercial crops. To this end we used the design methodology of a morphological matrix. The results obtained were the design concepts for the following new harvesters: an açai harvester for native floodplain forests in the wet season; a harvester for both dry-land and native floodplain forests in the dry season; a harvester for commercial crops.432382389Albiero, D., Proposta de uma máquina para colheita mecanizada de babaçu (Orbignya phalerata Mart.) para a agricultura familiar (2007) Acta Amazônica, 37 (3), pp. 337-346Albiero, D., Maciel, A.J.S., Gamero, C.A., Desenvolvimento e projeto de colhedora babaçu (Orbignya phalerata Mart.) para a agricultura familiar nas regiões de matas de transição da Amazônia (2011) Acta Amazônica, 41 (1), pp. 57-68Ayres, J.M., As matas de várzea do Mamirauá (2006) Belém: Sociedade Civil Mamirauá, p. 123Back, N., Metodologia de projeto de produtos industriais (1983), p. 180. , Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara DoisCastro, A., A floresta em jogo - o extrativismo na Amazônia Central (2000), p. 250. , São Paulo: Editora UNESPMenezes, E.M.S., Torres, A.T., Srur, A., U.S. Valor nutricional da polpa de açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart) liofilizada (2008) Acta Amazonica, 38 (2), pp. 355-365Miranda, I.P.A., Rabelo, A., Guia de identificação das palmeiras de porto trombetas (2008) Manaus: INPA, p. 365Muller, A.A., Ambiente Edafo-climático do açaí (2009), http://sistemasdeproducao.cnptia.embrapa.br/FontesHTML/Acai/SistemaProducaoAcai_2ed/paginas/edafo.htm, Disponível em, Acesso em: 20 setNeves, J.L.M., Magalhães, P.S.G., Ota, W.M., Sistema de monitoramento de perdas visíveis de cana-deaçúcar em colhedora de cana picada (2004) Engenharia Agrícola, 24 (3), pp. 764-770Nogueira, O.L., Introdução e importância econômica (2009), http://sistemasdeproducao.cnptia.embrapa.br/FontesHTML/Acai/SistemaProducaoAcai_2ed/paginas/intro.htm, Disponível em. Acesso em: 20 setPahl, G., Beitz, W., Feldhusen, J., Grote, K.H., Projeto na engenharia (2005), p. 411. , São Paulo: Edgar BlucherPeloia, P.R., Milan, M., Romanelli, T.L., Capacity of the mechanical harversting process of sugar cane billets (2010) Scientia Agricola, 67 (6), pp. 1230-1240Queiroz, J.A.L., Melém Jr., N.J., Efeito do tamanho do recipiente sobre o desenvolvimento de mudas de açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart (2001) Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 23 (2), pp. 460-462Ribeiro, A.S.S., Utilização dos recursos naturais por comunidades humanas do Parque Ecoturístico do Guamá, Belém, Pará (2007) Acta Amazônica, 37, pp. 123-133Rocha, E., Potencial ecológico para o manejo de frutos de açaizeiro (Euterpe precatoria Mart.) em áreas extrativistas no Acre, Brasil (2004) Acta Amazônica, 34 (2), pp. 234-244Santos, S.R.M., Miranda, I.S., Tourinho, M.M., Estimativa de biomassa de sistemas agroflorestais das várzeas do rio Juba, Cametá, Pará (2004) Acta Amazonica, 34 (1), pp. 44-54Silva, B.M.S., Influência da posição e da profundidade de semeadura na emergência de plântulas de açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart (2007) Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 29 (1), pp. 187-190Souza, M.A.C., Suco de açaí (Euterpe oleracea Mart: avaliação microbiológica, tratamento térmico e vida de prateleira (2006) Acta Amazonica, 36 (4), pp. 450-460Srivastava, A.K., Engineering principles of agricultural machines (2006), St. Joseph: ASAVasconcelos, M.A.M., Alves, S.M., Colheita e póscolheita de açaí (2009), http://sistemasdeproducao.cnptia.embrapa.br/FontesHTML/Acai/SistemaProducaoAcai_2ed/paginas/colheita.htm, Disponível em, Acesso em: 10 setVieira, T.A., Sistemas agroflorestais em áreas de agricultores familiares em Igarapé=Açu, Pará: caracterização florística, implantação e manejo (2007) Acta Amazonica, 37 (4), pp. 491-501Viegas, I.J.M., Limitações nutricionais para o cultivo de açaizeiro em latossolo amarelo textura média, Estado do Pará (2004) Revista Brasileira de Fruticultura, 26 (2), pp. 382-384Volpato, C.E.S., Braunbeck, A.O., Oliveira, C.A.A., Modelo dinâmico de simulação e otimização da força normal de reação do solo para um mecanismo de corte basal (2005) Engenharia Agrícola, 25 (2), pp. 378-388Yuyama, L.K.O., Açaí como fonte de ferro: mito ou realidade? (2002) Acta Amazonica, 32 (3), pp. 521-525Willerding, A.L., Oliveira, L.A., Diagnóstico de um projeto de enriquecimento florestal na Comunidade do Brasileirinho, Manaus, Amazonas (2005) Acta Amazonica, 35 (4), pp. 521-53

    Moiré Technique Applied In Compression Stress Of Bamboo Guadua [técnica De Moiré Aplicada Al Análisis De Esfuerzos De Compresión En El Bambú Guadua]

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    Bamboo is considered an important raw material in developing countries because its physical characteristics associate lightness with high mechanical resistance. However its behavior obtained from mechanical tests is not yet well defined. This research work had the objective of evaluating bamboo (Guadua angustifolia) testing specimens under simple uniaxial compression loading. Shadow moiré optical methods had been employed to generate deformation mapping as function of knots (0, 1 or 2). Obtained results indicate that the technique is well adequate in generating iso-deformation contour lines in bamboo specimens.93309322Cloud, G., (1998) Optical method of engineering analysis, , Cambridge University Press, CambridgeHu, Q. 2001. 3-D Shape measurement techniques. http://www.sinc.sunysb.edu/Stu/qhu / Chapterl.htm〉, 06/09/2001Malacara, D., (1992) Optical Shop Testing, , John Wiley & Sons, New YorkPisarev, V.S., Balalov, V.V., A role of fringe patterns catalogue in the course of interferometrically based determination of residual stresses by the hole drilling method (2004) Optics and Laser in Engineering, 41, pp. 411-462. , LondonPost, D., Han, B., Ifju, P., (1994) High Sensitivity Moiré, , Springer, New YorkSaleh, B.E.A., Teich, M.C., (1991) Fundamentals of Photonics, , John Wiley & Sons, New YorkTakasaki, H., Moiré topography (1970) Applied Optics, 9 (6), pp. 1457-146

    Proposal Of Using Exponentially Weighted Moving Average For Studies About Longitudinal Distribution Of Seeds [avaliação Da Distribuição De Sementes Por Uma Semeadora De Anel Interno Rotativo Utilizando Média Móvel Exponencial]

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    Quality concepts are essentials for survivor of agricultural companies, therefore, the importancy of improvement of agricultural process is necessary for to get results economically, environmentally and socially viables. One quality dimension is to get a compliance quality, ie, ensure the exact execution than was planned. The subject of this paper is evaluable at longitudinal distribution between seed of a internal ring seeder. The subject of this paper is to evaluate at longitudinal distribution between seed distributed for a internal ring seeder and to propose the use of statistical methodology exponentially weighted moving average (MMEP) like alternative for the quality control of seeders, when there is not normality in data. The results showed that the MMEP is adequate for quality evaluation of longitudinal distribution between seeds, as agreed with the data of descriptive statistic.4318695Albiero, D., (2010) Desenvolvimento e avaliação de máquina multifuncional conservacionista para a agricultura familiar. 2010, , 242 f. Tese (Doutorado em Maquinas Agricolas) -Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CampinasAlbiero, D., Maciel, A.J.S., Projeto, desenvolvimento, construcao e testes de nova semeadora conservacionista multifuncional para a agricultura familiar (2010) Varia Scientia Agrárias, 1 (2), pp. 77-97Campos, C.M., Milan, M., Siqueira, L.F.F., Identificacao e avaliacao de variaveis criticas no processo de producao de cana-de-acucar (2008) Engenharia Agrícola, 28 (3), pp. 554-564Chang, C.S., Ferraz, A.C.O., A new seeder of rotating inner ring with high precision seeding rate (1998) Proceedings..., pp. 856-865. , 1998 ASAE. ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL MEETING, 1998, Orlando, Orlando: American Society of Agricultural EngineersCoelho, J.L.D., Ensaio e certificacao das maquinas para semeadura (1996) Máquinas agrícolas: ensaios e certificacao, 11, pp. 551-570. , MIALHE, L. G, Piracicaba: FEALQ, CapFan, S.K.S., Chang, Y.J., Multiple-input multiple-output double exponentially weighted moving average controller using partial least squares (2010) Journal of Process Control, 20 (6), pp. 734-742Gamero, C.A., Lancas, K.P., Ensaio e certificacao das maquinas de mobilizacao periodica do solo (1996) Máquinas agrícolas: ensaios e certificacao, 9, pp. 463-514. , MIALHE, L. G, Piracicaba: FEALQ, CapHelman, H., Andery, P.R.P., (1995) Análise de falhas: aplicacao dos metodos de FMEA e FTA), p. 350. , Belo Horizonte: Fundacao Cristiano OttoniHolt, C.C., Forecasting seasonals and trends by exponentially weighted moving averages (2004) International Journal of Forecasting, 20 (1), pp. 5-10Hunter, J.S., A one point plot equivalent to the Shewart chart with western electric rules (1989) Quality Progress, 12 (1), pp. 60-71Khan, A.A., Moyne, J.R., Tibury, D.M., An approach for factory wide control utilizing virtual metrology (2007) IEEE Transactions Semicondutors Manufactoring, 20 (4), pp. 364-374Kotz, S., Johnson, N.L., (1993) Process capability indices, p. 256. , London: Chapman & HallKourti, T., Applications of latent variable methods to process control and multivariate statistical process control in industry (2005) International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 19 (4), pp. 213-246Kurachi, S.A.H., Avaliacao tecnologica de semeadoras e ou adubadora: tratamento de dados de ensaios e regularidade de distribuicao longitudinal (1989) Bragantia, 48 (3), pp. 450-460Lee, S.P., Chou, R.J., Tseng, S.T., Stability and performance of a double MEWMA controller for drifed MMO systems (2008) IIE Transactions, 40 (7), pp. 690-708Lucas, J.M., Saccucci, M.S., Exponentially weighted moving average control schemes (1990) Technometrics, 32 (2), pp. 230-249Luceno, A., A process capability index with reliable confidence intervals (1996) Communications Statistics, 25 (4), pp. 1023-1033Luceno, A., Minimum cost dead band adjustment schemes under tool-wear effects and delayed dynamics (2000) Statistics & Probability Letters, 50 (2), pp. 165-178Mialhe, L.G., (1996) Máquinas agrícolas: ensaios e certificacao, p. 890. , Piracicaba: FEALQMilan, M., Fernandes, R.A.T., Qualidade das operacoes de preparo de solo por controle estatistico de processo (2002) Scientia Agrícola, 59 (2), pp. 340-350Montgomery, D.C., (2004) Introdução ao controle estatístico da qualidade, p. 563. , 4. ed. Rio de Janeiro: LTCOrd, K., Charles Holt's report on exponentially weighted moving averages: an introduction and appreciation (2004) International Journal of Forecasting, 20 (1), pp. 1-3Pearn, W.L., Liao, M.Y., Measuring process capability based on Cpk with gauge measurement error (2005) Microelectronics Reliability, 45 (4), pp. 739-751Reynolds, M.R., Stoumbos, Z.G., Monitoring the process mean and variance using individual observations and variable sampling intervals (2001) Journal of Quality Tecnology, 33 (2), pp. 181-205Reynolds, M.R., Stoumbos, Z.G., Control charts and the efficiente allocation of sampling resources (2004) Technometrics, 46 (2), pp. 200-214Sheu, S.H., Lin, T.C., The generally weighted moving average control chart for detecting small shifths in the process mean (2003) Quality Engineering, 16 (2), pp. 209-231Sheu, S.H., Monitoring process mean and variability with generally wieghted moving average control charts (2009) Computers and Industrial Engineering, 57 (1), pp. 401-407Snedecor, G.W., Cochran, W.G., (1989) Statistical methods, p. 589. , Ames: Iowa State University PressSong, K., Partial least square based model predictive control for large scale manufacturing process (2002) IIE Transactions, 34 (10), pp. 881-890Tseng, S.T., Chou, S.P., Lee, S.P., Statistical design of doube EWMA controller (2002) Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 18 (3), pp. 313-322Wu, C.W., Pearn, W.L., Kotz, S., An overview of theory and practice on process capability indices for quality assurance (2009) International Journal of Production Economics, 117 (2), pp. 338-359Zimmer, L.S., Hubele, N.F., Zimmer, W.J., Confidence intervals and sample size determination for Cpm (2001) Quality and Reliabilty Engineering International, 17 (1), pp. 51-6

    Normal Probability Plots For Evaluation Of Seeds Distribution Mechanisms In Seeders [gráficos De Probabilidade Normal Para Avaliação De Mecanismos De Distribuição De Sementes Em Semeadoras]

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    Currently great emphasis is given for seed metering that assist rigorous demands in relation to longitudinal distribution of seeds, as well as to the index of fails in spacing laws, breaks and double seeds. The evaluation of these variable demands much time and work of attainment of data and processing. The objective of this work went propose to use of graphs of normal probability, facilitating the treatment of the data and decreasing the time of processing. The evaluation methodology consists in the counting of broken seeds, fail spacing and double seeds through the measure of the spacing among seeds, preliminary experiments through combinations of treatments had been carried through whose factors of variation were the level of the reservoir of seeds, the leveling of the seed metering, the speed of displacement and dosage of seeds. The evaluation was carried through in two parts, first through preliminary experiments for elaboration of the graphs of normal probability and later in experiments with bigger sampling for evaluation of the influence of the factors most important. It was done the evaluation of seed metering of rotating internal ring, and the amount of necessary data for the evaluation was very decreased through of the graphs of normal probability that facilitated to prioritize only the significant factors. The dosage of seeds was factor that more important because factor (D) have greater significance.332507518Adami, M., Rizzi, R., Moreira, M.A., Rudorff, B.F.T., Ferreira, C.C., Amostragem probabilística estratificada por pontos para estimar a área cultivada de soja (2010) Pesquisa Agropecuária Brasileira, 45 (6), pp. 585-592. , BrasíliaAlbiero, D., (2006) Avaliação Do Preparo de Solo Empregando O Sistema de Cultivo Conservacionista em Faixas Com "Paraplow" Rotativo Usando Análise Dimensional., , Dissertação (Mestrado em Engenharia Agrícola) -Universidade Estadual de Campinas, CampinasAlbiero, D., MacIel, A.J.S., Milan, M., Monteiro, L.A., Mion, R.L., Avaliação da distribuição de sementes por uma semeadora de anel interno rotativo utilizando média móvel exponencial (2012) Revista Ciência Agronômica, 43 (1), pp. 86-95. , FortalezaArmas, S., Herrera, L., Amplitud de intervalos de confianza obtenidos por bonferroni de acuerdo al número de vaiables y del tamaño de la muestra en poblaciones multinormales (2008) Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, 49 (2), pp. 95-105. , CaracasBarros Neto, B., Scarminio, I.S., Bruns, R.E., (2003) Como Fazer Experimentos, p. 403. , Campinas: UNICAMPCargnelutti Filho, A., Matzenauer, R., Maluf, J.R.T., Silva, B.P., Tamanho de amostra para estimativa das médias decendiais de radiação solar global no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (2007) Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 31 (5), pp. 1402-1410. , LavrasCarolla, C., Sanches, R., Montiel, E., Modelo estadistico que permite inferir concentración de potasio em composto producido a partir de desechos orgánicos (2007) Revista de la Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad Central de Venezuela, 22 (2), pp. 125-132. , CaracasCasão Jr., R.O., Máquinas e qualidade de semeadura em plantio direto (2006) Revista Plantio Direto, 95 (5), pp. 14-24. , Passo FundoChang, C.S., (1998) Semeadora de Precisão Com Anel Rotativo Interno Vertical e O Distribuidor de Adubo Espiral Cônica, , Patente da UNICAMP INPI (INPI 9802269-5) Campinas: UNICAMPDaniel, C., (1976) Applications of Statistics to Industrial Experimentation, p. 512. , New York: John Wiley and SonsFragiadakis, K., Karlis, D., Meintanis, S.G., Tests of fit for normal inverse gaussian distributions (2009) Statistical Methodology, 6 (7), pp. 559-564. , AmsterdanHeo, J.H., Kho, Y.W., Shin, H., Kim, S., Kim, T., Regression equations of probability plot correlation coeficient test stadistics from several probability distributions (2008) Journal of Hydrology, 355 (2), pp. 1-15. , SilsoeHines, W.W., Montgomery, D.C., Goldsman, D.M., Borror, C.M., (2006) Probabilidade e Estatística Na Engenharia, p. 642. , Rio de Janeiro: LTCKozak, M., Analyzing one-way experiments: A piece of cake or a pain in the neck? 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