335 research outputs found

    Effects of Abiotic Factors on Phenolic Compounds in the Grape Berry – A Review

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    Grape berry phenolic compounds are widely described in literature. Phenolics can be divided into two main groups: flavonoids and non-flavonoids, of which the flavonoids are the most important. The two bestknown groups of flavonoids are the anthocyanins and condensed tannins (also called proanthocyanidins).  Anthocyanins are responsible for the red colour in grapes. The condensed tannins (proanthocyanidins) are responsible for some major wine sensorial properties (astringency, browning, and turbidity) and areinvolved in the wine ageing processes. This review summarises flavonoid synthesis in the grape berry and the impact of environmental factors on the accumulation rate during ripening of each of the flavonoids.  The impact of the accumulated flavonoids in grapes and the resulting impact on the sensorial aspects of the wine are also discussed

    Entropy and Spin Susceptibility of s-wave Type-II Superconductors near Hc2H_{c2}

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    A theoretical study is performed on the entropy SsS_{\rm s} and the spin susceptibility χs\chi_{\rm s} near the upper critical field Hc2H_{c2} of s-wave type-II superconductors with arbitrary impurity concentrations. The changes of these quantities through Hc2H_{c2} may be expressed as [Ss(T,B)Ss(T,0)]/[Sn(T)Ss(T,0)]=1αS(1B/Hc2)(B/Hc2)αS[S_{\rm s}(T,B)-S_{\rm s}(T,0)]/[S_{\rm n}(T)-S_{\rm s}(T,0)]=1-\alpha_{S}(1-B/H_{c2})\approx (B/H_{c2})^{\alpha_{S}}, for example, where BB is the average flux density and SnS_{\rm n} denotes entropy in the normal state. It is found that the slopes αS\alpha_{S} and αχ\alpha_{\chi} at T=0 are identical, connected directly with the zero-energy density of states, and vary from 1.72 in the dirty limit to\sim 0.6 in the clean limit. This mean-free-path dependence of αS\alpha_{S} and αχ\alpha_{\chi} at T=0 is quantitatively the same as that of the slope αρ(T=0)\alpha_{\rho}(T=0) for the flux-flow resistivity studied previously. The result suggests that Ss(B)S_{\rm s}(B) and χs(B)\chi_{\rm s}(B) near T=0 are convex downward (upward) in the dirty (clean) limit, deviating substantially from the linear behavior B/Hc2\propto B/H_{c2}. The specific-heat jump at Hc2H_{c2} also shows fairly large mean-free-path dependence.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Quasi particle interference of heavy fermions in resonant x ray scattering

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    Resonant x ray scattering RXS has recently become an increasingly important tool for the study of ordering phenomena in correlated electron systems. Yet, the interpretation of RXS experiments remains theoretically challenging because of the complexity of the RXS cross section. Central to this debate is the recent proposal that impurity induced Friedel oscillations, akin to quasi particle interference signals observed with a scanning tunneling microscope STM , can lead to scattering peaks in RXS experiments. The possibility that quasi particle properties can be probed in RXSmeasurements opens up a new avenue to study the bulk band structure ofmaterials with the orbital and element selectivity provided by RXS. We test these ideas by combining RXS and STM measurements of the heavy fermion compound CeMIn5 M Co, Rh . Temperature and doping dependent RXSmeasurements at the Ce M4 edge show abroad scattering enhancement that correlateswith the appearance of heavy f electron bands in these compounds. The scattering enhancement is consistentwith themeasured quasi particle interference signal in the STMmeasurements, indicating that the quasi particle interference can be probed through the momentum distribution of RXS signals. Overall, our experiments demonstrate new opportunities for studies of correlated electronic systems using the RXS techniqu

    Influence of Hybridization on the Properties of the Spinless Falicov-Kimball Model

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    Without a hybridization between the localized f- and the conduction (c-) electron states the spinless Falicov-Kimball model (FKM) is exactly solvable in the limit of high spatial dimension, as first shown by Brandt and Mielsch. Here I show that at least for sufficiently small c-f-interaction this exact inhomogeneous ground state is also obtained in Hartree-Fock approximation. With hybridization the model is no longer exactly solvable, but the approximation yields that the inhomogeneous charge-density wave (CDW) ground state remains stable also for finite hybridization V smaller than a critical hybridization V_c, above which no inhomogeneous CDW solution but only a homogeneous solution is obtained. The spinless FKM does not allow for a ''ferroelectric'' ground state with a spontaneous polarization, i.e. there is no nonvanishing -expectation value in the limit of vanishing hybridization.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Whey-based diet containing medium chain triglycerides modulates the gut microbiota and protects the intestinal mucosa from chemotherapy while maintaining therapy efficacy.

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    Cytotoxicity (i.e. cell death) is the core mechanism by which chemotherapy induces its anti-cancer effects. Unfortunately, this same mechanism underpins the collateral damage it causes to healthy tissues. The gastrointestinal tract is highly susceptible to chemotherapy’s cytotoxicity, resulting in ulcerative lesions (termed gastrointestinal mucositis, GI-M) that impair the functional capacity of the gut leading to diarrhea, anorexia, malnutrition and weight loss, which negatively impact physical/psychological wellbeing and treatment adherence. Preventing these side effects has proven challenging given the overlapping mechanisms that dictate chemotherapy efficacy and toxicity. Here, we report on a novel dietary intervention that, due to its localized gastrointestinal effects, is able to protect the intestinal mucosal from unwanted toxicity without impairing the anti-tumor effects of chemotherapy. The test diet (containing extensively hydrolyzed whey protein and medium chain triglycerides (MCTs)), was investigated in both tumor-naïve and tumor-bearing models to evaluate its effect on GI-M and chemo-efficacy, respectively. In both models, methotrexate was used as the representative chemotherapeutic agent and the diet was provided ad libitum for 14 days prior to treatment. GI-M was measured using the validated biomarker plasma citrulline, and chemo-efficacy defined by tumor burden (cm3 /g body weight). The test diet significantly attenuated GI-M (P = 0.03), with associated reductions in diarrhea (P < 0.0001), weight loss (P < 0.05), daily activity (P < 0.02) and maintenance of body composition (P < 0.02). Moreover, the test diet showed significant impact on gut microbiota by increasing diversity and resilience, whilst also altering microbial composition and function (indicated by cecal short and brained chain fatty acids). The test diet did not impair the efficacy of methotrexate against mammary adenocarcinoma (tumor) cells. In line with the first model, the test diet minimized intestinal injury (P = 0.001) and diarrhea (P < 0.0001). These data support translational initiatives to determine the clinical feasibility, utility and efficacy of this diet to improve chemotherapy treatment outcomes.Hannah R. Wardill, Ana Rita Da Silva Ferreira, Himanshu Kumar, Emma H. Bateman, Courtney B. Cross, Joanne M. Bowen, Rick Havinga, Hermie J. M. Harmsen, Jan Knol, Bram Dorresteijn, Miriam van Dijk, Jeroen van Bergenhenegouwen, and Wim J. E. Tissin