6 research outputs found

    Design and construction of a microstrip x-band impatt diode oscillator.

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    Novel T-rail electrodes for substrate removed low-voltage high-speed GaAs/AlGaAs electrooptic modulators

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    A novel traveling-wave electrode utilizing capacitively loaded T-rail elements was developed for low-voltage high-speed substrate-removed GaAs/AlGaAs electrooptic modulators. Electrodes with varying dimensions were fabricated and characterized. Electrode phase velocity, characteristic impedance, loss coefficient, and capacitive loading were extracted from the measured s-parameters up to 40 GHz. Electrode was also simulated using a finite-element solver. The measured and calculated electrode capacitance values were found to be in excellent agreement, showing that the electrode can be precisely designed. Approaches were outlined to provide a group velocity-matched very high-speed modulator electrode suitable for a low drive-voltage substrate-removed GaAs/AlGaAs electro-optic modulator

    Rectangular ring lasers based on total reflection mirrors and three waveguide couplers

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    Novel rectangular ring lasers containing active and passive sections are fabricated and characterized. The rectangular laser cavity is formed using four low-loss total internal reflection (TIR) mirrors and an output coupler made out of passive three coupled waveguides. The fabrication process is exactly the same as for other active and passive devices except for one deep etch step for TIR mirror fabrication. Two different lasers having active section lengths of 250 and 350 mu m and total cavity lengths of 580 and 780 pm are fabricated. For both devices, lasing thresholds of 38 mA are obtained at room temperature and under continuous-wave operation. Lasing is predominantly single-mode with a sidemode suppression ratio better than 20 dB. The power loss of a single TIR mirror is also determined to be about 0.5 dB. Such low-loss TIR mirrors enabled lasers with very small footprints

    Multimode-interference-coupled ring resonators based on total-internal-reflection mirrors

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    We investigate the properties of a multimode-interference (MMI) coupled ring cavity resonator with total-internal-reflection (TIR) mirrors and a semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) in an InGaAsP material system. The TIR mirrors were fabricated by the self-aligned process with a loss of about 1.4 dB per mirror. The resulting free spectral range (FSR) was approximately 0.8 nin (97 GHz) near 1569 rim. The on-off ratio and the full width at half maximum (FWHM) were 8 dB and 0.152 nm, respectively, corresponding to a finesse of 5.2 and a Q factor of 10,322. Hence, such resonators can be directly integrated with other devices making possible the fabrication of compact and highly functional photonic integrated circuits

    Total internal reflection mirror-based InGaAsP ring resonators integrated with optical amplifiers

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    Novel ring resonators combining very small multimode interference (MMI) couplers, low loss total internal reflection (TIR) mirrors, and a semiconductor optical amplifier in InGaAsP material system are reported for the first time. The MMI length of 113 /spl mu/m is among the shortest reported. Average TIR mirror loss is about 1.1 dB per mirror. The material platform and fabrication process used are the same used for other active and passive devices except for a deep etch step. Hence, such resonators are easily integrated with other active and passive devices. A free spectral range of approximately 2 nm is observed near 1568 nm along with an on-off ratio of 14 dB, a full-width at half-maximum of about 0.3 nm, a finesse of more than 6, and a Q-factor of more than 4900