379 research outputs found

    Pain relief effects of aromatherapy with rose oil (Rosa damascena Mill.) inhalation in patients with primary dysmenorrhea: A randomized controlled clinical trial

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    Introduction: Pharmacological agents, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), and non -pharmacological techniques, including acupuncture and aromatherapy, are commonly used for the manage-ment of abdominal pain in patients with primary dysmenorrhea. Essential rose oil obtained from Rosa Mill (RDM) is often used in aromatherapy for the treatment of many diseases. This study was aimed at using visual analog scale (VAS) pain scores and total analgesic consumption to evaluate the effects of adding RDM essential oil inhalation to the standard treatment (NSAID) of primary dysmenorrhea. Methods: In this prospective randomized controlled clinical trial, 86 patients were randomized into groups R and C. The patients in group C only used standard analgesics (50 mg diclofenac sodium enteric film tablets). In group R, patients used both standard analgesics and RDM inhalation aromatherapy. A 10-point VAS was used to determine the pain values of the patients and was recorded as pre-treatment (VAS-0) and post-treatment (VAS -60). The analgesic consumption by the patients was recorded for 24 h. Results: In both groups, there was a significant decrease in VAS scores after treatment. The VAS-60 scores in group R were significantly lower than those in group C (2 [1-4] vs. 5 [2-5], respectively; P = 0.013). Analgesic consumption in group R was significantly lower than in group C (50 [50-100] mg vs. 100 [50-100] mg, respectively; p = 0.003). Conclusion: Inhalational rose oil aromatherapy is a good self-treatment option for primary dysmenorrhea

    Extended Bernoulli and Stirling matrices and related combinatorial identities

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    In this paper we establish plenty of number theoretic and combinatoric identities involving generalized Bernoulli and Stirling numbers of both kinds. These formulas are deduced from Pascal type matrix representations of Bernoulli and Stirling numbers. For this we define and factorize a modified Pascal matrix corresponding to Bernoulli and Stirling cases.Comment: Accepted for publication in Linear Algebra and its Application

    Tarihi yapılar yeniden soluk alıyor

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya No: 120-Köşkler, Konaklar, Kasırlar, Yalılarİstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Recesso e Aprendizagem da Leitura em Alunos da Pré-escola nas Escolas Públicas

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    In recent years, schools have tended to eliminate recess period and to devote more time to instruction in order to increase academic achievement. Using a nationally representative sample, this study examined reading scores of students who experienced different numbers of recess days in a week, and different number of times and length of recess in a day. Students’ gender, race, family socioeconomic status, initial reading scores, and age were controlled. Findings showed no significant main effects of recess; however, students who were exposed to a 16-30 minutes recess period tended to perform better. An interaction effect of race and the length of recess was found. It was concluded that recess does not have a significant effect on reading achievement. In other words, it does not improve or hurt academic achievement, but provides an opportunity for children to be physically active, play and socialize -- just to be a child.En los últimos años, las escuelas han tendido a eliminar período de recreo y dedicar más tiempo a la instrucción con el fin de incrementar el rendimiento académico. Utilizando una muestra representativa a nivel nacional, este estudio examinó los puntajes de lectura de estudiantes que experimentaron números diferentes de días de receso en una semana, cantidad y duración de los recesos por día. Fueron controladas las variables de género, raza, situación socioeconómica de las familia, los niveles de lectura inicial, y la edad de los estudiantes. Los resultados no mostraron efectos significativos principal de recreo, sin embargo, los estudiantes que fueron expuestos a un período de receso 16 a 30 minutos tendían a obtener mejores resultados. Un efecto de interacción de la raza y la duración del recreo se ha encontrado. Se concluyó que el recreo no tiene un efecto significativo sobre el rendimiento en lectura. En otras palabras, no mejorar o perjudicar el rendimiento académico, pero ofrece una oportunidad a los niños a ser físicamente activos, jugar y socializar - sólo para ser niños.Nos últimos anos, as escolas tendem a eliminar período de recesso e passar mais tempo na instrução para aumentar o desempenho acadêmico. Usando uma mostra nacionalmente representativa, este estudo analisou as notas de leitura de estudantes que experimentaram diferentes números de dias de intervalo em uma semana, número e duração das interrupções por dia. Variáveis ​​foram controladas para sexo, raça, status socioeconômico da família, os níveis de leitura inicial, e a idade dos alunos. Os resultados não mostraram efeito significativo de recreação, no entanto, os estudantes que foram expostos a um recesso 16 a 30 minutos tenderam a ter um melhor desempenho. Um efeito de interação da raça e da duração do recesso foi encontrado. Concluiu-se que a ruptura não tem um efeito significativo sobre o desempenho de leitura. Em outras palavras, não melhorar ou prejudicar o desempenho acadêmico, mas oferece uma oportunidade para as crianças a serem fisicamente ativos, jogar e socializar - apenas para serem crianças

    Drying Of Fire Hose With Alternative Methods And Selection Of Optimal Dryer

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    The aim here is to delay the wearing of hoses and in order to store them and use them in the most efficient way that laying-rallying hoses are dried by decreasing their weight. With this study the objective is decreasing inefficient working hours while saving energy and time. Considering real world conditions, drying hoses are subjected to water absorption for 30, 60 and 90 minutes. Trials are executed in a microwave dryer at 120 W, 350 W and 460 W settings and in a conveyor dryer at temperatures 50 °C, 60 °C and 70 °C. Moisture analysis, strength analysis, drying rate, energy consumption, diffusion coefficient and activation energy calculations were made according to the results obtained. It has been observed that minimum consumption of energy and fastest drying occurred with the power level of 460 W in the microwave dryer. When all of the results are evaluated according to trials, it has been noted that since the mechanisms behind the two dryer systems are not similar and drying times and consumption of energies are different, the microwave dryer is more efficient than the conveyor dryer type

    Effect of obesity on thiol/disulfide balance in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Aim: In this study, we aimed to investigate the hypothesis that thiol/disulfide balance is similar in patients with PCOS with and without obesity.Material and Methods: This was a prospective study. Seventy-eight patients with PCOS were included in the study. A diagnosis of PCOS was made according to the Rotterdam criteria. The patients were divided into two groups as obese [n = 41, body mass index (BMI) >= 30 kg/m2] and non-obese (n = 37, BMI >18.5 and <30 kg/m2).Results: Native thiol and total thiol values were significantly lower in the oxidative stress test in the non-obese group than in the obese group (p = 0.021 and p = 0.019, respectively). There was no statistically significant difference in other thiol-disulfide parameters between the groups. Luteinizing hormone (r =-0.293, p = 0.09), total thiol (r =-0.321, p = 0.04), native thiol (r =-0.330, p = 0.03) and disulfide (r =-0.272, p = 0.16) rates were found to be statistically significantly negatively correlated with BMI.Discussion: Obesity in PCOS affects thiol-disulfide hemostasis. There is a negative correlation between BMI and oxidative stress markers

    Investigation of Microwave Drying of a Firefighting Hose

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    The hoses used for fire extinguishing must be dried and stored after use in order to be cleaned, maintained and long-lasting. For this purpose, microwave energy which is a fast drying technology, was applied at power values of 2450 MHz and 120 W, 350 W and 460 W. The aim here is to dry the hoses quickly and show the effect of microwave energy by looking at SEM images and taking thermal photographs. In addition to it, nine drying models were compared with each other in order to determine the moisture content of the hose. The performances of these models were compared according to the correlation coefficient value (r), the estimated standard error (es) and the sum of squares of the residuals (chi(2)). According to the results, it was determined that the Logarithmic model for all drying conditions explains the drying behavior of the products better than the others. In addition, the effect of microwave drying did not cause a change on the internal structure of the sample but in consequence of thermal analysis, a fast rising was observed in the sample's temperature with the energy rise

    Favouritism Behaviours of School Administrators: Teachers’ Perceptions of the Secondary Schools in Turkey

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    This study aims to determine favouritism behaviors of school administrators according to public secondary school teachers’ perceptions in terms of some variables. The sample of the study consisted of 22 schools selected randomly from the population and 376 teachers employed in these schools. “Favoritism in the School Management Scale" was used in this research. In the study, teachers stated that favouritism behaviors in their schools are at the "sometimes" level. According to perceptions of teachers, the highest three items in the favouritism scale are: "(1) In the preparation of teachers' weekly lesson plan ( =3,30; Sometimes)", "(2) In the planning of lesson distribution ( =3,12; Sometimes)", "(3) Taking into consideration the complaints of teachers ( =3,08; Sometimes)". The lowest three items in the favouritism scale are: (1) Among the teachers in their hometowns ( =2,14; Rarely); (2) Related to the branches of the teachers ( =2,38; Rarely) and (3) Related to the gender of the teachers ( =2,43; Rarely). No significant difference was detected with respect to the teachers' educational background, gender, marital status, professional experience, and union on the perceptions of favouritism behaviours. Nevertheless, a significant difference was found in all dimensions and throughout the whole scale of favouritism regarding to school size (the number of teachers) variable