15 research outputs found

    Classification of Quench Dynamical Behaviours in Spinor Condensates

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    Thermalization of isolated quantum systems is a long-standing fundamental problem where different mechanisms are proposed over time. We contribute to this discussion by classifying the diverse quench dynamical behaviours of spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates, which includes well-defined quantum collapse and revivals, thermalization, and certain special cases. These special cases are either nonthermal equilibration with no revival but a collapse even though the system has finite degrees of freedom or no equilibration with no collapse and revival. Given that some integrable systems are already shown to demonstrate the weak form of eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH), we determine the regions where ETH holds and fails in this integrable isolated quantum system. The reason behind both thermalizing and nonthermalizing behaviours in the same model under different initial conditions is linked to the discussion of `rare' nonthermal states existing in the spectrum. We also propose a method to predict the collapse and revival time scales and how they scale with the number of particles in the condensate. We use a sudden quench to drive the system to non-equilibrium and hence the theoretical predictions given in this paper can be probed in experiments.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figure

    Multiatom Quantum Coherences in Micromasers as Fuel for Thermal and Nonthermal Machines

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    In this paper we address the question: To what extent is the quantum state preparation of multiatom clusters (before they are injected into the microwave cavity) instrumental for determining not only the kind of machine we may operate but also the quantitative bounds of its performance? Figuratively speaking, if the multiatom cluster is the "crude oil", the question is: Which preparation of the cluster is the refining process that can deliver a "gasoline" with a "specific octane"? We classify coherences or quantum correlations among the atoms according to their ability to serve as (i) fuel for nonthermal machines corresponding to atomic states whose coherences displace or squeeze the cavity field, as well as cause its heating; and (ii) fuel which is purely "combustible", i.e., corresponds to atomic states that only allow for heat and entropy exchange with the field and can energize a proper heat engine. We identify highly promising multiatom states for each kind of fuel and propose viable experimental schemes for their implementation.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Work and Heat Value of Bound Entanglement

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    Entanglement has recently been recognized as an energy resource which can outperform classical resources if decoherence is relatively low. Multi-atom entangled states can mutate irreversibly to so called bound entangled (BE) states under noise. Resource value of BE states in information applications has been under critical study and a few cases where they can be useful have been identified. We explore the energetic value of typical BE states. Maximal work extraction is determined in terms of ergotropy. Since the BE states are non-thermal, extracting heat from them is less obvious. We compare single and repeated interaction schemes to operationally define and harvest heat from BE states. BE and free entangled (FE) states are compared in terms of their ergotropy and maximal heat values. Distinct roles of distillability in work and heat values of FE and BE states are pointed out. Decoherence effects in dynamics of ergotropy and mutation of FE states into BE states are examined to clarify significance of the work value of BE states. Thermometry of distillability of entanglement using micromaser cavity is proposed.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Probing dynamical criticality near quantum phase transitions

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    We reveal a prethermal temporal regime upon suddenly quenching to the vicinity of a quantum phase transition in the time evolution of 1D spin chains. The prethermal regime is analytically found to be self-similar, and its duration is governed by the ground-state energy gap. Based on analytical insights and numerical evidence, we show that this critically prethermal regime universally exists independently of the location of the probe site, the presence of weak interactions, or the initial state. Moreover, the resulting prethermal dynamics leads to an out-of-equilibrium scaling function of the order parameter in the vicinity of the transition.Comment: Revised with an analytical theory and improved presentation. Main text: 4 Pages, 2 Figures; Supplementary: 6 Pages, 5 Figure

    Temperature control in dissipative cavities by entangled dimers

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    We show that the temperature of a cavity field can be drastically varied by its interaction with suitably-entangled atom pairs (dimers) traversing the cavity under realistic atomic decoherence. To this end we resort to the hitherto untapped resource of naturally entangled dimers whose state can be simply controlled via molecular dissociation, collisions forming the dimer, or unstable dimers such as positronium. Depending on the chosen state of the dimer, the cavity-field mode can be driven to a steady-state temperature that is either much lower or much higher than the ambient temperature, despite adverse effects of cavity loss and atomic decoherence. Entangled dimers enable much broader range of cavity temperature control than single `phaseonium' atoms with coherently-superposed levels. Such dimers are shown to constitute highly caloric fuel that can ensure high efficiency or power in photonic thermal engines. Alternatively, they can serve as controllable thermal baths for quantum simulation of energy exchange in photosynthesis or quantum annealing.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure