23 research outputs found

    Comparison of air displacement plethysmography to hydrostatic weighing for estimating total body density in children

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to examine the accuracy of total body density and percent body fat (% fat) using air displacement plethysmography (ADP) and hydrostatic weighing (HW) in children. METHODS: Sixty-six male and female subjects (40 males: 12.4 ± 1.3 yrs, 47.4 ± 14.8 kg, 155.4 ± 11.9 cm, 19.3 ± 4.1 kg/m(2); 26 females: 12.0 ± 1.9 yrs, 41.4 ± 7.7 kg, 152.1 ± 8.9 cm, 17.7 ± 1.7 kg/m(2)) were tested using ADP and HW with ADP always preceding HW. Accuracy, precision, and bias were examined in ADP with HW serving as the criterion method. Lohman's equations that are child specific for age and gender were used to convert body density to % fat. Regression analysis determined the accuracy of ADP and potential bias between ADP and HW using Bland-Altman analysis. RESULTS: For the entire group (Y = 0.835x + 0.171, R(2 )= 0.84, SEE = 0.007 g/cm(3)) and for the males (Y = 0.837x + 0.174, R(2 )= 0.90, SEE = 0.006 g/cm(3)) the regression between total body density by HW and by ADP significantly deviated from the line of identity. However in females, the regression between total body density by HW and ADP did not significantly deviate from the line of identity (Y = 0.750x + 0.258, R(2 )= 0.55, SEE = 0.008 g/cm(3)). The regression between % fat by HW and ADP for the group (Y = 0.84x + 3.81, R(2 )= 0.83, SEE = 3.35 % fat) and for the males (Y = 0.84x + 3.25, R(2 )= 0.90, SEE = 3.00 % fat) significantly deviated from the line of identity. However, in females the regression between % fat by HW and ADP did not significantly deviate from the line of identity (Y = 0.81x + 5.17, R(2 )= 0.56, SEE = 3.80 % fat). Bland-Altman analysis revealed no bias between HW total body density and ADP total body density for the entire group (R = 0.-22; P = 0.08) or for females (R = 0.02; P = 0.92), however bias existed in males (R = -0.37; P ≤ 0.05). Bland-Altman analysis revealed no bias between HW and ADP % fat for the entire group (R = 0.21; P = 0.10) or in females (R = 0.10; P = 0.57), however bias was indicated for males by a significant correlation (R = 0.36; P ≤ 0.05), with ADP underestimating % fat at lower fat values and overestimating at the higher % fat values. CONCLUSION: A significant difference in total body density and % fat was observed between ADP and HW in children 10–15 years old with a potential gender difference being detected. Upon further investigation it was revealed that the study was inadequately powered, thus we recommend that larger studies that are appropriately powered be conducted to better understand this potential gender difference

    Validity of new child-specific thoracic gas volume prediction equations for air-displacement plethysmography

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    BACKGROUND: To determine the validity of the recently developed child-specific thoracic gas volume (TGV) prediction equations for use in air-displacement plethysmography (ADP) in diverse pediatric populations. METHODS: Three distinct populations were studied: European American and African American children living in Birmingham, Alabama and European children living in Lisbon, Portugal. Each child completed a standard ADP testing protocol, including a measured TGV according to the manufactures software criteria. Measured TGV was compared to the predicted TGV from current adult-based ADP proprietary equations and to the recently developed child-specific TGV equations of Fields et al. Similarly, percent body fat, derived using the TGV prediction equations, was compared to percent body fat derived using measured TGV. RESULTS: Predicted TGV from adult-based equations was significantly different from measured TGV in girls from each of the three ethnic groups (P < 0.05), however child-specific TGV estimates did not significantly differ from measured TGV in any of the ethnic or gender groups. Percent body fat estimates using adult-derived and child-specific TGV estimates did not differ significantly from percent body fat measures using measured TGV in any of the groups. CONCLUSION: The child-specific TGV equations developed by Fields et al. provided a modest improvement over the adult-based TGV equations in an ethnically diverse group of children

    Shear veins observed within anisotropic fabric at high angles to the maximum compressive stress

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    Some faults seem to slip at unusually high angles (>45°) relative to the orientation of the greatest principal compressive stress. This implies that these faults are extremely weak compared with the surrounding rock. Laboratory friction experiments and theoretical models suggest that the weakness may result from slip on a pre-existing frictionally weak surface, weakening from chemical reactions, elevated fluid pressure or dissolution–precipitation creep. Here we describe shear veins within the Chrystalls Beach accretionary mélange, New Zealand. The mélange is a highly sheared assemblage of relatively competent rock within a cleaved, anisotropic mudstone matrix. The orientation of the shear veins—compared with the direction of hydrothermal extension veins that formed contemporaneously—indicates that they were active at an angle of 80°±5° to the greatest principal compressive stress. We show that the shear veins developed incrementally along the cleavage planes of the matrix. Thus, we suggest that episodic slip was facilitated by the anisotropic internal fabric, in a fluid-overpressured, heterogeneous shear zone. A similar mechanism may accommodate shear at high angles to the greatest principal compressive stress in a range of tectonic settings. We therefore conclude that incremental slip along a pre-existing planar fabric, coupled to high fluid pressure and dissolution–precipitation creep, may explain active slip on severely misoriented faults

    Avaliação da composição corporal em adolescentes obesos: o uso de dois diferentes métodos Evaluación de la composición corporal en adolescentes obesos: uso de dos metodos diferentes Body composition evaluation in obese adolescents: the use of two different methods

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    A pletismografia é um método rápido e fácil para determinação da composição corporal que utiliza a relação inversa entre pressão e volume. O objetivo do presente estudo foi o de comparar os valores obtidos com o método pletismografia com os valores observados com o DEXA em uma população de adolescentes obesos. Participaram da amostra 88 adolescentes pós-púberes de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 15 e 19 anos (17,01 &plusmn; 1,6) ingressantes de um programa de atividade física multidisciplinar. Os voluntários foram submetidos a uma avaliação da composição corporal em dias distintos dentro da mesma semana, pelo método de pletismografia e outra avaliação pelo método DEXA. Quando os métodos foram comparados, não se observaram diferenças significativas entre eles; além disso, foram observadas correlações significativas entre os parâmetros comuns dos dois métodos (massa magra, massa gorda (kg) e massa gorda (%), r = 0,88 p < 0,05; r = 0,92 p < 0,05; r = 0,75 p < 0,05, respectivamente). Nossos dados sugerem que, para esta população específica, a pletismografia pode ser utilizada como um método de avaliação da composição corporal.<br>La pletismografía es un método rápido y fácil para la determinación de la composición corporal que utiliza la relación inversa entre la presión y el volumen. El objetivo del presente estudio fué el de comparar los valores obtenidos con el metodo pletismografia con los valores observados con el DEXA en una población de adolescentes obesos. Participaron de la muestra 80 adolescentes post púberes de ambos sexos, con edades entre los 15 y los 19 años (17,01&plusmn;1,6) iniciantes en un programa de actividad física multidisciplinar. Los voluntarios fueron sometidos a una evaluación de la composición corporal en días distintos dentro de la misma semana, por el método de pletismografia y otra evaluación por el método DEXA. Cuando se compararon los métodos, no fueron observadas diferencias significativas entre ellos, además de ello, fueron observadas correlaciones entre los parámetros comunes a los dos métodos (masa magra, masa grasa (kg) y masa gorda (%), r = 0,88 p < 0,05; r = 0,92 p < 0,05; r = 0,75 p < 0,05, respectivamente). Nuestros datos sugieren que para esta población específica, la pletismografia puede ser utilizada como un método de evaluación de la composición corporal.<br>Plethysmography is an easy and quickly method for the determination of the body composition that uses the inverse relation between pressure and volume. The objective of the present study was to compare the values obtained by plethysmography and DEXA in an obese adolescents population. The sample was composed of 88 adolescents of both genders, aged between 15 and 19 years (17.01 &plusmn; 1.6 years) engaged in a multidisciplinary physical activity program. The volunteers were submitted to a body composition evaluation in distinct days in the same week, through plethysmography and DEXA. When the different methods were compared, no significant correlation between parameters common to both methods (fat free mass, fat mass (kg) and fat mass (%), r = 0.88 p < 0.05; r = 0.92 p < 0.05; r = 0.75 p < 0.05, respectively) was observed. Our data suggest that for this specific population, plethysmography may be used as an important method of body composition evaluation