25 research outputs found

    Statistical process control of mortality series in the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS) adult patient database: implications of the data generating process

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    for the ANZICS Centre for Outcome and Resource Evaluation (CORE) of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS)BACKGROUND Statistical process control (SPC), an industrial sphere initiative, has recently been applied in health care and public health surveillance. SPC methods assume independent observations and process autocorrelation has been associated with increase in false alarm frequency. METHODS Monthly mean raw mortality (at hospital discharge) time series, 1995–2009, at the individual Intensive Care unit (ICU) level, were generated from the Australia and New Zealand Intensive Care Society adult patient database. Evidence for series (i) autocorrelation and seasonality was demonstrated using (partial)-autocorrelation ((P)ACF) function displays and classical series decomposition and (ii) “in-control” status was sought using risk-adjusted (RA) exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control limits (3 sigma). Risk adjustment was achieved using a random coefficient (intercept as ICU site and slope as APACHE III score) logistic regression model, generating an expected mortality series. Application of time-series to an exemplar complete ICU series (1995-(end)2009) was via Box-Jenkins methodology: autoregressive moving average (ARMA) and (G)ARCH ((Generalised) Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity) models, the latter addressing volatility of the series variance. RESULTS The overall data set, 1995-2009, consisted of 491324 records from 137 ICU sites; average raw mortality was 14.07%; average(SD) raw and expected mortalities ranged from 0.012(0.113) and 0.013(0.045) to 0.296(0.457) and 0.278(0.247) respectively. For the raw mortality series: 71 sites had continuous data for assessment up to or beyond lag ₄₀ and 35% had autocorrelation through to lag ₄₀; and of 36 sites with continuous data for ≥ 72 months, all demonstrated marked seasonality. Similar numbers and percentages were seen with the expected series. Out-of-control signalling was evident for the raw mortality series with respect to RA-EWMA control limits; a seasonal ARMA model, with GARCH effects, displayed white-noise residuals which were in-control with respect to EWMA control limits and one-step prediction error limits (3SE). The expected series was modelled with a multiplicative seasonal autoregressive model. CONCLUSIONS The data generating process of monthly raw mortality series at the ICU level displayed autocorrelation, seasonality and volatility. False-positive signalling of the raw mortality series was evident with respect to RA-EWMA control limits. A time series approach using residual control charts resolved these issues.John L Moran, Patricia J Solomo

    Calf health from birth to weaning. III. housing and management of calf pneumonia

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    Calfhood diseases have a major impact on the economic viability of cattle operations. A three part review series has been developed focusing on calf health from birth to weaning. In this paper, the last of the three part series, we review disease prevention and management with particular reference to pneumonia, focusing primarily on the pre-weaned calf. Pneumonia in recently weaned suckler calves is also considered, where the key risk factors are related to the time of weaning. Weaning of the suckler calf is often combined with additional stressors including a change in nutrition, environmental change, transport and painful husbandry procedures (castration, dehorning). The reduction of the cumulative effects of these multiple stressors around the time of weaning together with vaccination programmes (preconditioning) can reduce subsequent morbidity and mortality in the feedlot. In most studies, calves housed individually and calves housed outdoors with shelter, are associated with decreased risk of disease. Even though it poses greater management challenges, successful group housing of calves is possible. Special emphasis should be given to equal age groups and to keeping groups stable once they are formed. The management of pneumonia in calves is reliant on a sound understanding of aetiology, relevant risk factors, and of effective approaches to diagnosis and treatment. Early signs of pneumonia include increased respiratory rate and fever, followed by depression. The single most important factor determining the success of therapy in calves with pneumonia is early onset of treatment, and subsequent adequate duration of treatment. The efficacy and economical viability of vaccination against respiratory disease in calves remains unclear

    The autoregressive T-2 chart for monitoring univariate autocorrelated processes

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    In this paper we investigate the autoregressive T-2 control chart for statistical process control of autocorrelated processes. The method involves the monitoring, using Hotelling's T-2 statistic, of a vector formed from a moving window of observations of the univariate autocorrelated process, It is shown that the T-2 statistic can be decomposed into the sum of the squares of the residual errors for various order autoregressive time series models fit to the process data, Guidelines for designing the autoregressive T-2 chart are presented, and its performance is compared to that of residual-based CUSUM and Shewhart individual control charts. The autoregressive T-2 chart has a number of characteristics, including some level of robustness with respect to modeling errors, that make it an attractive alternative to residual-based control charts for autocorrelated processes

    A time-dependent proportional hazards survival model for credit risk analysis

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    In the consumer credit industry, assessment of default risk is critically important for the financial health of both the lender and the borrower. Methods for predicting risk for an applicant using credit bureau and application data, typically based on logistic regression or survival analysis, are universally employed by credit card companies. Because of the manner in which the predictive models are fit using large historical sets of existing customer data that extend over many years, default trends, anomalies, and other temporal phenomena that result from dynamic economic conditions are not brought to light. We introduce a modification of the proportional hazards survival model that includes a time-dependency mechanism for capturing temporal phenomena, and we develop a maximum likelihood algorithm for fitting the model. Using a very large, real data set, we demonstrate that incorporating the time dependency can provide more accurate risk scoring, as well as important insight into dynamic market effects that can inform and enhance related decision making