2,361 research outputs found

    Information-Entropic Measure of Energy-Degenerate Kinks in Two-Field Models

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    We investigate the existence and properties of kink-like solitons in a class of models with two interacting scalar fields. In particular, we focus on models that display both double and single-kink solutions, treatable analytically using the Bogomol'nyi--Prasad--Sommerfield bound (BPS). Such models are of interest in applications that include Skyrmions and various superstring-motivated theories. Exploring a region of parameter space where the energy for very different spatially-bound configurations is degenerate, we show that a newly-proposed momentum-space entropic measure called Configurational Entropy (CE) can distinguish between such energy-degenerate spatial profiles. This information-theoretic measure of spatial complexity provides a complementary perspective to situations where strictly energy-based arguments are inconclusive

    High Spatial Resolution of the Mid-Infrared Emission of Compton-Thick Seyfert 2 Galaxy Mrk3

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    Mid-infrared (MIR) spectra observed with Gemini/Michelle were used to study the nuclear region of the Compton-thick Seyfert 2 (Sy 2) galaxy Mrk 3 at a spatial resolution of ∼\sim200 pc. No polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) emission bands were detected in the N-band spectrum of Mrk 3. However, intense [Ar III] 8.99 μ\mum, [S IV] 10.5 μ\mum and [Ne II] 12.8 μ\mum ionic emission-lines, as well as silicate absorption feature at 9.7μ\mum have been found in the nuclear extraction (∼\sim200 pc). We also present subarcsecond-resolution Michelle N-band image of Mrk 3 which resolves its circumnuclear region. This diffuse MIR emission shows up as a wings towards East-West direction closely aligned with the S-shaped of the Narrow Line Region (NLR) observed at optical [O III]λ\lambda5007\AA image with Hubble/FOC. The nuclear continuum spectrum can be well represented by a theoretical torus spectral energy distribution (SED), suggesting that the nucleus of Mrk 3 may host a dusty toroidal structure predicted by the unified model of active galactic nucleus (AGN). In addition, the hydrogen column density (NH = 4.8−3.1+3.3× 1023_H\,=\,4.8^{+3.3}_{-3.1}\times\,10^{23} cm−2^{-2}) estimated with a torus model for Mrk 3 is consistent with the value derived from X-ray spectroscopy. The torus model geometry of Mrk 3 is similar to that of NGC 3281, both Compton-thick galaxies, confirmed through fitting the 9.7μ\mum silicate band profile. This results might provide further evidence that the silicate-rich dust can be associated with the AGN torus and may also be responsible for the absorption observed at X-ray wavelengths in those galaxies.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Bibliografia de tecnologia do látex e da borracha de seringueira.

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    Levantamento bibliografico relativo a borracha natural e latex da seringueira, composto de 1174 referencias nacionais e internacionais, colocado a disposicao de todos os interessados.bitstream/item/210615/1/Bibliografia-de-tecnologia-do-latex-completo.pd

    Morphologies and ages of star cluster pairs and multiplets in the Small Magellanic Cloud

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    An isophotal atlas of 75 star cluster pairs and multiplets in the Small Magellanic Cloud is presented, comprising 176 objects. They are concentrated in the SMC main body. The isophotal contours were made from Digitized Sky Survey images and showed relevant structural features possibly related to interactions in about 25% of the sample. Previous N-body simulations indicate that such shapes could be due to tidal tails, bridges or common envelopes. The diameter ratio between the members of a pair is preferentially in the range 1 - 2, with a peak at 1. The projected separation is in the range ~ 3 - 22 pc with a pronounced peak at ~ 13 pc. For 91 objects it was possible to derive ages from Colour-Magnitude Diagrams using the OGLE-II photometric survey. The cluster multiplets in general occur in OB stellar associations and/or HII region complexes. This indicates a common origin and suggests that multiplets coalesce into pairs or single clusters in a short time scale. Pairs in the SMC appear to be mostly coeval and consequently captures are a rare phenomenon. We find evidence that star cluster pairs and multiplets may have had an important role in the dynamical history of clusters presently seen as large single objects

    Alongamento de plantas de Dendrobium nobile Lindl. com pulverização de ácido giberélico.

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    Dendrobium nobile Lindl. (olho-de-boneca) é uma das orquídeas mais populares do Brasil, ocupando posição de destaque no mercado de plantas de corte e de vaso. Entretanto, o desenvolvimento muito lento da família Orchidaceae tem contribuído para o elevado valor unitário de suas plantas, sendo necessárias técnicas que promovam a obtenção mais rápida de plantas comercializáveis. Objetivando avaliar o efeito do ácido giberélico no alongamento de plantas de D. nobile, foi realizado experimento em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com cinco concentrações de GA3 (0, 50, 100, 200 e 400 mg.L-1) e treze repetições. Efetuaram-se quatro pulverizações com soluções de ácido giberélico a intervalos quinzenais e noventa dias após início dos tratamentos, avaliaram-se as seguintes características: altura e diâmetro do pseudobulbo, número de folhas, largura e comprimento das folhas. A aplicação do GA3 promoveu, em comparação às plantas testemunhas, incrementos de 64,08% em altura e 44,27% no comprimento das folhas e decréscimos de 50% no diâmetro do pseudobulbo e 56,09% na largura das folhas. Não houve diferença entre as concentrações de GA3 testadas. Portanto, o ácido giberélico nas concentrações de 50 a 400 mg.L-1 é igualmente eficiente no alongamento de plantas D. nobile
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