66 research outputs found

    The use of fruit extracts for production of beverages with high antioxidative activity

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    Free radicals and reactive oxygen species can cause many diseases of the circulatory and nervous system as well as tumors. There are many ways of preventing and treating these diseases including the consumption of products that contain significant amounts of antioxidant compounds, such as polyphenols and antioxidative vitamins. However, currently food stores offer mainly convenient food, ready-to-eat foodstuffs or highly processed products. During numerous technological treatments they have been deprived of many valuable compounds occurring in fresh products. Therefore, an important element of the food production technology is to ensure a proper composition of valuable human health-promoting compounds, mostly vitamins, minerals and polyphenols in final food product. Consumers often and willingly drink beverages. They are also a good starting base for supplementation. Drinks can be enriched with polyphenols, which may reduce the risk of lifestyle diseases, owing to their antiradical potential. The aim of this study was to use the fruit extracts for beverages enrichment in order to increase their antioxidative potential and polyphenol content. For the experiment the fruits of Cornelian cherry, lingonberry, elderberry, hawthorn and Japanese quince were used. Fruit was extracted with 80% ethanol, and then thickened by distillation under reduced pressure. Extracts were used to enrich the apple, orange and grapefruit beverages. Antioxidative activity and total polyphenols content in final beverages were determined. Also, sensory analysis was carried out. The fortification of tested beverages resulted in an increased antioxidative activity and total polyphenol content in case of all applied fruit extracts. Among the beverages composed, the best antioxidative properties were found in a beverage of red grapefruit, whereas the best organoleptically evaluated was the orange beverage. The scores of on the sensory evaluation revealed that the addition of extracts from Japanese quince fruit (in the case of apple and orange beverages) and lingonberry extract (grapefruit beverage) were preferred than the other samples

    Cystic fibrosis related diabetes

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    Wydłużającemu się okresowi przeżycia osób z mukowiscydozą towarzyszy coraz częstsze stwierdzanie cukrzycy w tej grupie pacjentów. W związku ze zwiększonym ryzykiem wystąpienia zaburzeń gospodarki węglowodanowej oraz ich niekorzystnym wpływem na przebieg mukowiscydozy, kontrola glikemii jest jednym z podstawowych elementów opieki nad chorymi z mukowiscydozą. Insulinoterapia stanowi podstawę leczenia zaburzeń gospodarki węglowodanowej u osób z mukowiscydozą.As the life expectancy in patients with cystic fibrosis increases, diabetes becomes a significant complication. Impaired glucose metabolism has an adverse effect upon the course of cystic fibrosis, therefore glycemic control remains one of the main elements of care. Insulin administration is the treatment of choice for cystic fibrosis related diabetes

    Classification of hepatic metastasis in enhanced CT images by dipolar decision tree

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    - Cette étude a pour but de réaliser une classification des métastases hépatiques, en imagerie scanner. Les régions d'intérêt analysées représentent du tissu sain, et quatre types de métastases. Pour chaque patient, trois acquisitions sont réalisées (sans injection de produit de contraste, aux phases artérielle et portale après injection). La méthode comporte une première étape de caractérisation par analyse de texture, suivie d'une classification des régions. La méthode de classification utilisée est basée sur les arbres de décision dipolaires. Dans cette méthode, chaque noeud de l'arbre correspond à un test multivariable (hyperplan). La recherche de l'hyperplan optimal est basée sur la séparation des dipôles (paire de vecteurs de paramètres de l'ensemble d'apprentissage). Les résultats préliminaires montrent que la qualité de classification augmente quand le temps d'acquisition des images est pris en compte, et qu'elle est supérieure à celle obtenue par d'autres méthodes de classification

    Fear of hypoglycaemia — from normality to pathology. Diagnostic criteria and therapeutic directions

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    The aim of the article is to summarize the current knowledge on the phenomenon of fear of hypoglycaemia and its impact on the metabolic control and well-being of the population of diabetic patients. The article proposes a description of clinical criteria useful for the diagnosis of the fear of hypoglycaemia in a nonnormative and harmful form. Therapeutic directions are presented that have been proven effective in the recent years in reducing the level of maladaptive fear of hypoglycaemia, while also protecting the mental health of the patients. Despite extensive knowledge and numerous clinical trials undertaken in other countries, further research on diabetes-related anxiety disorders in Polish patients is needed. It is also advisable to create a database of culturally adapted management protocols for specialists that could increase the quality and effectiveness of the assistance provided in the outpatient health care.The aim of the article is to summarize the current knowledge on the phenomenon of fear of hypoglycaemia and its impact on the metabolic control and well-being of the population of diabetic patients. The article proposes a description of clinical criteria useful for the diagnosis of the fear of hypoglycaemia in a nonnormative and harmful form. Therapeutic directions are presented that have been proven effective in the recent years in reducing the level of maladaptive fear of hypoglycaemia, while also protecting the mental health of the patients. Despite extensive knowledge and numerous clinical trials undertaken in other countries, further research on diabetes-related anxiety disorders in Polish patients is needed. It is also advisable to create a database of culturally adapted management protocols for specialists that could increase the quality and effectiveness of the assistance provided in the outpatient health care

    Selected aspects of insulin pump theraphy in adults with type 1 diabetes

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    Cukrzyca typu 1 jest chorobą spowodowaną bezwzględnym niedoborem insuliny. Rozpoznaje się ją u coraz większej liczby dzieci, młodzieży oraz młodych dorosłych. Leczeniem z wyboru jest metoda intensywnej czynnościowej insulinoterapii. U większości pacjentów jest ona realizowana za pomocą wstrzykiwaczy typu pen. W ostatnich latach wzrasta jednak liczba pacjentów leczonych za pomocą osobistej pompy insulinowej. Terapia ta wymaga odpowiedniego przygotowania nie tylko ze strony pacjenta, ale również zespołu leczącego. (Forum Zaburzeń Metabolicznych 2011, tom 2, nr 2, 143–150)Type 1 diabetes is a disease caused by absolute insulin deficiency. Cases are found in a growing number of children, adolescents and young adults. Treatment of choice for type 1 diabetes is a method of intensive functional insulin therapy. In most patients it is implemented using pens. However, in recent years an increasing number of patients treated with a personal insulin pump. This therapy requires adequate preparation by the patient, but also the treatment team. (Forum Zaburzen Metabolicznych 2011, vol. 2, no 2, 143–150

    Assessment of glycaemia increment after protein-fat containing meal in type 1 diabetic patients treated with continous subcutaneous insulin infusion

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    WSTĘP. Glikemia poposiłkowa stanowi istotny element kontroli cukrzycy. Celem badania była ocena wpływu posiłku białkowo-tłuszczowego na glikemię u chorych na cukrzycę typu 1 leczonych za pomocą osobistej pompy insulinowej, w zależności od iniekcji bolusa insuliny przed posiłkiem. MATERIAŁ I METODY. Badaniem objęto 30 chorych na cukrzycę typu 1 w wieku 18-50 lat (26,3 &#177; 7,1 roku), ze średnim czasem trwania cukrzycy 12,3 &#177; 6,4 roku, leczonych za pomocą osobistej pompy insulinowej. Wszyscy badani spożyli wystandaryzowany posiłek składający się z 7 wymienników białkowo-tłuszczowych (WBT) i oznaczali glikemię co 30 minut przez 8 godzin. Piętnaście wybranych losowo osób (grupa interwencyjna) przyjęło przed posiłkiem insulinę (3,5 jednostki insuliny) w formie bolusa przedłużonego na 8 godzin, a kolejnych 15 (grupa kontrolna) - nie zastosowało bolusa insuliny. WYNIKI. Glikemia w grupie interwencyjnej była znamiennie mniejsza niż w grupie kontrolnej w 180., 330., 420., 450. i 480. minucie. Na podstawie analizy zmian wartości glikemii w poszczególnych grupach stwierdzono istotny statystycznie wzrost glikemii między 90. a 420. minutą testu w grupie kontrolnej, ale nie w interwencyjnej (p < 0,05). WNIOSKI. Spożywanie białka i tłuszczu wymaga dodatkowej dawki insuliny w formie bolusa przedłużonego. Ilość insuliny bilansująca 1 WBT powinna być przynajmniej o połowę mniejsza niż w przypadku wymiennika węglowodanowego. Czas bolusa przedłużonego po spożyciu 7 WBT powinien być krótszy niż 8 godzin. (Diabet. Prakt. 2010; 11, 1: 9-16)BACKGROUND. Postprandial glycaemia is an important component of metabolic control in diabetics. The goal of this study was to evaluate the influence of fatprotein containing meal on glycaemia in type 1 diabetic patients treated with continous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump who were given square insulin bolus before meal. MATERIAL AND METHODS. Thirtieth type 1 diabetic patients aged 18-50 years (26.3 &#177; 7.1), with the mean duration of the disease 12.3 &#177; 6.4 years, using continous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump were included in this study. All patients received the standardised meal containing 7 protein-fat exchanges and had blood glucose levels checked every 30 minutes during 8 hours period. Patients were randomized into 2 groups: 15 patients of the investigated group gave square insulin bolus (3.5 insulin units) before meal, 15 of the control group did not. RESULTS. The glycaemia in the investigated group was significantly lower then in the control group in 180, 330, 420, 450 and 480 minute. The analysis of the glycaemia in both groups revealed statistically significant increase of blood glucose between 90 and 420 minute in the control group, but not in the investigated group (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS. Protein and fat intake necessitates additional dose of insulin given as square bolus. The insulin dose for 1 protein-fat exchange should be lowered at least by half when compared with carbohydrate/insulin ratio. The duration of square insulin bolus given for 7 protein-fat exchanges should be shorter than 8 hours. (Diabet. Prakt. 2010; 11, 1: 9-16

    Selected aspects of insulin pump theraphy in adults with type 1 diabetes

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    Cukrzyca typu 1 jest chorobą spowodowaną bezwzględnym niedoborem insuliny. Rozpoznaje się ją u coraz większej liczby dzieci, młodzieży oraz młodych dorosłych. Leczeniem z wyboru jest metoda intensywnej czynnościowej insulinoterapii. U większości pacjentów jest ona realizowana za pomocą wstrzykiwaczy typu pen. W ostatnich latach wzrasta jednak liczba pacjentów leczonych za pomocą osobistej pompy insulinowej. Terapia ta wymaga odpowiedniego przygotowania nie tylko ze strony pacjenta, ale również zespołu leczącego. (Diabet. Prakt. 2011, tom 12, nr 4, 128&#8211;133)Type 1 diabetes is a disease caused by absolute insulin deficiency. Cases are found in a growing number of children, adolescents and young adults. Treatment of choice for type 1 diabetes is a method of intensive functional insulin therapy. In most patients it is implemented using pens. However, in recent years an increasing number of patients treated with a personal insulin pump. This therapy requires adequate preparation by the patient, but also the treatment team. (Diabet. Prakt. 2011, vol. 12, no 4, 128&#8211;133

    Does apoptosis occur in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis? TUNEL experience from human Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) tissues

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    The role that apoptosis plays in the pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is still unclear. From our autopsy samples, we have undertaken an effort to verify if apoptosis in ALS really occurs or if can at least be detected. The study was performed using TUNEL method for screening the apoptotic changes in the autopsy samples from 8 ALS cases compared with 16 control cases. No features of apoptosis (DNA cleavages) were noted in any of the investigated regions of the central nervous system in ALS cases as well as in controls. These preliminary results seem to support the reports, which deny the role of apoptosis in human ALS. The following investigations using additional methods will be performed for detection the apoptotic signals in ALS