48 research outputs found

    Composição química e atividade antimicrobiana do óleo essencial de folhas e flores de Aloysia gratissima

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    Volatile oils from leaves and flowers of Aloysia gratissima were investigated for their chemical composition and antimicrobial activity against the bacteria Bacilus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella choleraesuis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus pneumoniae and the Candida albicans yeast. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of the oils were determined by the micro-dilution method, while the chemical composition was determined by GC-MS (gas chromatography mass spectrometry). The fresh leaves and inflorescence were subjected to hydrodistillation for 120 min using a Clevenger-type apparatus, and the essential oil was tested against microorganisms. High concentrations of sesquiterpenes were observed for the inflorescence, and monoterpenes were observed for the leaves. The main compounds of the inflorescence essential oil were E-caryophyllene, germacrene B, guaiol and bulnesol, while in the leaves the main compounds were trans-pinocamphone, trans-pinocarveyl acetate, and guaiol. The essential oil from the leaves showed an effect against P. aeruginosa and S. pneumonia, and the essential oil of the inflorescence showed an effect against P. aeruginosa, S. pneumonia, and Candida albicans.O óleo essencial de folhas e de flores de Aloysia gratissima foi avaliado quanto à composição química e ação antimicrobiana contra as bactérias Bacilus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella choleraesuis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Streptococcus pneumoniae, e a levedura Candida albicans. A concentração mínima inibitória (MIC) dos óleos essenciais foi determinada pelo método da microdiluição e a composição química determinada por CG-EM (Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada a Espectrômetro de Massas). Folhas e inflorescências frescas foram hidrodestiladas por 120 minutos em aparelho Clevenger sendo o óleo essencial testado contra microorganismos. Para as flores foi observada maior concentração de sesquiterpenos, enquanto que as folhas apresentaram maior concentração de monoterpenos. Os principais constituintes do óleo essencial da flor foram: E-cariofileno, germacreno B, guaiol e bulnesol; e das folhas foram: trans-pinocamfona, acetato de trans-pinocarveol e guaiol. O óleo essencial da folha mostrou atividade contra P. aeruginosa e S. pneumoniae, e o óleo essencial da flor mostrou atividade contra P. aeruginosa, S. pneumoniae e Candida albicans.583588Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Atividade antimicrobiana de extratos hidroalcólicos de espécies da coleção de plantas medicinais CPQBA/UNICAMP

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    Extratos obtidos a partir de 45 espécies da Coleção de Germoplasmas do CPQBA foram estudados quanto à atividade antimicrobiana. As espécies que apresentaram forte inibição (Concentração Mínima Inibitória até 0,5 mg/mL) para os respectivos microrganismos foram: Achillea millefolium (0,5), Mikania laevigata (0,04), Solidago chilensis (0,1), Piper marginatum (0,2) para Staphylococcus aureus; Aloysia gratissima (0,1), P. marginatum (0,2), M. laevigata (0,09) para Bacillus subtilis e Mentha pullegium (0,3), Mikania glomerata (0,1), M. laevigata (0,04), Stachytarpeta cayenensis (0,2) e Bacharis dracunculifolia (0,5) para Streptococcus faecium. De acordo com os resultados, ressaltamos a espécie M. laevigata por apresentar inibição contra três das bactérias estudadas, em concentrações similares a do cloranfenicol, padrão de referência utilizado

    Action Of Essential Oils From Brazilian Native And Exotic Medicinal Species On Oral Biofilms

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    Background: Essential oils (EO) obtained from twenty medicinal and aromatic plants were evaluated for their antimicrobial activity against the oral pathogens Candida albicans, Fusobacterium nucleatum, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Streptococcus sanguis and Streptococcus mitis. Methods: The antimicrobial activity of the EO was evaluates by microdilution method determining Minimal Inhibitory Concentration. Chemical analysis of the oils compounds was performed by Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (CG-MS). The most active EO were also investigated as to their actions on the biolfilm formation. Results: The most of the essential oils (EO) presented moderate to strong antimicrobial activity against the oral pathogens (MIC - Minimal Inhibitory Concentrations values between 0.007 and 1.00mg/mL). The essential oil from Coriandrum sativum inhibited all oral species with MIC values from 0.007 to 0.250mg/mL, and MBC/MFC (Minimal Bactericidal/Fungicidal Concentrations) from 0.015 to 0.500mg/mL. On the other hand the essential oil of C. articulatus inhibited 63.96% of S. sanguis biofilm formation. Through Scanning Eletronic Microscopy (SEM) images no changes were observed in cell morphology, despite a decrease in biofilm formation and changes on biofilm structure. Chemical analysis by Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) of the C. sativum essential oil revealed major compounds derivatives from alcohols and aldehydes, while Cyperus articulatus and Aloysia gratissima (EOs) presented mono and sesquiterpenes. Conclusions: In conclusion, the crude oil from C. articulatus exhibited the best results of antimicrobial activity e ability to control biofilm formation. The chemical analysis showed the presence of terpenes and monoterpenes such as a-pinene, a-bulnesene and copaene. The reduction of biofilms formation was confirmed from SEM images. The results of this research shows a great potential from the plants studied as new antimicrobial sources.141Kolenbrander, P.E., Oral microbial communities: biofilms, interactions, and genetic systems (2000) Annu Rev Microbiol, 54, pp. 413-437Spratt, P.A., Pratten, J., Biofilms and the oral cavity (2003) Rev Environ Sci Biotechnol, 2, pp. 463-467Kolembrander, P.E., Multispecies communities: interspecies interactions influence growth on saliva as sole nutritional source (2011) Int J Oral Sci, 3, pp. 49-54Marsh, P.D., Dental plaque: biological significance of a biofilm and community life-style (2005) J Clin Periodontol, 32, pp. 7-15Bernimoulin, J.P., Recent concepts in plaque formation (2003) J Clin Periodontol, 30, pp. 7-9Marsh, P.D., Are dental diseases examples of ecological catastrophes? (2003) Microbiology, 149, pp. 279-294Filoche, S.K., Soma, K., Sissons, C.H., Antimicrobial effects of essencial oils in combination with chlorexidine digluconate (2005) Oral Microbiol Immunol, 20, pp. 221-225Rosenthal, S., Spangberg, L., Safavi, K., Conn, F., Chlorhexidine substantivity in root canal dentin (2004) Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod, 98, pp. 488-492Zheng, C.Y., Wang, Z.H., Effects of chlorhexidine, listerine and fluoride listerine mouthrinses on four putative root-caries pathogens in the biofilm (2011) Chin J Dent Res, 14, pp. 135-140Lang, G., Buchbauer, G., A review on recent research results (2008-2010) on essential oils as antimicrobials and antifungals (2012) Rev Flavour Fragr J, 27, pp. 13-39Calsamiglia, S., Busquet, M., Cardozo, P.W., Castillejos, L., Ferret, A., Invited review: essential oils as modifiers of rúmen microbial fermentation (2007) J Dairy Sci, 6, pp. 2580-2595Khan, A., Ahmad, A., Akhtar, F., Yousuf, S., Xess, I., Khan, L.A., Manzoor, N., Induction of oxidative stress as a possible mechanism of the antifungal action of three phenylpropanoids (2011) FEMS Yeast Res, 11, pp. 114-122Cha, J.D., Jeong, M.R., Jeong, S.I.I., Moon, S.E., Kil, B.S., Yun, S.I.I., Lee, K.Y., Song, Y.H., Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Cryptomeria japonica (2007) Phytother Res, 21, pp. 295-299Maggi, F., Cacchini, C., Cresci, A., Coman, M.M., Tirillini, B., Sagratini, G., Papa, F., Vittori, S., Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Hypericum hircinum L. Subsp. majus essential oil (2010) Chem Nat Compd, 1, pp. 125-129Nascimento, P.F.C., Alviano, W.S., Nascimento, A.L.C., Santos, P.O., Arrigoni-Blank, M.F., Jesus, R.A., Azevedo, V.G., Trindade, R.C., Hyptis pectinata essential oil: chemical composition and anti-Streptococcus mutans activity (2008) Oral Dis, 14, pp. 485-489Gorelov, V.E., Aksel'rod, L.S., Migalisnkaya, L.N., An investigation of the hydraulics and effectiveness of fractionation columns with sieve packing (1971) Chem Petrol Eng, 7, pp. 211-214Duarte, M.C.T., Figueira, G.M., Sartoratto, A., Rehder, V.L., Delarmelina, C., Anti-Candida activity of Brazilian medicinal plants (2005) J Ethnopharmacol, 97, pp. 305-311Adams, R.P., (2007) Identification of Essential Oils Components by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry, 4. , USA: Allured publishing Edited by Carol Stream Ill(2002) Methods for Dilution Antimicrobial Susceptibility Tests for yeast, , Approved Standard CLSI document M27-A2. Volume 22 2nd edition. 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    Synthesis And Evaluation Of New β-carboline-3-(4-benzylidene)- 4h-oxazol-5-one Derivatives As Antitumor Agents

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    In the present work, we report the synthesis and in vitro anticancer and antimicrobial activity evaluation of a new series of 1-substituted-β- carboline derivatives bearing a 4-benzylidene-4H-oxazol-5-one unity at C-3. The compound 2-[1-(4- methoxyphenyl)-9H-β-carbolin-3-yl]-4-(benzylidene)-4H- oxazol-5-one (11) was the most active derivative, exhibiting a potent cytotoxic activity against glioma (U251), prostate (PC-3) and ovarian (OVCAR-03) cancer cell lines with IC 50 values of 0.48, 1.50 and 1.07 μM, respectively. An in silico study of the ADME properties of the novel synthesized β-carboline derivatives was also performed. © 2012 by the Authors.17561006113Cao, R., Peng, W., Wang, Z., Xu, A., B-carboline alkaloids: Biochemical and pharmacological functions (2007) Curr. Med. Chem., 14, pp. 479-500Yao, K., Zhao, M., Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Li, L., Zheng, M., Peng, S., A class of oral n-[(1s,3s)-1- methyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-β-carboline- 3-carbonyl]-n-(amino-acid-acyl) hydrazine: Discovery, synthesis, in vitro anti-platelet aggregation/in vivo anti-thrombotic evaluation and 3d qsar analysis (2011) Eur. J. Med. Chem., 46, pp. 3237-3249Bi, W., Bi, Y., Xue, P., Zhang, Y., Gao, X., Wang, Z., Li, M., Gibson, M.K., A new class of β-carboline alkaloid-peptide conjugates with therapeutic efficacy in acute limb ischemia/reperfusion injury (2011) Eur. J. Med. Chem., 46, pp. 1453-1462Liu, J., Jiang, X., Zhao, M., Zhang, X., Zheng, M., Peng, L., Peng, S., A class of 3s-2- aminoacyltetrahydro-b-carboline-3-carboxylic acids: Their facile synthesis, inhibition for platelet activation, and high in vivo anti-thrombotic potency (2010) J. Med. 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    Plantas medicinais de um remascente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista Altomontana, Urupema, Santa Catarina, Brasil

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