22 research outputs found

    Разработка стандартного образца для водного хозяйства

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    The aim of our work was to develop and evaluate a homogenised material for the new IONEX resin reference material for NORM industries. The IONEX resin is a material from water purification filters. This work is a part of the European Research Project MetroNORM "Metrology for Processing Materials with High Natural Radioactivity", contract identifier JRPIND57. The current research resulted from the necessity of installing the technology for removing uranium from water in some areas in Europe [1, 2]. The European project JRP IND57 MetroNORM is perfectly suited for an accurate and precise determination of hazardous NORM materials. Proper evaluation of NORM materials is highly needed for the protection of health and minimization of economic and ecological burdens.Данная работа была проведена с целью создания и оценивания однородности материала для нового стандартного образца смолы IONEX, предназначенного для контроля при производстве радиоактивных материалов природного происхождения. Смола IONEX - это материал из фильтров для очистки воды. Данная работа является частью Европейского исследовательского проекта MetroNORM «Метрология для обработки радиоактивных материалов природного происхождения», контракт JRP IND57. Настоящее исследование обусловлено необходимостью в технологиях для очистки воды от урана в некоторых районах Европы [1, 2]. Европейский проект JPR IND557 MetroNORM полностью подходит для правильного и точного определения потенциально опасных материалов с природной радиоактивностью. Достоверная оценка радиоактивных материалов природного происхождения необходима для охраны здоровья и минимизации экономических и экологических затрат


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    The aim of our work was to develop and evaluate a homogenised material for the new IONEX resin reference material for NORM industries. The IONEX resin is a material from water purification filters. This work is a part of the European Research Project MetroNORM "Metrology for Processing Materials with High Natural Radioactivity", contract identifier JRPIND57. The current research resulted from the necessity of installing the technology for removing uranium from water in some areas in Europe [1, 2]. The European project JRP IND57 MetroNORM is perfectly suited for an accurate and precise determination of hazardous NORM materials. Proper evaluation of NORM materials is highly needed for the protection of health and minimization of economic and ecological burdens

    sapporo-wes/sapporo-service: 1.5.0

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    <h2>What's Changed</h2> <ul> <li>Introduce workflow run crate by @inutano in https://github.com/sapporo-wes/sapporo-service/pull/32</li> </ul> <p><strong>Full Changelog</strong>: https://github.com/sapporo-wes/sapporo-service/compare/1.4.9...1.5.0</p&gt

    Measurement of absolute γ-ray emission probabilities in the decay of 227Ac in equilibrium with its progeny

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    The emission probabilities of γ-rays produced in the 227Ac decay series were determined by high-resolution γ-ray spectrometry of sources with standardised activity. The sources were prepared quantitatively on glass disks by drop deposition of a solution with 227Ac in radioactive equilibrium with its daughter nuclides. Their activity was measured by a primary standardisation technique based on alpha-particle counting at a defined low solid angle. Four laboratories performed γ-ray spectrometry and derived absolute γ-ray intensities. Mean values were calculated and compared with literature data and the currently recommended evaluated data. New values on certain γ-emission probabilities are proposed.JRC.G.2-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Measurement of absolute γ-ray emission probabilities in the decay of 235U

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    Accurate measurements were performed of the photon emission probabilities following the α decay of 235U to 231Th. Sources of highly enriched 235U were characterised in terms of isotopic composition by mass spectrometry and their activities were standardised by means of alpha-particle counting at a low defined solid angle. The standardised sources were subsequently measured by high-resolution γ-ray spectrometry with calibrated high-purity germanium detectors to determine the photon emission probabilities. Four laboratories participated in this work and reported emission probabilities for 33 γ-ray lines. Most of them agree with previously published evaluated data. In addition, new values are proposed for γ-lines which have been measured only once in the past.JRC.G.2-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguard

    Characterisation of activity content of 226Ra in spiked metallurgical slag using an interlaboratory comparison

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    More than half of yearly steel production in EU comes from recycling. The metal foundries pass the metal scrap through radiation portal monitors at the entrance of the foundry; nevertheless an orphan radioactive source may still remain undetected e.g. due to the shielding from the scrap load itself. In such case the source may enter the smelting route ending in contaminated steel products and by-products of the process. The European metal foundries are aware of the problem and increasingly apply radioactivity monitoring of the steel products. It is of outmost importance to perform accurate measurements, in order to prove compliance with respect to legal radioactivity limits, and metrologically challenging to ensure the quality of such measurements. In the light of a global steel market it is obvious that harmonisation of the analytical methodologies is critical. In the EURAMET's EMRP joint research project, 'MetroMetal' (Ionising radiation metrology for the metallurgical industry), existing radioactivity measurement methods were studied and new optimized methods, systems and standards were proposed for the radioactivity control of steel and by-products in steel mills. In this context, reference activity standards, including the most frequently occurring radionuclides in melting incidents in suitable geometries and matrices, have been developed. Amongst these standards were two series of sources of 60Co in cast steel, one of 137Cs in fume dust and one of 226Ra in furnace slag. The common feature in all four standards was that Interlaboratory comparisons (ILCs) were used to characterise the activity concentrations. In the particular case of 226Ra in slag the material was prepared by spiking and an ILC was conducted amongst 9 European National Metrology Laboratories and JRC, with the aim to verify the activity concentration of the spiked material and to validate the calibration and correction methods proposed by MetroMetal. In the present work, the organization and the results of the ILC on 226Ra activity concentration in metallurgical slag standards are presented.JRC.G.2-Standards for Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguar