17 research outputs found
Realizou-se um estudo dietético com o objetivo de caracterizar o padrão nutritional de estudantes universitários do sexo feminino, utilizando-se o método de pesagem direta dos alimentos. Os resultados revelaram deficiência vitamínico-mineral (predominantemente de ferro, cálcio e tiamina) na dieta, quando comparados com as recomendações dietéticas.Weighted food intake was the precedure adapted by the authors in order to find aut the nutritional pattern of female university students. The results revealed vitaminic-mineral deficiency (mainly of calcium, iron and thiamine) in relation to the recommended dietary allowances
Meeting deadlines in work groups: Implicit and explicit mechanisms
Nous nous sommes demandés, dans cette étude, si les groupes étaient mieux à même de respecter les délais quand leurs membres partageaient les mêmes cognitions temporelles, c’est-à-dire quand ils s’accordaient sur les dimensions temporelles de leur tâche. Dans une étude longitudinale portant sur 31 groupes, nous avons étudié l’effet des cognitions temporelles partagées sur le respect d’un délai et exploré deux antécédents des cognitions temporelles partagées: la cohérence des rythmes des membres du groupe et l’échange des rappels concernant le temps. Nos résultats montrent que ces deux facteurs ont un impact sur les cognitions temporelles partagées et cela à différentes étapes du travail collectif. De plus, il est apparu que les cognitions temporelles partagées pouvaient aussi bien faciliter que contrecarrer le respect des délais: cela dépend des rythmes des membres du groupe. In this study, we examined whether groups were better able to meet deadlines when group members had shared temporal cognitions, that is, when they agreed on the temporal aspects of their task. In a longitudinal study involving 31 groups, we studied the effect of shared temporal cognitions on meeting a deadline and explored two antecedents of shared temporal cognitions: the similarity in group members’ pacing styles and the exchange of temporal reminders. Our findings suggest that both antecedents are relevant to shared temporal cognitions, be it at different stages of group collaboration. Furthermore, we found that shared temporal cognitions may either facilitate or impede meeting a deadline, depending on the content of group members’ pacing styles
A auto-avaliação do estado nutritional, utilizada corno estratégia de ensino no Curso de Graduação em Enfermagem, subsidiou o presente trabalho. Com esse fim, as 50 alunas do 3º semestre (idade média de 21,7 anos) registraram seu consumo de alimentos por três dias consecutivos e suas medidas de peso e altura. A análise da adequação do consumo mostrou que 98% das alunas apresentaram ingestão insuficiente (abaixo de 90% do recomendado pela National Research Council - 1980) em pelo menos um dos nutrientes analisados (proteína, cálcio, ferro e vitaminas A, B1, B2, C e niacina). Constatou-se ingestão inadequada de cálcio em 80% das alunas, de vitamina A em 72%, de ferro em 64%, de vitamina B1 e B2 em 74 e 56% respectivamente e de vitamina C em 34%. A freqüência e a gravidade da inadequação foi maior para cálcio, vitamina A e ferro: 42, 20 e 16% das alunas consumiram menos que 60% da recomendação, evidenciando uma dieta deficiente em vitaminas e minerais.The self-evaluation of nutritional status, utilized as a teaching strategy of introductory nutrition course at Nursing School (São Paulo's University), gave a subsidy to this work. With this purpose, 50 female university students 3rd'semester (mean age was 21,7) were required to complete a three days food record and report their approximate heigth and weigth. The analysis of food intake adequacy indicated that 98% of the students had insufficient intake (less than 90% of recommended of National Research Council - 1980) of, at least, one of the nutrients (protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, B1, B2, C and niacin). It was evidenced an inadequate intake (less than 90% of RDA) of calcium (80% of the students), vitamin A (72%), iron (64%), vitamin B1 (74%), vitamin B2 (56%) and vitamin C (34%). The inadequate intake was more frequently and serious (less than 60% RDA) for calcium (42%), vitamin A (20%) and iron (16%) showing a vitamins and minerals deficient diet