33 research outputs found

    Design to reliability shielded vertical interconnection applied to microwave Chip Scale Packaging

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    This paper presents the electrical design, measurement and reliability ests of a shielded vertical interconnection dedicated to microwave solder-mount packages. Electromagnetic simulations show very good results up to 20 GHz. Test samples have been designed and manufactured. Electrical results are in accordance with the simulations with insertion loss lower than 0.1 dB up to 20 GHz for the proposed interconnection. Reliability tests of present no degradation of the after 500 thermal cycles in the [-55°C, +125°C] temperature range

    Effect of Oxygen and Malate on NO 3

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    Estrategias lúdicas para el desarrollo del razonamiento lógico matemático.

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    "Los juegos durante cientos de generaciones han constituido la base de educación del hombre espontanea, permitiendo la transmisión de las normas de convivencias social, mejorar las tradiciones y el desarrollo de la capacidad creadora. Esto propiciara la camarería, el interés, el gusto por las matemáticas ya que el juego estimula y fomenta a que el estudiante sea más creativo. Luego de un arduo trabajo de investigación en la escuela de niña Nº 13 Manuela Cañizares hemos detectado que una gran cantidad de alumnas tienen problema en el desarrollo del razonamiento lógico en el área de matemática, lo cual nos vimos en la necesidad de buscar soluciones. Llegando a la conclusión que si aplicamos las estrategias lúdicas dejamos a un lado la educación tradicionalista con eso rompemos el esquema y formamos un nuevo paradigma. Es importante, que la elección de las estrategias lúdicas dejamos a un lado la educación tradicionalista con eso rompemos el esquema y formamos un nuevo paradigma. Es importante, que la elección de las estrategias lúdicas siga bajo criterios realista y de forma equilibrada, en el sentido de que sea positiva no solo para las alumnas que en un momento u otro experimenta dificultades para aprender, sino para la globalidad del grupo de clase. En nuestro proyecto se habla de elegir diversas alternativas como el de enseñar a los estudiantes a tomar decisiones ante problema que puedan surgir en su vida. Garantizar la posibilidad de la adquisición de una experiencia práctica del razonamiento, ya que el proyecto despierte el interés hacia la asignatura permitiendo comprobar el nivel de conocimiento alcanzado. Por medio de la guía elaborada por los investigadores, nos permitirá ayudar a las estudiantes a desarrollar habilidades, consolidar sus conocimientos y fortalecer los valores. Ya que el juego didáctico permitirá el perfeccionamiento de las capacidades de los estudiantes en el desarrollo de la capacidad de análisis. Por eso es necesario que se aplique las estrategias lúdicas para el éxito académico del educando.

    Synergistic effects of PRIMA-1Met (APR-246) and 5-azacitidine in TP53-mutated myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia

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    Myelodysplastic syndromes and acute myeloid leukemia with TP53 mutations are characterized by frequent relapses, poor or short responses, and poor survival with the currently available therapies including chemotherapy and 5-azacitidine (AZA). PRIMA-1Met(APR-246,APR) is a methylated derivative of PRIMA-1, which induces apoptosis in human tumor cells through restoration of the transcriptional transactivation function of mutant p53. Here we show that low doses of APR on its own or in combination with AZA reactivate the p53 pathway and induce an apoptosis program. Functionally, we demonstrate that APR exerts these activities on its own and that it synergizes with AZA in TP53-mutated myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)/acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cell lines and in TP53-mutated primary cells from MDS/AML patients. Low doses of APR on its own or in combination with AZA also show significant efficacy in vivo. Lastly, using transcriptomic analysis, we found that the APR + AZA synergy was mediated by downregulation of the FLT3 pathway in drug-treated cells. Activation of the FLT3 pathway by FLT3 ligand reversed the inhibition of cell proliferation by APR + AZA. These data suggest that TP53-mutated MDS/AML may be better targeted by the addition of APR-246 to conventional treatments

    Flip-chip for space applications : Bonding reliability, DC and RF results.

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    This paper presents a study of flip-chip bonding for space applications. DC and mechanical test vehicles have demonstrated the reliability of the flip-chip gold-gold thermocompression bonding up to 500 thermal cycles. RF test vehicles have proved the compatibility of both coplanar and microstrip on-the-shelves MMICs with the flip-chip bonding up to 35 GHz

    Microwave glob top for space applications : A route to non hermiticity

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    This paper presents the electrical design, measurement and reliability tests of an encapsulated MMIC using a dam & fill technique. Materials, dispensing techniques, RF design are evaluated. Test samples have been designed and manufactured. Electrical results show a slight decay in frequency of the electrical characteristics (about 300MHz) but the component still offers good performances in the relevant bandwidth for receivers

    New Trends for Microwave Packaging into Space-Borne Equipment

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    This paper focuses on the most promising evolutions which are emerging in the packaging of microwave functions for space applications. Starting from the former micropackage solution, continuing with the current MCM technology, new routes are then reviewed. Those include flip-chip which has the huge advantage of short and reproducible connections, glob-top and other non-hermetic approaches. All of them are major departures from the present situation if not a complete revolution. Finally, a special attention is given to MEMS as these new devices can also bring their own intrinsic packaging solution. This is one of the most intriguing and captivating outcome of their apparition : at last, the convergence of electrical and mechanical expertise

    From full hybrid to 3D microwave packaging for space applications

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    Over recent years, the miniaturisation of microwave functions was based on the use of hybrid technology. That included thin or thick film capability, micro or macro microwave packages and the design of MMICs. In the same time, many developments were running around the MCM technology, first for low frequency applications then for R.F. packaging. The future could be in the 3D technology, wafer scale integration and/or a mix with embedded passive components into Silicon

    Rythmologie d’un hyper-lieu. Le cas du Montreux Jazz festival

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    Les analyses spatio-temporelles du Montreux Jazz Festival présentées dans ce rapport doivent être lues comme des pistes pour fonder plus solidement une science urbaine des grands évènements. Cette dernière a pour vocation de produire les outils de description et d’analyse des effets urbains des grands évènements. En effet, durant leur déroulement, les évènements induisent d’importantes reconfigurations des formes urbaines que ce soit dans l’usage des bâtiments et des espaces publics, des flux ou encore des comportements individuels et collectifs (Viot, Pattaroni, Berthoud, 2010). Leur résonnance s’étend toutefois bien souvent au-delà du temps de leur performance à travers la constitution de diverses traces, institutionnelles, mémorielles et spatiales