41 research outputs found


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    Research findings have indicated that ON is a medical illness characterized by damage to the ON, which can occur due to a range of different causes. Optic neuritis (ON) is distinguished by the degeneration or demise of nerve fibers, leading to distinctive manifestations. The diagnosis of ON could potentially be strengthened with additional examinations. The assessment of the visual field, whether through manual kinetic perimetry or automated static perimetry, plays a vital role in achieving an accurate diagnosis. The utilization of neuroimaging techniques to examine the brain and orbit plays a pivotal role in the diagnosis of ON, encompassing both demyelinating and compressive subtypes. Therefore, our study aimed to conduct an evaluation and assessment of ON. 65 patients involved in the study. All patients received a comprehensive examination that included VA, IOP, ASE, PR,RAPF,PSE, GON,HOT and TON. In our study we found that, significant correlation between FD type in G and other diseases (p < 0.0001). This indicates that G had TV, A, DA, or different scotomas(S), which were much greater than other ON. G is the most common and preventable cause of V impairment and blindness. Thus, G awareness efforts should be prioritized alongside cataract evaluation. If necessary, perimetry is necessary for a more complete assessment

    The Tetraodon nigroviridis reference transcriptome: Developmental transition, length retention and microsynteny of long non-coding RNAs in a compact vertebrate genome

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    Pufferfish such as fugu and tetraodon carry the smallest genomes among all vertebrates and are ideal for studying genome evolution. However, comparative genomics using these species is hindered by the poor annotation of their genomes. We performed RNA sequencing during key stages of maternal to zygotic transition of Tetraodon nigroviridis and report its first developmental transcriptome. We assembled 61,033 transcripts (23,837 loci) representing 80% of the annotated gene models and 3816 novel coding transcripts from 2667 loci. We demonstrate the similarities of gene expression profiles between pufferfish and zebrafish during maternal to zygotic transition and annotated 1120 long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) many of which differentially expressed during development. The promoters for 60% of the assembled transcripts result validated by CAGE-seq. Despite the extreme compaction of the tetraodon genome and the dramatic loss of transposons, the length of lncRNA exons remain comparable to that of other vertebrates and a small set of lncRNAs appears enriched for transposable elements suggesting a selective pressure acting on lncRNAs length and composition. Finally, a set of lncRNAs are microsyntenic between teleost and vertebrates, which indicates potential regulatory interactions between lncRNAs and their flanking coding genes. Our work provides a fundamental molecular resource for vertebrate comparative genomics and embryogenesis studies