628 research outputs found

    Manual Evaluation of synthesised Sign Language Avatars

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    The evaluation discussed in this paper explores the role that underlying facial expressions might have regarding understandability in sign language avatars. Focusing specifically on Irish Sign Language (ISL), we examine the Deaf community’s appetite for sign language avatars. The work presented explores the following hypothesis: Augmenting an existing avatar with various combinations of the 7 widely accepted universal emotions identified by Ekman [1] to achieve underlying facial expressions, will make that avatar more human-like and consequently improve usability and understandability for the ISL user. Using human evaluation methods [2] we compare an augmented set of avatar utterances against a baseline set, focusing on two key areas: comprehension and naturalness of facial configuration. We outline our approach to the evaluation including our choice of ISL participants, interview environment, and evaluation methodology

    Embedding Sustainability Literacy in Business School Curricula through Reflective Pedagogy: An Exploratory Study of Student Reflections of the Sulitest

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    Purpose Sustainability has emerged as a megatrend affecting all aspects of management practice. SDG 4.7 has mandated business schools to provide education for responsible leadership and to integrate sustainability principles in their curricula. Faculty are challenged to mainstream sustainability through engaging pedagogy that inspires and offers concrete tools. Yet, pedagogy has been viewed as a key challenge to embedding sustainability in management education. Design / Methodology / Approach We highlight the role of reflection in promoting the enhancement of sustainability literacy in business school curricula, supporting our proposition that management education for sustainability must have a reflective dimension that engages students in deeper learning. In addition to exploring theoretical perspectives on sustainability literacy development through reflection, we draw on empirical evidence provided from a study of 300+ student reflective assignments, based on their experiences of the UN Sulitest, using the DIEP (describe, interpret, evaluate, plan) framework. Findings A thematic analysis of reflective assignments suggest that students engaged in thoughtful reflection that was transformative in nature, broadening their knowledge, questioning their mindsets and fostering change agency. Typical knowledge domains highlighted include: the circular economy, child labour, pollution, equality and clean energy. Students expressed emotions of shock, anger and surprise about the role of human affluence in unsustainable futures. Research Limitations Although our analysis paints a story limited to reflection coupled to just one learning experience, namely the UN Sulitest, future pedagogical initiatives might expand to additional tools for promoting sustainability literacy. Whilst it is meant to illustrate how elements of a sustainability literacy are developed, no data was collected to systematically evaluate transformational impact. We recommend further research to evaluate future transformation. Originality / Value Our findings contribute to the practical application of reflective pedagogy in promoting the enhancement of sustainability literacy and to a conceptualisation of the role that reflection plays in the pursuit of transformation. Moreover, it provides corroborating evidence to principles of deep learning for sustainability based on the SDG framework, emotional stimuli, advocacy and action

    Exploring the impact of authentic assessment on sustainability literacy through reflective and action-oriented tasks: A roundtable podcast

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    Business schools must engage in fundamental change to retain their legitimacy and position themselves as providers of solutions to urgent economic, social, and environmental crises. To this end, we need pedagogy that enables students to become sustainability literate graduates and thus develop appropriate knowledge, skills, and mind-sets. This roundtable discussion podcast comprises six colleagues engaged in conversation and reflection around a pedagogical initiative designed with the broad aim of enhancing sustainability literacy among business students using innovative digital tools as part of an authentic assessment strategy. The pedagogical approaches we discuss engage students with learning across several different modes and in a ‘deep’ reflective manner (Meyers & Nulty, 2009).  We discuss our use of the UN supported Sulitest platform, specifically our use of the Sulitest quiz tool. The podcast transcript has been annotated through footnotes to direct the listener/reader to further reading on the various topics that emerge in our discussion


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    Pembelajaran konvensional perlu diintegrasikan dengan perkembangan teknologi yang sangat pesat melalui media pembelajaran. Media pembelajaran dapat memvisualisasikan materi yang sukar dipahami salah satunya sistem rem ABS. Media dalam proses pembelajaran dapat diimplementasikan melalui aplikasi pembelajaran berbasis android. Hal ini diharapkan dapat mendorong minat belajar peserta didik, sehingga proses pembelajaran lebih bervariasi dan tidak monoton. Selain itu, penerapan media pembelajaran juga dapat memberikan pengalaman dan bekal praktik kepada peserta didik secara virtual sebelum mereka praktik di bengkel. Pemanfaatan smartphone android menjadi salah satu alternatif dalam penerapan media pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan media pembelajaran Aplikasi Techno, mengetahui pengaruh media pembelajaran terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik. Penerapan aplikasi ini menggunakan model ADDIE yang diawali dengan menganalisis perlu tidaknya aplikasi berbasis android sebagai media pembelajaran, mendesain aplikasi dengan membuat flowchart dan storyboard, memproduksinya dengan Software Smart Apps Creator (SAC), melakukan judgement media pembelajaran dari segi media dan materi kepada ahli media dan materi, kemudian mengaplikasikannya untuk mengetahui peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik dalam mempelajari sistem rem ABS. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kelas XI Teknik Kendaraan Ringan Otomotif (TKRO) 1 SMK Negeri 8 Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan Pre-Eksperimental Design berupa one group pre�test post-test design. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Aplikasi Techno berbasis android dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik dengan nilai N�Gain berkategori sedang

    Macular and serum carotenoid concentrations in patients with malabsorption syndromes

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    The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are believed to protect the human macula by absorbing blue light and quenching free radicals. Intestinal malabsorption syndromes such as celiac and Crohn’s disease are known to cause deficiencies of lipid-soluble nutrients. We hypothesized that subjects with nutrient malabsorption syndromes will demonstrate lower carotenoid levels in the macula and blood, and that these lower levels may correlate with early-onset maculopathy. Resonance Raman spectrographic (RRS) measurements of macular carotenoid levels were collected from subjects with and without a history of malabsorption syndromes. Carotenoids were extracted from serum and analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Subjects with malabsorption (n = 22) had 37% lower levels of macular carotenoids on average versus controls (n = 25, P < 0.001). Malabsorption was not associated with decreased serum carotenoid levels. Convincing signs of early maculopathy were not observed. We conclude that intestinal malabsorption results in lower macular carotenoid levels

    Build it, but will they come? A geoscience cyberinfrastructure baseline analsys

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    Understanding the earth as a system requires integrating many forms of data from multiple fields. Builders and funders of the cyberinfrastructure designed to enable open data sharing in the geosciences risk a key failure mode: What if geoscientists do not use the cyberinfrastructure to share, discover and reuse data? In this study, we report a baseline assessment of engagement with the NSF EarthCube initiative, an open cyberinfrastructure effort for the geosciences. We find scientists perceive the need for cross-disciplinary engagement and engage where there is organizational or institutional support. However, we also find a possibly imbalanced involvement between cyber and geoscience communities at the outset, with the former showing more interest than the latter. This analysis highlights the importance of examining fields and disciplines as stakeholders to investments in the cyberinfrastructure supporting science
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