2,676 research outputs found

    Stock Market Integration and Volatility Spillover:India and its Major Asian Counterparts

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    Return and volatility spillover among Indian stock market with that of 12 other developed and emerging Asian countries over a period from November 1997 to April 2008 is studied. Daily opening and closing prices of all major equity indices from the sample countries are examined by applying the GARCH model [Engle (1982) and Bollerslev (1986)] to explore the possibility of stock market integration and volatility spillover among India and its major Asian counterparties. Apart from different degrees of correlations, both in terms of return and squared return series, among Indian stock market with that of other Asian countries, the contemporaneous intraday return spillover among India and almost all the sample countries are found to be positively significant and bi-directional. More specifically, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore and Thailand are found to be the four Asian markets from where there is a significant flow of information in India. Similarly, among others, stock markets in Pakistan and Sri Lanka are found to be strongly influenced by movements in Indian market. Though most of the information gets transmitted among the markets without much delay, some amount of information still remains and can successfully transmit as soon as the market opens in the next day.Asian stock markets; Integration; Information spillover; GARCH model

    A Review Article on management of Pain through Charakokta Vedanasthapaka Mahakashaya

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    Ayurveda classical texts provide unique treatment modalities and medication for the disease conditions. In Charaka Samhita classifications are made based on Karmas called as Mahakashaya and these are classified into 50 groups. Vedanasthapana Dashemani is one such group which is said to be more effective in curing the aliments of pain. Pain can be described as any physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. No matter however mild the pain is anywhere in the body it lands you in a state of discomfort and affects your day today activities. The greatest disadvantage in Ayurveda is lack of use of effective analgesic in Ayurvedic medicines. Hence there is a constant quest for an ideal ayurvedic analgesic therapy that means Vedanasthapana Upaya. A holistic approach toward herbal drugs can reduce the cost and complications associated with important opioid and nonopioid drug usage and dosage. Thus, in this paper, an effort has been taken to shed some light on conceptual part of Vedanasthapana drugs and their use in pain management

    Child Abuse: Constitutional and Legal Protection in India

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    India has made sufficient provisions in its Constitution and legislation to stop the child abuse but in spite of all these Indian children are in need of care and protection. In a country like India with its multi- cultural, multi ethnic and multi religious population, the problem of child abuse is immense as in such groups the most vulnerable section is always the children. This study looked at different forms of child abuse: Physical Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Emotional Abuse and Girl Child Negligence with the available safeguards in our Constitution specially Articles 21, 23 and 24 and National Policies and Legislations to address child rights. This study also has an overview on the different schemes and plans available to address the child abuse


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    India has successfully created one of the leading higher education systems in the world. It has proved its worth in this arena also. Eminence of many top institutions is recognized to be analogues to the best in the world. However, Indian education system faces problems from the issues that keep originating from disparities and developmental practices adopted. As a result of which even after all the remarkable development in the areas of Information Technology, space science, nuclear technology, oil exploration, industrial production etc., India is still not able to eradicate its problems of poverty, ignorance and underdevelopment completely and successfully due to various reasons.Nearly one-fourth of the population is still below poverty line; onethird are illiterate and disparities amongst rich-poor, urban-rural, educateduneducated are high, which are posing hindrances in the developmental phenomena. Now as the country has opened its door to the foreign contributors in the fields like education, the country has to face challenges of globalization and pressures of liberalization while continuing its fight against poverty, illiteracy and disadvantages to upgrade its stature from developing to a developed economy. Keeping the above in view, present paper deliberates the impact of globalisation on higher education with the analysis of the opportunities and threats

    Hamlet’s Exclusive Solitariness: Born Existentially

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    The present paper attempts to study Hamlet, the masterpiece of Shakespeare in the light of existentialism. The key features of existentialism, dread, anxiety, alienation, un decidability- are to be found in the play in abundance. The play poses many fundamental questions such as what is man, what is the meaning of human life, what is death and so on. The protagonist is tossed in the most complicated situation having lost his father, mother and the crown. His encounter with the spirit of his father intensifies his trouble. The existential philosophers like Sartre and Albert Camus have shown their interest in the role of   mysterious working of the forces of the nature in human life that decides the course of existence. Hamlet in many ways exhibits the predicament of human life and depicts the universal human dilemma. &nbsp

    Feminist Psyche in Anita Desai’s Where Shall We Go This Summer: A Study in Neurosis

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    The outburst of feminism throughout the world was not a matter of chance, but the natural corollary of centuries of struggle for woman's rights. In this context, Mary Wollstonecraft's A Vindication of the Rights of Woman is the landmark which can be regarded as the manifesto of modern feminism. Incidentally, in the same period some women writers in England, Fenny Burney, Maria Edgeworth and Jane Austen and others came out of the obscure, suffocating shell and presented life and art from the point of view of women. They accentuated the importance of social life centered upon women and demonstrated it as significant as a subject matter as any other so far treated in literature. With the rise of feminism in India in the 70s, the feminist literary critics came to believe that women had to create a literature of their own, in which the feminine sensibility could consider and confront the peculiarly feminine issues and experiences. It was essential to do so, because a large part of the feminine experience is out of the reach of male psyche and, therefore, an authentic and sensitive portrayal of the conflicts and traumas, in all their nuances, ambiguities and contradictions could be achieved only by women writers. Through these female writer's works one can observe a clear picture of women in flash and blood with a distinct mind of their own

    Are We Doing Enough? A Bibliometric Analysis of Hate Speech Research in the Selected Database of Scopus

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    The use of the bibilometric analytical technique for examining hate speech research does not exist in the literature till now. Phenomena of hate speech are quite novel and urgent. The objective of this study was to perform a bibliometric analysis of hate speech research work and publication in the Scopus index. Analysed parameters includes document type, publication output, most active countries, most involved universities and funding agencies etc. Social media and new media is one of the most powerful tool of communication. Digital world has gained its firm foothold. More and more communication, business, lifestyle related work is moving on-line. This has exponentially increased the number of users. Billions of users in this media means , more diverse conversations, opinions, agreements, disagreement, bullying and good and hate speech. Hate speech is worrying the institutions, business, social media host and government. This paper is an attempt to understand the true sense of hate speech. This paper aims to understand the presence of hate speech related research. The author feels that a sudden urgency can be seen and felt due to recent incidents pf hate speech in digital world. This was apparent from this bibiliometric analysis

    Hamlet’s Exclusive Solitariness: Born Existentially

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    The present paper attempts to study Hamlet, the masterpiece of Shakespeare in the light of existentialism. The key features of existentialism, dread, anxiety, alienation, undecidability- are to be found in the play in abundance. The play poses many fundamental questions such as what is man, what is the meaning of human life, what is death and so on. The protagonist is tossed in the most complicated situation having lost his father, mother and the crown. His encounter with the spirit of his father intensifies his trouble. The existential philosophers like Sartre and Albert Camus have shown their interest in the role of   mysterious working of the forces of the nature in human life that decides the course of existence. Hamlet in many ways exhibits the predicament of human life and depicts the universal human dilemma. &nbsp
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