17 research outputs found

    Low-Weight Primes for Lightweight Elliptic Curve Cryptography on 8-bit AVR Processors

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    Small 8-bit RISC processors and micro-controllers based on the AVR instruction set architecture are widely used in the embedded domain with applications ranging from smartcards over control systems to wireless sensor nodes. Many of these applications require asymmetric encryption or authentication, which has spurred a body of research into implementation aspects of Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) on the AVR platform. In this paper, we study the suitability of a special class of finite fields, the so-called Optimal Prime Fields (OPFs), for a "lightweight" implementation of ECC with a view towards high performance and security. An OPF is a finite field Fp defined by a prime of the form p = u*2^k + v, whereby both u and v are "small" (in relation to 2^k) so that they fit into one or two registers of an AVR processor. OPFs have a low Hamming weight, which allows for a very efficient implementation of the modular reduction since only the non-zero words of p need to be processed. We describe a special variant of Montgomery multiplication for OPFs that does not execute any input-dependent conditional statements (e.g. branch instructions) and is, hence, resistant against certain side-channel attacks. When executed on an Atmel ATmega processor, a multiplication in a 160-bit OPF takes just 3237 cycles, which compares favorably with other implementations of 160-bit modular multiplication on an 8-bit processor. We also describe a performance-optimized and a security-optimized implementation of elliptic curve scalar multiplication over OPFs. The former uses a GLV curve and executes in 4.19M cycles (over a 160-bit OPF), while the latter is based on a Montgomery curve and has an execution time of approximately 5.93M cycles. Both results improve the state-of-the-art in lightweight ECC on 8-bit processors

    A Family of Lightweight Twisted Edwards Curves for the Internet of Things

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    We introduce a set of four twisted Edwards curves that satisfy common security requirements and allow for fast implementations of scalar multiplication on 8, 16, and 32-bit processors. Our curves are defined by an equation of the form -x^2 + y^2 = 1 + dx^2y^2 over a prime field Fp, where d is a small non-square modulo p. The underlying prime fields are based on "pseudo-Mersenne" primes given by p = 2^k - c and have in common that p is congruent to 5 modulo 8, k is a multiple of 32 minus 1, and c is at most eight bits long. Due to these common features, our primes facilitate a parameterized implementation of the low-level arithmetic so that one and the same arithmetic function is able to process operands of different length. Each of the twisted Edwards curves we introduce in this paper is birationally equivalent to a Montgomery curve of the form -(A+2)y^2 = x^3 + Ax^2 + x where 4/(A+2) is small. Even though this contrasts with the usual practice of choosing A such that (A+2)/4 is small, we show that the Montgomery form of our curves allows for an equally efficient implementation of point doubling as Curve25519. The four curves we put forward roughly match the common security levels of 80, 96, 112 and 128 bits. In addition, their Weierstraß representations are isomorphic to curves of the form y^2 = x^3 - 3x + b so as to facilitate inter-operability with TinyECC and other legacy software

    Reverse Product-Scanning Multiplication and Squaring on 8-bit AVR Processors

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    High performance, small code size, and good scalability are important requirements for software implementations of multi-precision arithmetic algorithms to fit resource-limited embedded systems. In this paper, we describe optimization techniques to speed up multi-precision multiplication and squaring on the AVR ATmega series of 8-bit microcontrollers. First, we present a new approach to perform multi-precision multiplication, called Reverse Product Scanning (RPS), that resembles the hybrid technique of Gura et al., but calculates the byte-products in the inner loop in reverse order. The RPS method processes four bytes of the two operands in each iteration of the inner loop and employs two carry-catcher registers to minimize the number of add instructions. We also describe an optimized algorithm for multi-precision squaring based on the RPS technique that is, depending on the operand length, up to 44.3% faster than multiplication. Our AVR Assembly implementations of RPS multiplication and RPS squaring occupy less than 1 kB of code space each and are written in a parameterized fashion so that they can support operands of varying length without recompilation. Despite this high level of flexibility, our RPS multiplication outperforms the looped variant of Hutter et al.'s operand-caching technique and saves between 40 and 51% of code size. We also combine our RPS multiplication and squaring routines with Karatsuba's method to further reduce execution time. When executed on an ATmega128 processor, the "karatsubarized RPS method" needs only 85k clock cycles for a 1024-bit multiplication (or 48k cycles for a squaring). These results show that it is possible to achieve high performance without sacrificing code size or scalability


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    A universal Markovian model describing a series of apparatus, relating to a class of separation characteristics and permitting to consider a number of parameters of the operating conditions of the apparatus has been constructed; an algorithm used for optimizing the apparatus operating conditions has been devised on the basis of the model built. A program for calculating the parameters of the developed model has been worked out by using the experimental data, and methods of solving the problems of predicting and optimizing the operation of the production apparatus in commercial conditions have been developed. The methods and the program have succesfully been tested at solving a series of practical problems associated with the optimization of the operation of commercial apparatus, at selection of structural parameters of new separators, at issue of recommendations concerning the reconstruction of the filtration section and during the investigations of the problems of the dressability of ores of various types and their mixturesAvailable from VNTIC / VNTIC - Scientific & Technical Information Centre of RussiaSIGLERURussian Federatio