1,829 research outputs found

    Beyond information extraction: The role of ontology in military report processing

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    Information extraction tools like SMES transform natural language into formal representation, e.g. into feature structures. Doing so, these tools exploit and apply linguistic knowledge about the syntactic and morphological regularities of the language used. However, these tools apply semantic as well as pragmatic knowledge only partially at best. Automatic processing of military reports has to result in a visualization of the reports content by map as well as in an actualization of the underlying database in order to allow for the actualization of the common operational picture. Normally, however, the information provided by the result of the information extraction is not explicit enough for visualization processes and database insertions. This originates from the reports themselves that are elliptical, ambiguous, and vague. In order to overcome this obstacle, the situational context and thus semantic and pragmatic aspects have to be taken into account. In the paper at hand, we present a system that uses an ontological module to integrate semantic and pragmatic knowledge. The result of the completion contains all the specifications to allow for a visualization of the report’s content on a map as well as for a database actualization

    From Reports to Maps

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    In this paper, we will sketch a project in progress. The project aims at an application of a command and control system. The application is meant to process military reports written in natural language. It exploits computer linguistic techniques, especially information extraction and ontological augmentation. A prototype has already be completed. A real world application of report processing has to go beyond pure syntactic parsing. Semantic analysis is needed and the meaning of the report has to be constructed. Even more, the meaning has to be represented in a format such that it can be visualized within the so called ``common operational picture'' (COP). The COP is an interactive map displaying information. COP standards are provided by NATO. Since military operations of our days -- war operations as well as peace-keeping and nation building ones -- involve forces of many nations, the COP serves as main tool for synchronizing actions and plans. The paper at hand will provide some insights what kind of problems come along if language processing has to result in map visualization. It also will describe some solutions to overcome these problems

    Constitutional Human Duties

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    Constitutional human duties are simultaneously present and absent. Though many human duties are set forth in many constitutions throughout the entire world, modern scholarship has almost entirely excluded them from legal conceptualization. Liberalism shifted the spotlight to the individual, as an autonomous independent unit, while abandoning society. Furthermore, there is a tendency to frame constitutional human duties as “constitutional interests.” This Article suggests an innovative comparative analysis of constitutional human duties. Founded on that analysis, this Article develops a novel typology through which the characteristics of constitutional human duties are examined. The implications of various constitutional duties are explored in accordance with the proposed typology. This Article further argues that, notwithstanding the differences between various constitutional human duties, all the duties share core characteristics and implications. Finally, this Article proposes that the constitutionalization of human duties is justified as long as their inclusion in the Constitution is essential for protecting fundamental constitutional values

    Verbindungstechnik von carbonfaserverstÀrkten Kunststoff-Halbzeugen in dynamischen Robotersystemen

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    In folgender Veröffentlichung wird eine Möglichkeit aufgezeigt, wie der zukunftstrĂ€chtige Werkstoff „CarbonfaserverstĂ€rkter Kunststoff“ (CFK) einfach und kostengĂŒnstig in hochdynamischen Robotersystemen zum Einsatz kommen kann. Hierbei ist es entscheidend, dass die aufwendige und kostenintensive Fertigung von einzelnen CFK-Bauteilen umgangen wird, ohne die herausragenden Werkstoffeigenschaften einzuschrĂ€nken. Im Forschungsprojekt „Stabkinematik-Leichtbau-Roboter“ (SLR) werden dazu verschiedene Möglichkeiten erarbeitet, stattdessen auf standardmĂ€ĂŸig angebotene Halbzeuge aus CFK zurĂŒckzugreifen. Ein zentrales Thema stellt dabei die Verbindungstechnik dar, die beim FĂŒgen von CFK Halbzeugen (hier: Platten) erforderlich wird. Eine Vielfalt von Tests verschiedener Verbindungen zeigt, dass sich eine Fingerverzinkung fĂŒr den betrachten Anwendungsfall am besten eignet. Daher werden zwei Varianten mit Fingerverzinkung genau analysiert, zum einen, eine mit Verschraubungen und, zum anderen, als Klebung. Die Ergebnisse der beiden Varianten zeigen Ă€hnliche Festigkeitskennwerte, wobei die Klebung etwas höhere Werte aufweist. DemgegenĂŒber ist die Schraubverbindung komfortabler zu montieren und bietet die Möglichkeit der Demontage

    Die mittlere Bronzezeit in SĂŒdthĂŒringen

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    Foot Bone in Vivo: Its Center of Mass and Centroid of Shape

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    This paper studies foot bone geometrical shape and its mass distribution and establishes an assessment method of bone strength. Using spiral CT scanning, with an accuracy of sub-millimeter, we analyze the data of 384 pieces of foot bones in vivo and investigate the relationship between the bone's external shape and internal structure. This analysis is explored on the bases of the bone's center of mass and its centroid of shape. We observe the phenomenon of superposition of center of mass and centroid of shape fairly precisely, indicating a possible appearance of biomechanical organism. We investigate two aspects of the geometrical shape, (i) distance between compact bone's centroid of shape and that of the bone and (ii) the mean radius of the same density bone issue relative to the bone's centroid of shape. These quantities are used to interpret the influence of different physical exercises imposed on bone strength, thereby contributing to an alternate assessment technique to bone strength.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamical Cobordisms in General Relativity and String Theory

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    We describe a class of time-dependent solutions in string- or M-theory that are exact with respect to alpha-prime and curvature corrections and interpolate in physical space between regions in which the low energy physics is well-approximated by different string theories and string compactifications. The regions are connected by expanding "domain walls" but are not separated by causal horizons, and physical excitations can propagate between them. As specific examples we construct solutions that interpolate between oriented and unoriented string theories, and also between type II and heterotic theories. Our solutions can be weakly curved and under perturbative control everywhere and can asymptote to supersymmetric at late times.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX v2: reference adde

    Robust detection of communities with multi-semantics in large attributed networks

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    © 2018, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. In this paper, we are interested in how to explore and utilize the relationship between network communities and semantic topics in order to find the strong explanatory communities robustly. First, the relationship between communities and topics displays different situations. For example, from the viewpoint of semantic mapping, their relationship can be one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-one. But from the standpoint of underlying community structures, the relationship can be consistent, partially consistent or completely inconsistent. Second, it will be helpful to not only find communities more precise but also reveal the communities’ semantics that shows the relationship between communities and topics. To better describe this relationship, we introduce the transition probability which is an important concept in Markov chain into a well-designed nonnegative matrix factorization framework. This new transition probability matrix with a suitable prior which plays the role of depicting the relationship between communities and topics can perform well in this task. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed new approach, we conduct some experiments on both synthetic and real networks. The results show that our new method is superior to baselines in accuracy. We finally conduct a case study analysis to validate the new method’s strong interpretability to detected communities
