2,562 research outputs found

    Interferon Side Effects: When Somatization Betrays You - A Case Report

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    Neuropsychiatric symptoms are widely reported in association with both hepatitis C and IFNα treatment [1]its sequelae, and its treatment. In particular, interferon, a primary component of treatment for chronic hepatitis C, has been strongly associated with depressive symptoms. This review summarizes current knowledge about the etiology, course, and treatment of europsychiatric problems associated with hepatitis C and interferon alpha (IFN-alpha and lead to discontinuation of interferon in up to 13% of cases [2]. When on interferon treatment, cognitive, affective and behavioral symptoms are not easily distinguished from each other or from depression [2,3] mechanism, course, and treatment of neuropsychiatric problems associated with interferon alfa (IFN-alpha. The challenge is even higher if in somatoform cases. We describe a case of somatoform disorder while on classic therapy for hepatitis C and discuss the management of the patient main complaints and evolution

    Plasma phospholipidomic profile differs between children with phenylketonuria and healthy children

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    Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a disease of the catabolism of phenylalanine (Phe), caused by an impaired function of the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase. Therapeutics is based on the restriction of Phe intake, which mostly requires a modification of the diet. Dietary restrictions can lead to imbalances in specific nutrients, including lipids. In the present study, the plasma phospholipidome of PKU and healthy children (CT) was analysed by HILIC-MS/MS and GC-MS. Using this approach, 187 lipid species belonging to 9 different phospholipid classes and 3 ceramides were identified. Principal component analysis of the lipid species dataset showed a distinction between PKU and CT groups. Univariate analysis revealed that 146 species of phospholipids were significantly different between both groups. Lipid species showing significant variation included phosphatidylcholines, containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), which were more abundant in PKU. The high level of PUFA-containing lipid species in children with PKU may be related to a diet supplemented with PUFA. This study was the first report comparing the plasma polar lipidome of PKU and healthy children, highlighting that the phospholipidome of PKU children is significantly altered compared to CT. However, further studies with larger cohorts are needed to clarify whether these changes are specific to phenylketonuric children.publishe

    Exuberant emphysema in HIV-Infected patient

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    Impacts from the implementation of the ISO 22000

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    Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to assort different impacts of the ISO 22000 implementation considering internal or external impacts, positive or negative impacts. It also intends to provide a worldwide overview on the topic, to distinguish companies from different sectors and to gather different methodologies that are used in previously published articles related with this implementation. Design/methodology/approach- Different articles of the ISO 22000 implementation from different countries were gathered and singled out according to the information that was provided. The information of interest was analyzed and rewritten according to the initially established categories. Findings- The results from several studies, researches and points of view from different authors show that the ISO 22000 implementation carries positive impacts. Negative impacts are hard to find. Most of the impacts are directly related to the organizations themselves, hence being internal impacts. Studies are mainly carried out with the help of questionnaires that are presented to the companies. Research limitations/implications- The main goal was to come across different impacts and classify them either as positive and negative or internal and external. However, its unusual to find authors that consider negative impacts from the ISO 22000 implementation. Also, external impacts are not so common. Originality/value- This article mainly highlights the ISO 22000 implementation positive impacts in worldwide organizations. It summarizes the different countries views towards Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS) and how they affect the performance of their companies.U.Porto -Universidade do Porto(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Use of topical local anesthetics to control pain during treatment of hoof lesions in dairy cows

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    Research Areas: AgricultureFood Science & TechnologyABSTRACT - Hoof pathologies in dairy cows have a major effect on both production and animal welfare. Trimming of excess or diseased hoof tissue is essential for the treatment of many of these conditions. Trimming hoof lesions can cause severe pain, resulting in adverse behavioral responses with risk for animal and human safety. Interventions are usually carried out by nonveterinary technicians in the absence of pain management training. Pain control during trimming is not only an ethical obligation but also allows for better manipulation and more meticulous treatment. The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of Tri-Solfen (Bayer Australia Ltd., Pymble, NSW, Australia), a combination of local anesthetics in a topical gel form, containing lidocaine, bupivacaine, adrenaline, and cetrimide, for the treatment of pain associated with trimming of hoof lesions. Sixty-two Holstein-Frisian cows were selected for trimming at the drying-off period and were visually scored for lameness before entering the chute. After diagnosis of the hoof lesion but before deep trimming was initiated, each animal was randomly distributed to 2 groups: C, usual trimming with no pain control, and T, trimming with a local anesthetic formulation being applied immediately after live corium was exposed. During curative trimming, behavior observation was conducted by 2 observers blind to treatment. In 27 cows, algometry measurements were performed before and after the procedure to assess animal reaction to pressure. Lameness scoring was again performed as the cow left the chute. Nonparametric tests and ANOVA were performed. Results showed that use of the topical anesthetic formulation significantly reduced reaction to trimming and lameness score after trimming when compared with nontreated animals. Algometry values showed increased pressure threshold after application of topical anesthetics. This study suggests that the use of topical local anesthesia with lidocaine and bupivacaine helps reduce pain associated with corrective trimming of severe hoof lesions, enhancing animal welfare and potentially ensuring safety of trimmers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Os casos de ensino na formação-investigação de professores dos anos iniciais

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    Este estudo se insere nos processos de formação que investigou as possibilidades dos casos de ensino serem propulsores de processos reflexivos sobre os conhecimentos da docência. Os casos de ensino são narrativas de episódios extraídos geralmente de dados reais do cotidiano escolar e que dão visibilidade às vivências dos professores, os quais, ao analisá–los ou construí-los, articulam e revivem experiências, estabelecendo processos reflexivos e relações entre a teoria e a prática. Para a realização da pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, objetivou-se investigar e avaliar as potencialidades dos casos de ensino, enquanto narrativa de episódios escolares, quando utilizados com professores alfabetizadores, ao lidarem com o ensino e a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita dos alunos, auxiliando-os a reconstruir suas bases de conhecimento para o ensino. Para tanto foram trabalhados casos que retratavam eventos relacionados ao cotidiano das alfabetizadoras que atuam no anos iniciais da educação básica. O processo de formação-investigação foi realizado num ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, na perspetiva de formação continuada de docentes dos anos iniciais. As respostas dos professores participantes apontaram que a adoção de casos de ensino no desenvolvimento profissional dos professores possibilitou que as reflexões se fizessem muito presentes, posto que, ao analisarem as narrativas dos conhecimentos profissionais de colegas e seus, refletiam suas concepções, num movimento reflexivo possibilitador de aprendizagens na/da docência.This study falls in the field of the processes of formation that researched the possibilities of teaching cases being propellers of reflexive processes on knowledge in teaching. Teaching cases are narratives of episodes usually drawn from real daily school life, that bring to light teachers' experiences, establishing reflexive processes and relations between theory and practice. In order to realize this research, with a qualitative approach, it was established the objective of investigating and evaluating the potentiality of the teaching cases as narratives of school episodes, when used with primary school teachers, dealing with the teaching and learning of their students' reading and writing, helping them the re-construe their knowledge foundations in their teaching role. To attain this goal, some cases that pictured events related to the daily work of the primary teachers who play their educational role in the beginning years of basic education. The process of training-research was realized in a virtual learning environment, with a view to an ongoing training of the teachers of the first basic education years. The answers provided by the teachers who participated in the research suggest that the adoption of teaching cases in the professional development of teachers made it possible for the reflexions to become very actual, since, while analysing their colleagues' and their own narratives of professional knowledge, they were reflecting their own ideals, in a reflexive moment that fostered learning in/of teaching.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT