38 research outputs found

    Exopolysaccharides producing lactic acid bacteria in wine and other fermented beverages: For better or for worse?

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    Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from fermented beverages such as wine, cider and beer produce a wide range of exopolysaccharides (EPS) through multiple biosynthetic pathways. These extracellular polysaccharides constitute key elements for bacterial species adaptation to such anthropic processes. In the food industry, LAB polysaccharides have been widely studied for their rheological, functional and nutritional properties; however, these have been poorly studied in wine, beer and cider until recently. In this review, we have gathered the information available on these specific polysaccharide structure and, biosynthetic pathways, as well as the physiology of their production. The genes associated with EPS synthesis are also presented and compared. Finally, the possible role of EPS for bacterial survival and spread, as well as the risks or possible benefits for the winemaker and the wine lover, are discussed

    High intraspecific variation of the cell surface physico-chemical and bioadhesion properties in Brettanomyces bruxellensis

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    Brettanomyces bruxellensis is the most damaging spoilage yeast in the wine industry because of its negative impact on the wine organoleptic qualities. The strain persistence in cellars over several years associated with recurrent wine contamination suggest specific properties to persist and survive in the environment through bioadhesion phenomena. In this work, the physico-chemical surface properties, morphology and ability to adhere to stainless steel were studied both on synthetic medium and on wine. More than 50 strains representative of the genetic diversity of the species were considered. Microscopy techniques made it possible to highlight a high morphological diversity of the cells with the presence of pseudohyphae forms for some genetic groups. Analysis of the physico-chemical properties of the cell surface reveals contrasting behaviors: most of the strains display a negative surface charge and hydrophilic behavior while the Beer 1 genetic group has a hydrophobic behavior. All strains showed bioadhesion abilities on stainless steel after only 3 h with differences in the concentration of bioadhered cells ranging from 2.2 × 102 cell/cm2 to 7.6 × 106 cell/cm2. Finally, our results show high variability of the bioadhesion properties, the first step in the biofilm formation, according to the genetic group with the most marked bioadhesion capacity for the beer group. © 2023 The Author

    Front Microbiol

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    Brettanomyces bruxellensis is the main spoilage microbial agent in red wines. The use of fungal chitosan has been authorized since 2009 as a curative treatment to eliminate this yeast in conventional wines and in 2018 in organic wines. As this species is known to exhibit great genetic and phenotypic diversity, we examined whether all the strains responded the same way to chitosan treatment. A collection of 53 strains of was used. In the conditions of the reference test, all were at least temporarily affected by the addition of chitosan to wine, with significant decrease of cultivable population. Some (41%) were very sensitive and no cultivable yeast was detected in wine or lees after 3 days of treatment, while others (13%) were tolerant and, after a slight drop in cultivability, resumed growth between 3 and 10 days and remained able to produce spoilage compounds. There were also many strains with intermediate behavior. The strain behavior was only partially linked to the strain genetic group. This behavior was little modulated by the physiological state of the strain or the dose of chitosan used (within the limits of the authorized doses). On the other hand, for a given strain, the sensitivity to chitosan treatment was modulated by the chitosan used and by the properties of the wine in which the treatment was carried out.Recherches sur l’origine et les effets secondaires des propriétés stabilisantes du chitosane fongique dans le vi

    Development of a reliable and easy method for screening <em>Oenococcus</em> carbohydrate consumption profile

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    Aims: The aim of this study was to develop a colorimetric test to determine Oenococcus carbohydrate consumption profile. Methods and results: A semi-defined growth medium which enabled efficient bacterial growth and medium acidification in the presence of glucose was developed. The inoculum size and the presence of citrate in the medium were optimized. Acidification of the medium was revealed by adding bromocresol green and was shown to be perfectly correlated with D-glucose, D-fructose, L-arabinose, D-xylose, L-rhamnose, D-cellobiose or D-trehalose consumption by 23 distinct O. oeni strains and one O. kitaharae strain (confirmed with HPLC analysis). Significance and impact of the study: Efficient bacterial growth is essential before malic acid degradation occurs in wine. The method developed here will facilitate the comparison of numerous O. oeni strains and their ability to grow by using the various carbohydrates present in wine prior to malolactic fermentation

    Fire Phenomena and the Earth System

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    Phylogenomic relationship between the strains studied according to dendrogram reconstruction by ANIm. The major genetic groups are indicated (Branch A, B or C). Strains coming from the same type of wine (Champagne, cider) are indicated when they form a single cluster. Adapted from [23]. (PPTX 66 kb

    Am. j. enol. vitic.

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    Brettanomyces bruxellensis is a spoilage yeast particularly dreaded in red wines, where it produces volatile phenols with sensory properties that lead to wine spoilage. The development of this yeast often occurs during wine aging, especially during the summer. We show that in the Bordeaux region, the temperatures of some cellars rise significantly in July, August, and September. This greatly increases the growth rate of B. bruxellensis strains in both permissive and more unfavorable wines. Therefore, although temperature does not affect the specific formation rate of ethyl phenol, raising the wine temperature from 2 to 6 degrees C makes volatile phenols appear both earlier and faster, regardless of the wine or the yeast strain present. Closer control of active yeast populations and closer monitoring of aging wines is thus essential in the summer, particularly in cellars with poor temperature regulation