472 research outputs found

    Celiac disease in pediatric patients according to HLA genetic risk classes: a retrospective observational study

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    Background: Celiac disease (CD) is an autoimmune enteropathy in which HLA-DQ haplotypes define susceptibility. Our aim was to evaluate if belonging to a certain HLA-DQ class risk could be associated to the clinical, serological and histological presentation of CD. Methods: We performed a retrospective observational monocentric study including all 300 patients diagnosed with CD, who underwent HLA typing. Clinical, serological and histological data was collected from clinical records and their association with HLA-DQ class risk was verified through statistical tests. Results: In our sample mean age at onset was 6.7 ± 4.2 years, with a prevalence of females (n = 183; 61%), typical symptoms (n = 242; 80.6%) and anti-tTG IgA ≥ 100 U/mL (n = 194; 64.7%). Family history was present only in 19% (n = 57) of patients, and it was not significantly associated with any of the clinical and demographical data analyzed or the belonging to a certain HLA-DQ class risk. We found in the male population more frequently a coexistence of CD and atopic syndrome (males: n = 47; 40.2%; females: n = 50; 27.3%; p = 0.020). Early age of onset, instead, was associated with typical symptoms (m = 6.4 ± 4; p = 0.045) and elevated liver enzymes (m = 5 ± 3.8; p < 0.001), while later age of onset was associated with presence of other autoimmune diseases (m = 8.2 ± 4; p = 0.01). We observed statistically significant influences of HLA class risk on antibodies and liver enzymes levels: G1, G4 and G2 classes showed more frequently anti-tTG IgA ≥ 100 U/mL (n = 44; 80%, n = 16; 69.6%, n = 48; 67.6% respectively; p-value = 0.037), and in patients from G2 class we found enhanced liver enzymes (n = 28; 39.4%; p-value = 0.005). HLA class risk was still significantly associated with anti-tTG ≥ 100 (p = 0.044) and with hypertransaminasemia (p = 0.010) after a multiple logistic regression adjusted for the effect of gender, age at onset and family history. Conclusions: We failed to prove an association between HLA-DQ genotypes and the clinical features in our CD pediatric patients. Although, our results suggest an effect of the DQB1–02 allele not only on the level of antibodies to tTG, but possibly also on liver involvement

    Behavior and Strengthening of RC Beam-Column Joints: Experimental Program and First Results of the Research Activity in the Framework of DPC-ReLUIS Project (Research Line 2)

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    The 2005-2008 DPC-Reluis Project, funded by the Italian Department of Civil Protection (DPC), is made up of ten Research Lines (RL). RL 2 specifically focuses on the seismic performance of existing RC buildings and is, in turn, organised in nine different Tasks. In the paper, the design of the research activities being carried out within the Task 7 by the four involved Research Units (RU UNIBAS, RU UNIUD, RU UNISA, and RU UNINA) and some first results are reported. Main objective of Task 7 is to investigate on the experimental behaviour of beam-column joints without or with strengthening, thus providing a contribution to a more reliable evaluation of the seismic vulnerability of Reinforced Concrete existing buildings. To this purpose the main activities carried out have been devoted to design and set up of wide experimental programs on beam-column joints relevant to typical existing RC buildings having different Earthquake Resistant Design (ERD) level, to make a literature review of the state of the art on the subject, to perform numerical simulations based on some analytical models available in literature in order to fully understand the mechanical behaviour. Further, some results of the tests already carried out are reported, analysed and compared in order to understand the failure mechanism and evaluate the seismic performance of joints with and without ERD

    Therapeutic sequences in patients with grade 1−2 neuroendocrine tumors (NET): an observational multicenter study from the ELIOS group

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    Purpose: Many different treatments are suggested by guidelines to treat grade 1−2 (G1−G2) neuroendocrine tumors (NET). However, a precise therapeutic algorithm has not yet been established. This study aims at identifying and comparing the main therapeutic sequences in G1−G2 NET. Methods: A retrospective observational Italian multicenter study was designed to collect data on therapeutic sequences in NET. Median progression-free survival (PFS) was compared between therapeutic sequences, as well as the number and grade of side effects and the rate of dose reduction/treatment discontinuation. Results: Among 1182 patients with neuroendocrine neoplasia included in the ELIOS database, 131 G1–G2 gastroenteropancreatic, lung and unknown primary NET, unresectable or persistent/relapsing after surgery, treated with ≥2 systemic treatments, were included. Four main therapeutic sequences were identified in 99 patients: (A) somatostatin analogs (SSA) standard dose to SSA high dose (n = 36), (B) SSA to everolimus (n = 31), (C) SSA to chemotherapy (n = 17), (D) SSA to peptide receptor radionuclide therapy (PRRT) (n = 15). Median PFS of the second-line treatment was not reached in sequence A, 33 months in sequence B, 20 months in sequence C, 30 months in sequence D (p = 0.16). Both total number and severity of side effects were significantly higher in sequences B and C than A and D (p = 0.04), as well as the rate of dose reduction/discontinuation (p = 0.03). Conclusions: SSA followed by SSA high dose, everolimus, chemotherapy or PRRT represent the main therapeutic sequences in G1−G2 NET. Median PFS was not significantly different between sequences. However, the sequences with SSA high dose or PRRT seem to be better tolerated than sequences with everolimus or chemotherapy

    Lo studio delle deformazioni del suolo nell'area di Bojano nel periodo 2004-2006

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    In questa nota sono riportati i risultati ottenuti da indagini geodetiche effettuate nell’area del Sannio-Matese nell’ambito di una Convenzione triennale perfezionata tra l’Assessorato ai Lavori Pubblici della Regione Molise e l’INGV-OV, rivolta all’individuazione di eventuali fenomeni deformativi del suolo in atto nel comune di Bojano (CB). Lo studio, condotto nel periodo 2004-2006, ha visto la progettazione di una rete geodetica nell’area del Comune di Bojano, avente come riferimento il Cs 104 della Linea 80 IGMI corrispondente al Cs LBO/AIGM in Carta, e la materializzazione di vertici GPS, caposaldi di livellazione e l’installazione di Dry Tilt. Le misure di livellazione sull’intera rete, relative al caposaldo di riferimento, hanno evidenziato un generale trend in subsidenza nel bacino di Bojano connesso, con buona probabilità, alle oscillazioni stagionali della falda. I risultati dellemisure sui vertici della rete GPS sono in buon accordo con quelli ottenuti dalle misure di livellazione, evidenziando un trend in subsidenza nella piana di Bojano e nell’area delle sorgenti del Biferno. Le stime dell’inclinazione del suolo ottenute attraverso l’applicazione della tecnica dei dry-tilt hanno delineato un quadro deformativo relativo alla zona cittadina di Bojano consistente in una inclinazione del suolo nel quadrante ENE

    GPS Monitoring at Vesuvio, Campi Flegrei Caldera and Ischia Island (Southern Italy)

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    The Neapolitan volcanic area is located in the southern part of the Campanian plain and includes three active volcanoes (Vesuvius, Campi Flegrei Caldera and Ischia Island). This area shows different dynamical behaviours. Campi Flegrei caldera represents one well known and peculiar example of ground deformations (bradyseism), with periods of intense uplift during the 1969-72 and 1982-84, followed by subsidence phase with some episodic mini-uplifts superimposed. Contrary, Vesuvius is a substantially stable volcano, with small and localized subsidence mainly in the crater zone. Ischia Island has been characterized by subsidence in the S and NW sectors of the island. The presence of these three volcanoes in a dense populated area, makes ground deformation detection a crucial point in the risk mitigation. Ground deformation is an important volcanic precursor, because linked to magma overpressure and migration, thus, continuous monitoring and modelling is one of the main instruments to attempt for a short time forecast of eruptive activity. Since several years, the INGV – Osservatorio Vesuviano installed a permanent GPS network (NeVoCGPS), constituted of 27 stations, in the Neapolitan volcanic area with a configuration that guarantees a continuous and fast 3D information about the dynamics of the area. All the GPS stations are managed by remote control, the data are daily downloaded automatically. After an automatic quality control procedure, the data processing is performed by the Bernese Processing Engine (BPE) of the Bernese GPS software v. 5.0. In this work, the entire chain of data acquisition and processing is described and some results obtained in last years are presented

    Holographic approach to a minimal Higgsless model

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    In this work, following an holographic approach, we carry out a low energy effective study of a minimal Higgsless model based on SU(2) bulk symmetry broken by boundary conditions, both in flat and warped metric. The holographic procedure turns out to be an useful computation technique to achieve an effective four dimensional formulation of the model taking into account the corrections coming from the extra dimensional sector. This technique is used to compute both oblique and direct contributions to the electroweak parameters in presence of fermions delocalized along the fifth dimension.Comment: Latex file, 23 page

    Somma Vesuvius volcano: ground deformations from CGPS observations (2001-2012)

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    This paper is a contribution to the evaluation of ground deformations at Somma-Vesuvius volcano by means GPS measurements from 2001 to 2012. In this study we use a dataset from nine continuous GPS stations of the Neapolitan Volcanoes Continuous GPS network (NeVoCGPS), which covers the Neapolitan volcanic area, and is operated by the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia. The GPS data processing is performed by the Bernese software v. 5.0. The results of the data processing show that the dynamics of the Somma-Vesuvio volcano, between 2001 and 2012, is characterized by a general subsidence, with maximum values on the Gran Cono at BKNO (−11.7 ± 0.65 mm/year) and BKE1 (−4.92 ± 0.36 mm/year) stations. The subsidence decrease from the crater down to the coast and the horizontal displacements are concentrated in Gran Cono area, the youngest part of the volcano. The parameters of the principal strain components indicate that Somma-Vesuvius is affected by a predominant contraction phase, which is concentrated in the areas with the greatest altitudes

    Experimental study for evaluation of a suitable ground displacement monitoring system: Pilot hole Campi Flegrei Deep Drilling Project case

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    The paper presents an experimental study carried out in 2012 during the drilling activity for a pilot hole performed in the framework of the Campi Flegrei Deep Drilling Project. A monitoring network has been installed to test and choose a suitable ground deformation system for the subsequent deep drilling of about 3.5 km in the Campi Flegrei Caldera (Italy). We describe the seismic network installed to characterize the structure of the pilot hole area and the ground deformation monitoring system chosen for the small drilling area. Data analysis and results obtained indicate that Total Station is a suitable tool for this case.Published4V. Dinamica dei processi pre-eruttiviN/A or not JC


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    L’area napoletana è una delle zone a più alto rischio vulcanico, per la presenza di tre strutture vulcaniche attive (il Somma-Vesuvio, la caldera dei Campi Flegrei e l’Isola d’Ischia) e per l’intensa urbanizzazione della zona. La concentrazione dei suddetti vulcani attivi in un’area molto urbanizzata rende fondamentale la presenza di un sistema di monitoraggio che registri i fenomeni connessi al processo vulcanico in atto e che dia informazioni utili per modellarne il comportamento. Tra i vari fenomeni che generalmente sono associati ai processi vulcanici, le deformazioni statiche giocano un ruolo importante per lo studio dei parametri delle sorgenti magmatiche e per la loro modellazione. Nell’area vulcanica napoletana è presente una estesa rete GPS (sia permanente che discreta) che negli ultimi 10 anni ha permesso di raccogliere una mole importante di dati e di avere informazioni circa la dinamica in atto. I dati raccolti in tale periodo, a causa dei rapidi sviluppi della tecnologia GPS, della strumentazione, delle metodologie di processamento, presentavano alcune disomogeneità nella qualità, nell’archiviazione e nell’elaborazione. Pertanto è stato necessario un notevole lavoro di verifica, correzione ed omogeneizzazione dal punto di vista qualitativo di tutti i dati disponibili. Successivamente si è potuto procedere al riprocessamento dei dati, utilizzando il software GPS Bernese v. 5.0, secondo i più recenti standard IGS. Questo lavoro ha permesso di creare un database accurato di tutti i dati GPS disponibili per l’intera area vulcanica napoletana e il conseguente miglioramento della qualità dei risultati ha fornito un utile contributo all’interpretazione dei movimenti del suolo avvenuti negli ultimi anni. In particolare, i nuovi dati ottenuti hanno permesso un’accurata descrizione dell’andamento temporale dei modesti fenomeni di sollevamento (mini-uplift) che hanno interessato la caldera flegrea negli ultimi anni
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