3 research outputs found
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2007
- Field of study
Self-Assessed Emergency Readiness and Training Needs of Nurses in Rural Texas
- Author
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality.
- Akins
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- DNA Board of Directors.
- Evers
- Ferguson
- Franco
- Gershon
- Hassmiller
- Hodkinson
- Hsu
- Hsu
- Hsu
- Jakeway
- James
- Manley
- Markenson
- Mondy
- National Opinion Research Center.
- Polivka
- Soto Mas
- Steed
- Texas Board of Nursing.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
- Veenema
- Veenema
- Weiner
- Wisniewski
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A crosswalk from medical bioethics to Forensic Bioethics
- Author
- Adam
- Allocca
- American Association for Laboratory Accreditation
- American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors
- ANAB: ANSI National Accreditation Board
- Annie
- Australia New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency (ANZPAA)
- Beauchamp
- Clinical Ethics Manual
- Code of Ethics
- Department of Justice
- Dobrin
- Doleac
- Entidad Nocional de Acreditatcion
- Guiding Principles of Professional Responsibility for Forensic Service Providers and Forensic Personnel
- Isenberg
- Kant’s Moral Philosophy
- Kurimski
- Laporte
- Maryland
- Mill
- National Commission on Forensic Science
- New York v Louis Manuel Rosario
- NYS Commission on Forensic Science and DNA Subcommittee
- Peterson
- Peterson
- Polansky
- Position Statement on Commissions
- Proportionality
- Rawls
- Sonia
- Speaker
- Truman
- United Kingdom Accreditation Service
- Voice
- Wickenheiser
- Wickenheiser
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2019
- Field of study