18 research outputs found

    Hyaluronan treatment of biotinylated packaging cells increases titre of progeny retrovirus affinity-captured onto paramagnetic particles

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    BACKGROUND: The polysaccharide hyaluronan is a major component of the extracellular matrix and has been observed to impact retrovirus infectivity in biological settings. Hyaluronan has also been applied in biotechnology as a non-immunogenic, biocompatible agent to improve control of drug delivery and lentiviral transduction. We carried out a preliminary investigation to ascertain if the presence of hyaluronan influenced titre performance of an engineered retrovirus during the production, capture and infection steps that constitute key metrics for retroviral bioprocess performance. RESULTS: The PG13.pBabe.puro stable packaging cell line constitutively produces retroviral particles with the gibbon ape leukaemia virus (GaLv) envelope protein and was used here with HeLa cells for retrovirus titration. An established bench-scale retrovirus production procedure was investigated in which packaging cells are chemically biotinylated and progeny retrovirus bound to streptavidin-coated paramagnetic particles (SPMPs) to achieve both retrovirus concentration and enhanced retroviral infection of target cells. Post-biotinylation incubation of PG13.pBabe.puro cells with up to 100μg/mL hyaluronan did not impact the base titre of unconcentrated progeny retrovirus. Incubation of target HeLa cells with up to 100μg/mL hyaluronan did not influence the susceptibility of HeLa cells to infection by retrovirus bound to SPMPs. However, post-biotinylation incubation of PG13.pBabe.puro cells increased titre of progeny retrovirus bound to SPMPs by up to 395%. CONCLUSION: These observations are consistent with the hypothesis that the presence of haluronan after packaging cell biotinylation increases the efficiency of capture of biotinylated retrovirus by SPMPs. Further work will be needed to confirm if this is indeed the case and if packaging cell incubation with hyaluronan, or related biocompatible carbohydrates, could improve bioprocess performance of other retro- or lenti- viral vectors in therapeutic applications

    A synthetic biology standard for Chinese Hamster Ovary cell genome monitoring and contaminant detection by polymerase chain reaction.

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    BACKGROUND: Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells are the current industry standard for production of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies at commercial scales. Production optimisation in CHO cells hinges on analytical technologies such as the use of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to quantify genetic factors within the CHO genome and to detect the presence of contaminant organisms. PCR-based assays, whilst sensitive and accurate, are limited by (i) requiring lengthy sample preparation and (ii) a lack of standardisation. RESULTS: In this study we directly assess for the first time the effect of CHO cellular material on quantitative PCR (qPCR) and end-point PCR (e-pPCR) when used to measure and detect copies of a CHO genomic locus and a mycoplasma sequence. We also perform the first head-to-head comparison of the performance of a conventional qPCR method to that of the novel linear regression of efficiency (LRE) method when used to perform absolute qPCR on CHO-derived material. LRE qPCR features the putatively universal 'CAL1' standard. CONCLUSIONS: We find that sample preparation is required for accurate quantitation of a genomic target locus, but mycoplasma DNA sequences can be detected in the presence of high concentrations of CHO cellular material. The LRE qPCR method matches performance of a conventional qPCR approach and as such we invite the synthetic biology community to adopt CAL1 as a synthetic biology calibration standard for qPCR

    A high performance bench scale process for isolation from inclusion bodies, refolding and dimerisation of a thiol-engineered recombinant therapeutic protein

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    The use of laboratory procedures is often inefficient for materialisation of recombinant therapeutic proteins in Escherichia coli (E. coli) for pre-clinical evaluation. Approaches such as scaling out shake flask cultivation can be laborious, inefficient and expensive. These inefficiencies can be compounded if the protein requires post-translational modification such as multimerisation. We previously used laboratory methods to produce the 20% disulphide-bridged homodimerisation or monomer of sufficient purity to enable chemi-dimerisation. As such we established a set of high performance, bench-scale, unit operations for cultivation of E. coli cells expressing eRB1, the isolation of eRB1 inclusion bodies, refolding and disulphide-based dimerisation of ≥ 40% of total eRB1 and finally successful chemi-dimerisation of remaining monomeric eRB1. The establishment of scalable procedures can now enable future investigations of eRB1 and other < 60 kDa biologics for which significant bench-scale production is required for pre-clinical evaluation

    Influence of Pichia pastoris cellular material on polymerase chain reaction performance as a synthetic biology standard for genome monitoring

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    Advances in synthetic genomics are now well underway in yeasts due to the low cost of synthetic DNA. These new capabilities also bring greater need for quantitating the presence, loss and rearrangement of loci within synthetic yeast genomes. Methods for achieving this will ideally; i) be robust to industrial settings, ii) adhere to a global standard and iii) be sufficiently rapid to enable at-line monitoring during cell growth. The methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris (P. pastoris) is increasingly used for industrial production of biotherapeutic proteins so we sought to answer the following questions for this particular yeast species. Is time-consuming DNA purification necessary to obtain accurate end-point polymerase chain reaction (e-pPCR) and quantitative PCR (qPCR) data? Can the novel linear regression of efficiency qPCR method (LRE qPCR), which has properties desirable in a synthetic biology standard, match the accuracy of conventional qPCR? Does cell cultivation scale influence PCR performance? To answer these questions we performed e-pPCR and qPCR in the presence and absence of cellular material disrupted by a mild 30s sonication procedure. The e-pPCR limit of detection (LOD) for a genomic target locus was 50 pg (4.91 × 103 copies) of purified genomic DNA (gDNA) but the presence of cellular material reduced this sensitivity sixfold to 300 pg gDNA (2.95 × 104 copies). LRE qPCR matched the accuracy of a conventional standard curve qPCR method. The presence of material from bioreactor cultivation of up to OD600 = 80 did not significantly compromise the accuracy of LRE qPCR. We conclude that a simple and rapid cell disruption step is sufficient to render P. pastoris samples of up to OD600 = 80 amenable to analysis using LRE qPCR which we propose as a synthetic biology standard

    Lipid reduction to improve clarification and filterability during primary recovery of intracellular products in yeast lysates using exogenous lipase

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    BACKGROUND: The yeast Pichia pastoris is a popular host organism for production of a range of biological products, several of which are intracellular. The disruption of yeast cells by homogenisation also releases large quantities of lipids, which can foul the downstream membranes and chromatography matrices used for purification. This work examines lipid removal from yeast cells following homogenisation by enzymatic degradation and its impact on the performance of the subsequent centrifugation and filtration. RESULTS: Lipase treatment of cell homogenate at 37°C for 2 hours, followed by clarification using a scale-down mimic of disc stack centrifugation, resulted in a 6.5-fold improvement in solids removal when compared to untreated feed material. The lipase treated and untreated materials that had undergone initial centrifugation were then tested for filtration performance by passing the material through a 0.45 μm polyethylene sulfone membrane under constant flux. A 50% increase in throughput was observed in comparison to the untreated material. CONCLUSION: This proof-of-concept data suggests enzymatic digestion of lipids, analogous to the widely performed DNA reduction using nucleases, could be a valuable process improvement strategy

    Promoter engineering to optimise recombinant periplasmic Fab' fragment production in Escherichia coli

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    Fab' fragments have become an established class of biotherapeutic over the last two decades. Likewise, developments in synthetic biology are providing ever more powerful techniques for designing bacterial genes, gene networks and entire genomes that can be used to the improve industrial performance of cells used for production of biotherapeutics. We have previously observed significant leakage of an exogenous therapeutic Fab' fragment into the growth medium during high cell density cultivation of an Escherichia coli production strain. In this study we sought to apply a promoter engineering strategy to address the issue of Fab' fragment leakage and its consequent bioprocess challenges. We used site directed mutagenesis to convert the Ptac promoter, present in the plasmid, pTTOD-A33 Fab', to a Ptic promoter which has been shown by others to direct expression at a 35% reduced rate compared to Ptac . We characterised the resultant production trains in which either Ptic or Ptac promoters direct Fab' fragment expression. The Ptic promoter strain showed a 25-30% reduction in Fab' expression relative to the original Ptac strain. Reduced Fab' leakage and increased viability over the course of a fed-batch fermentation were also observed for the Ptic promoter strain. We conclude that cell design steps such as the Ptac to Ptic promoter conversion reported here, can yield significant process benefit and understanding with respect to periplasmic Fab' fragment production. It remains an open question as to whether the influence of transgene expression on periplasmic retention is mediated by global metabolic burden effects or periplasm overcapacity

    Establishing elements of a synthetic biology platform for Vaccinia virus production: BioBrickTM design, serum-free virus production and microcarrier-based cultivation of CV-1 cells

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    Vaccinia virus (VACV) is an established vector for vaccination and is beginning to prove effective as an oncolytic agent. Industrial production of VACV stands to benefit in future from advances made by synthetic biology in genome engineering and standardisation. The CV-1 cell line can be used for VACV propagation and has been used extensively with the CRISPR/Cas9 system for making precise edits of the VACV genome. Here we take first steps toward establishing a scalable synthetic biology platform for VACV production with CV-1 cells featuring standardised biological tools and serum free cell cultivation. We propose a new BioBrick™ plasmid backbone format for inserting transgenes into VACV. We then test the performance of CV-1 cells in propagation of a conventional recombinant Lister strain VACV, VACVL-15 RFP, in a serum-free process. CV-1 cells grown in 5% foetal bovine serum (FBS) Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (DMEM) were adapted to growth in OptiPRO and VP-SFM brands of serum-free media. Specific growth rates of 0.047 h−1 and 0.044 h−1 were observed for cells adapted to OptiPRO and VP-SFM respectively, compared to 0.035 h−1 in 5% FBS DMEM. Cells adapted to OptiPRO and to 5% FBS DMEM achieved recovery ratios of over 96%, an indication of their robustness to cryopreservation. Cells adapted to VP-SFM showed a recovery ratio of 82%. Virus productivity in static culture, measured as plaque forming units (PFU) per propagator cell, was 75 PFU/cell for cells in 5% FBS DMEM. VP-SFM and OptiPRO adaptation increased VACV production to 150 PFU/cell and 350 PFU/cell respectively. Boosted PFU/cell from OptiPRO-adapted cells persisted when 5% FBS DMEM or OptiPRO medium was observed during the infection step and when titre was measured using cells adapted to 5% FBS DMEM or OptiPRO medium. Finally, OptiPRO-adapted CV-1 cells were successfully cultivated using Cytodex-1 microcarriers to inform future scale up studies

    Improving Fab’ fragment retention in an autonucleolytic Escherichia coli strain by swapping periplasmic nuclease translocation signal from OmpA to DsbA

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    OBJECTIVES: To reduce unwanted Fab’ leakage from an autonucleolytic Escherichia coli strain, which co-expresses OmpA-signalled Staphylococcal nuclease and Fab’ fragment in the periplasm, by substituting in Serratial nuclease and the DsbA periplasm translocation signal as alternatives. RESULTS: We attempted to genetically fuse a nuclease from Serratia marcescens to the OmpA signal peptide but plasmid construction failed, possibly due to toxicity of the resultant nuclease. Combining Serratial nuclease to the DsbA signal peptide was successful. The strain co-expressing this nuclease and periplasmic Fab’ grew in complex media and exhibited nuclease activity detectable by DNAse agar plate but its growth in defined medium was retarded. Fab’ coexpression with Staphylococcal nuclease fused to the DsbA signal peptide resulted in cells exhibiting nuclease activity and growth in defined medium. In cultivation to high cell density in a 5 l bioreactor, DsbA-fused Staphylococcal nuclease co-expression coincided with reduced Fab’ leakage relative to the original autonucleolytic Fab’ strain with OmpA-fused staphylococcal nuclease. CONCLUSIONS: We successfully rescued Fab’ leakage back to acceptable levels and established a basis for future investigation of the linkage between periplasmic nuclease expression and leakage of co-expressed periplasmic Fab’ fragment to the surrounding growth media

    Measuring E. coli and bacteriophage DNA in cell sonicates to evaluate the CAL1 reaction as a synthetic biology standard for qPCR

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    We measured the impact of the presence of total Escherichia coli (E. coli) cellular material on the performance of the Linear Regression of Efficiency (LRE) method of absolute quantitative PCR (LRE qPCR), which features the putatively universal CAL1 calibration reaction, which we propose as a synthetic biology standard. We firstly used a qPCR reaction in which a sequence present in the lone genomic BirA locus is amplified. Amplification efficiency for this reaction, a key metric for many quantitative qPCR methods, was inhibited by cellular material from bioreactor cultivation to a greater extent than material from shake flask cultivation. We then compared LRE qPCR to the Standard Curve method of absolute qPCR (SC qPCR). LRE qPCR method matched the performance of the SC qPCR when used to measure 417–4.17 × 107 copies of the BirA target sequence present in a shake flask-derived cell sonicates sample, and for 97–9.7 × 105 copies in the equivalent bioreactor-derived sample. A plasmid-encoded T7 bacteriophage sequence was next used to compare the methods. In the presence of cell sonicates from samples of up to OD600 = 160, LRE qPCR outperformed SC qPCR in the range of 1.54 × 108–1.54 × 1010 copies of the T7 target sequence and matched SC qPCR over 1.54 × 104–1.54 × 107 copies. These data suggest the CAL1 standard, combined with the LRE qPCR method, represents an attractive choice as a synthetic biology qPCR standard that performs well even when unpurified industrial samples are used as the source of template material

    Synthetic biology routes to bio-artificial intelligence

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    The design of synthetic gene networks (SGNs) has advanced to the extent that novel genetic circuits are now being tested for their ability to recapitulate archetypal learning behaviours first defined in the fields of machine and animal learning. Here, we discuss the biological implementation of a perceptron algorithm for linear classification of input data. An expansion of this biological design that encompasses cellular 'teachers' and 'students' is also examined. We also discuss implementation of Pavlovian associative learning using SGNs and present an example of such a scheme and in silico simulation of its performance. In addition to designed SGNs, we also consider the option to establish conditions in which a population of SGNs can evolve diversity in order to better contend with complex input data. Finally, we compare recent ethical concerns in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and the future challenges raised by bio-artificial intelligence (BI)