21 research outputs found

    Comfort from the perspective of families of people hospitalized in the intensive care unit

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    This study aimed at understanding the meaning of comfort to the families of people in intensive care units. It consists of a qualitative study carried out in the intensive care unit of a hospital in Salvador-Bahia. Fourteen family members were interviewed. The authors utilized the theoretical principles of symbolic interactionism and the technique of qualitative data analysis. Results indicated that the categories Safety, Receptiveness, Information, Proximity, Social and Spiritual Support, Convenience and Integration expressed the meaning of comfort, which was comprised of reliability in terms of technical-scientific competence and a supportive and sensitive attitude of the team, chance of recovery, access to information and the opportunity to be close to the patient, support of people in their social life, spiritual sources and the environmental structure of the hospital, preservation of self-care and routine activities. It was concluded that the family is important as objects and subjects of the actions in healthcare and must be the focus in public health policies and programs in Brazil

    Effect of Facial Massage on Static Balance in Individuals with Temporomandibular Disorder – a Pilot Study

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    Introduction: The influence of the neuromuscular system on the cervical region and mastication is directly associated with mandibular movements and neck posture. Normal occlusal homeostasis depends on complex sensory feedback mechanisms of the periodontal ligament, temporomandibular joint and other structures of the stomatognathic system. This feedback serves as a regulatory mechanism that helps determine the force and nature of muscle contractions. Alterations in the muscles of mastication, neck muscles, and occlusal characteristics constitute causal factors of imbalances in the postural muscle chains, leading to alterations in the center of pressure (CoP) of the feet. Thus, therapies that seek occlusal reestablishment, such as muscle relaxation techniques, may lead to a restructuring of the global equilibrium of the neuromuscular system and an improvement in body posture. Purpose: The aim of the present pilot study was to investigate the immediate effect of facial massage on the CoP in the anteroposterior (CoPAP) and mediolateral (CoPML) directions in individuals with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). Methods: Twenty individuals with a diagnosis of TMD based on the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (RDC/TMD) were submitted to a facial massage technique. CoPAP and CoPML were evaluated using a force plate. Evaluations were performed under two visual conditions (eyes open and eyes closed) prior to resting in dorsal decubitus (baseline), after 10 minutes of rest (premassage) and after the administration of the massage technique (postmassage). Results: No significant differences were found regarding CoPAP velocity with eyes open or the following aspects under either visual condition (eyes open or closed): CoPML velocity, RMS of CoPAP, RMS of CoPML, and sway area. The only significant difference was found for mean CoPAP velocity with eyes closed. Conclusions: While the results of the present study demonstrate the reliability of the reproduction of the data, facial massage had no immediate influence on postural control in individuals with TMD

    Experiências alternativas resgatando saberes para os processos de trabalho em saúde

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    O presente trabalho trata-se de um estudo descritivo de abordagem qualitativa, que objetivou compreender o processo de trabalho de enfermeiros e médicos da Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), do município de João Pessoa-PB, e identificar as estratégias e táticas alternativas desenvolvidas. O material foi analisado por meio da técnica de análise de discurso. Evidenciou-se a desarticulação entre os elementos do processo de trabalho aliada à possibilidade de transformação pela superação da invisibilidade dos sujeitos e seus saberes nos serviços de saúde. Conclui-se que as estratégias e táticas alternativas visualizadas constituem embrião para transformação dos processos de trabalho e superação dos modelos de atenção à saúde hegemônicos, demandando problematização contínua de concepções e práticas