20 research outputs found

    Transmembrane potential induced on the internal organelle by a time-varying magnetic field: a model study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>When a cell is exposed to a time-varying magnetic field, this leads to an induced voltage on the cytoplasmic membrane, as well as on the membranes of the internal organelles, such as mitochondria. These potential changes in the organelles could have a significant impact on their functionality. However, a quantitative analysis on the magnetically-induced membrane potential on the internal organelles has not been performed.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using a two-shell model, we provided the first analytical solution for the transmembrane potential in the organelle membrane induced by a time-varying magnetic field. We then analyzed factors that impact on the polarization of the organelle, including the frequency of the magnetic field, the presence of the outer cytoplasmic membrane, and electrical and geometrical parameters of the cytoplasmic membrane and the organelle membrane.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The amount of polarization in the organelle was less than its counterpart in the cytoplasmic membrane. This was largely due to the presence of the cell membrane, which "shielded" the internal organelle from excessive polarization by the field. Organelle polarization was largely dependent on the frequency of the magnetic field, and its polarization was not significant under the low frequency band used for transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). Both the properties of the cytoplasmic and the organelle membranes affect the polarization of the internal organelle in a frequency-dependent manner.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The work provided a theoretical framework and insights into factors affecting mitochondrial function under time-varying magnetic stimulation, and provided evidence that TMS does not affect normal mitochondrial functionality by altering its membrane potential.</p

    Of the importance of a leaf: the ethnobotany of sarma in Turkey and the Balkans

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    BACKGROUND: Sarma - cooked leaves rolled around a filling made from rice and/or minced meat, possibly vegetables and seasoning plants - represents one of the most widespread feasting dishes of the Middle Eastern and South-Eastern European cuisines. Although cabbage and grape vine sarma is well-known worldwide, the use of alternative plant leaves remains largely unexplored. The aim of this research was to document all of the botanical taxa whose leaves are used for preparing sarma in the folk cuisines of Turkey and the Balkans. Methods: Field studies were conducted during broader ethnobotanical surveys, as well as during ad-hoc investigations between the years 2011 and 2014 that included diverse rural communities in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey. Primary ethnobotanical and folkloric literatures in each country were also considered. Results: Eighty-seven botanical taxa, mainly wild, belonging to 50 genera and 27 families, were found to represent the bio-cultural heritage of sarma in Turkey and the Balkans. The greatest plant biodiversity in sarma was found in Turkey and, to less extent, in Bulgaria and Romania. The most commonly used leaves for preparing sarma were those of cabbage (both fresh and lacto-fermented), grape vine, beet, dock, sorrel, horseradish, lime tree, bean, and spinach. In a few cases, the leaves of endemic species (Centaurea haradjianii, Rumex gracilescens, and R. olympicus in Turkey) were recorded. Other uncommon sarma preparations were based on lightly toxic taxa, such as potato leaves in NE Albania, leaves of Arum, Convolvulus, and Smilax species in Turkey, of Phytolacca americana in Macedonia, and of Tussilago farfara in diverse countries. Moreover, the use of leaves of the introduced species Reynoutria japonica in Romania, Colocasia esculenta in Turkey, and Phytolacca americana in Macedonia shows the dynamic nature of folk cuisines. Conclusion: The rich ethnobotanical diversity of sarma confirms the urgent need to record folk culinary plant knowledge. The results presented here can be implemented into initiatives aimed at re-evaluating folk cuisines and niche food markets based on local neglected ingredients, and possibly also to foster trajectories of the avant-garde cuisines inspired by ethnobotanical knowledge

    The role of interleukin-16 in murine contact hypersensitivity

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    Contact hypersensitivity (CHS) is a T-cell-mediated skin inflammatory response. It is controversial whether CD4(+) T cells play an enhancing or regulatory role in the pathogenesis of CHS. Because interleukin (IL)-16 is a chemoattractant cytokine for CD4-expressing cells, we investigated the involvement of IL-16 in the CHS reaction. IL-16 production was induced in the epidermis and dermis during the elicitation phase of the CHS response with trinitrochlorobenzene. In the sensitization phase, the single application of haptens such as trinitrochlorobenzene and oxazolone also induced IL-16, whereas primary irritants or vehicle control did not. IL-16 was produced mainly by CD11c-negative cells in the epidermis during the elicitation phase. Furthermore, treatment of sensitized mice with anti-IL-16 neutralizing MoAb enhanced the ear swelling and reduced the number of infiltrating CD4(+) T cells. These data indicate that IL-16 plays a role in CHS, whereby IL-16 induces CD4(+) T cells and these CD4(+) T cells subsequently exhibit down-regulating properties

    Chasing rainbows and ocean glints: Inner working angle constraints for the Habitable Worlds Observatory

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    NASA is engaged in planning for a Habitable Worlds Observatory (HabWorlds), a coronagraphic space mission to detect rocky planets in habitable zones and establish their habitability. Surface liquid water is central to the definition of planetary habitability. Photometric and polarimetric phase curves of starlight reflected by an exoplanet can reveal ocean glint, rainbows, and other phenomena caused by scattering by clouds or atmospheric gas. Direct imaging missions are optimized for planets near quadrature, but HabWorlds’ coronagraph may obscure the phase angles where such optical features are strongest. The range of accessible phase angles for a given exoplanet will depend on the planet’s orbital inclination and/or the coronagraph’s inner working angle (IWA). We use a recently created catalog relevant to HabWorlds of 164 stars to estimate the number of exo-Earths that could be searched for ocean glint, rainbows, and polarization effects due to Rayleigh scattering. We find that the polarimetric Rayleigh scattering peak is accessible in most of the exo-Earth planetary systems. The rainbow due to water clouds at phase angles of ∼20◦ − 60◦ would be accessible with HabWorlds for a planet with an Earth equivalent instellation in ∼46 systems, while the ocean glint signature at phase angles of ∼130◦ − 170◦ would be accessible in ∼16 systems, assuming an IWA = 62 mas (3λ/D). Improving the IWA = 41 mas (2λ/D) increases accessibility to rainbows and glints by factors of approximately 2 and 3, respectively. By observing these scattering features, HabWorlds could detect a surface ocean and water cycle, key indicators of habitability.</p