104 research outputs found

    The quark anti-quark potential and the cusp anomalous dimension from a TBA equation

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    We derive a set of integral equations of the TBA type for the generalized cusp anomalous dimension, or the quark antiquark potential on the three sphere, as a function of the angles. We do this by considering a family of local operators on a Wilson loop with charge L. In the large L limit the problem can be solved in terms of a certain boundary reflection matrix. We determine this reflection matrix by using the symmetries and the boundary crossing equation. The cusp is introduced through a relative rotation between the two boundaries. Then the TBA trick of exchanging space and time leads to an exact equation for all values of L. The L=0 case corresponds to the cusped Wilson loop with no operators inserted. We then derive a slightly simplified integral equation which describes the small angle limit. We solve this equation up to three loops in perturbation theory and match the results that were obtained with more direct approaches.Comment: 63 pages, 12 figures. v2: references added, typos correcte

    Madagascar's grasses and grasslands:anthropogenic or natural?

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    Grasses, by their high productivity even under very low pCO2, their ability to survive repeated burning and to tolerate long dry seasons, have transformed the terrestrial biomes in the Neogene and Quaternary. The expansion of grasslands at the cost of biodiverse forest biomes in Madagascar is often postulated as a consequence of the Holocene settlement of the island by humans. However, we show that the Malagasy grass flora has many indications of being ancient with a long local evolutionary history, much predating the Holocene arrival of humans. First, the level of endemism in the Madagascar grass flora is well above the global average for large islands. Second, a survey of many of the more diverse areas indicates that there is a very high spatial and ecological turnover in the grass flora, indicating a high degree of niche specialization. We also find some evidence that there are both recently disturbed and natural stable grasslands: phylogenetic community assembly indicates that recently severely disturbed grasslands are phylogenetically clustered, whereas more undisturbed grasslands tend to be phylogenetically more evenly distributed. From this evidence, it is likely that grass communities existed in Madagascar long before human arrival and so were determined by climate, natural grazing and other natural factors. Humans introduced zebu cattle farming and increased fire frequency, and may have triggered an expansion of the grasslands. Grasses probably played the same role in the modification of the Malagasy environments as elsewhere in the tropics

    Integrable Wilson loops

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    The generalized quark-antiquark potential of N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory on S^3 x R calculates the potential between a pair of heavy charged particles separated by an arbitrary angle on S^3 and also an angle in flavor space. It can be calculated by a Wilson loop following a prescribed path and couplings, or after a conformal transformation, by a cusped Wilson loop in flat space, hence also generalizing the usual concept of the cusp anomalous dimension. In AdS_5 x S^5 this is calculated by an infinite open string. I present here an open spin-chain model which calculates the spectrum of excitations of such open strings. In the dual gauge theory these are cusped Wilson loops with extra operator insertions at the cusp. The boundaries of the spin-chain introduce a non-trivial reflection phase and break the bulk symmetry down to a single copy of psu(2|2). The dependence on the two angles is captured by the two embeddings of this algebra into \psu(2|2)^2, i.e., by a global rotation. The exact answer to this problem is conjectured to be given by solutions to a set of twisted boundary thermodynamic Bethe ansatz integral equations. In particular the generalized quark-antiquark potential or cusp anomalous dimension is recovered by calculating the ground state energy of the minimal length spin-chain, with no sites. It gets contributions only from virtual particles reflecting off the boundaries. I reproduce from this calculation some known weak coupling perturtbative results.Comment: 40 pages, 11 figures; v2-some formulas corrected, results unchange

    Entanglement Entropy for Singular Surfaces

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    We study entanglement entropy for regions with a singular boundary in higher dimensions using the AdS/CFT correspondence and find that various singularities make new universal contributions. When the boundary CFT has an even spacetime dimension, we find that the entanglement entropy of a conical surface contains a term quadratic in the logarithm of the UV cut-off. In four dimensions, the coefficient of this contribution is proportional to the central charge 'c'. A conical singularity in an odd number of spacetime dimensions contributes a term proportional to the logarithm of the UV cut-off. We also study the entanglement entropy for various boundary surfaces with extended singularities. In these cases, similar universal terms may appear depending on the dimension and curvature of the singular locus.Comment: 66 pages,4 figures. Some typos are removed and a reference is adde

    Effect of Investment in Malaria Control on Child Mortality in Sub-Saharan Africa in 2002–2008

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    BACKGROUND: Around 8.8 million children under-five die each year, mostly due to infectious diseases, including malaria that accounts for 16% of deaths in Africa, but the impact of international financing of malaria control on under-five mortality in sub-Saharan Africa has not been examined. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We combined multiple data sources and used panel data regression analysis to study the relationship among investment, service delivery/intervention coverage, and impact on child health by observing changes in 34 sub-Saharan African countries over 2002-2008. We used Lives Saved Tool to estimate the number of lives saved from coverage increase of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs)/indoor residual spraying (IRS). As an indicator of outcome, we also used under-five mortality rate. Global Fund investments comprised more than 70% of the Official Development Assistance (ODA) for malaria control in 34 countries. Each 1millionODAformalariaenableddistributionof50,478ITNs[951 million ODA for malaria enabled distribution of 50,478 ITNs [95%CI: 37,774-63,182] in the disbursement year. 1,000 additional ITNs distributed saved 0.625 lives [95%CI: 0.369-0.881]. Cumulatively Global Fund investments that increased ITN/IRS coverage in 2002-2008 prevented an estimated 240,000 deaths. Countries with higher malaria burden received less ODA disbursement per person-at-risk compared to lower-burden countries (3.90 vs. $7.05). Increased ITN/IRS coverage in high-burden countries led to 3,575 lives saved per 1 million children, as compared with 914 lives in lower-burden countries. Impact of ITN/IRS coverage on under-five mortality was significant among major child health interventions such as immunisation showing that 10% increase in households with ITN/IRS would reduce 1.5 [95%CI: 0.3-2.8] child deaths per 1000 live births. CONCLUSIONS: Along with other key child survival interventions, increased ITNs/IRS coverage has significantly contributed to child mortality reduction since 2002. ITN/IRS scale-up can be more efficiently prioritized to countries where malaria is a major cause of child deaths to save greater number of lives with available resources

    Corner contributions to holographic entanglement entropy in AdS4/BCFT3

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    We study the holographic entanglement entropy of spatial regions with corners in the AdS4/BCFT3correspondence by considering three dimensional boundary conformal field theories whose boundary is a timelike plane. We compute analytically the corner function corresponding to an infinite wedge having one edge on the boundary. A relation between this corner function and the holographic one point function of the stress tensor is observed. An analytic expression for the corner function of an infinite wedge having only its tip on the boundary is also provided. This formula requires to find the global minimum among two extrema of the area functional. The corresponding critical configurations of corners are studied. The results have been checked against a numerical analysis performed by computing the area of the minimal surfaces anchored to some finite domains containing corners

    Holographic entanglement entropy in AdS4/BCFT3 and the Willmore functional

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    We study the holographic entanglement entropy of spatial regions having arbitrary shapes in the AdS4/BCFT3 correspondence with static gravitational backgrounds, focusing on the subleading term with respect to the area law term in its expansion as the UV cutoff vanishes. An analytic expression depending on the unit vector normal to the minimal area surface anchored to the entangling curve is obtained. When the bulk spacetime is a part of AdS4, this formula becomes the Willmore functional with a proper boundary term evaluated on the minimal surface viewed as a submanifold of a three dimensional flat Euclidean space with boundary. For some smooth domains, the analytic expressions of the finite term are reproduced, including the case of a disk disjoint from a boundary which is either flat or circular. When the spatial region contains corners adjacent to the boundary, the subleading term is a logarithmic divergence whose coefficient is determined by a corner function that is known analytically, and this result is also recovered. A numerical approach is employed to construct extremal surfaces anchored to entangling curves with arbitrary shapes. This analysis is used both to check some analytic results and to find numerically the finite term of the holographic entanglement entropy for some ellipses at finite distance from a flat boundary

    A Novel Xenogeneic Co-Culture System to Examine Neuronal Differentiation Capability of Various Adult Human Stem Cells

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    Background: Targeted differentiation of stem cells is mainly achieved by the sequential administration of defined growth factors and cytokines, although these approaches are quite artificial, cost-intensive and time-consuming. We now present a simple xenogeneic rat brain co-culture system which supports neuronal differentiation of adult human stem cells under more in vivo-like conditions. Methods and Findings: This system was applied to well-characterized stem cell populations isolated from human skin, parotid gland and pancreas. In addition to general multi-lineage differentiation potential, these cells tend to differentiate spontaneously into neuronal cell types in vitro and are thus ideal candidates for the introduced co-culture system. Consequently, after two days of co-culture up to 12% of the cells showed neuronal morphology and expressed corresponding markers on the mRNA and protein level. Additionally, growth factors with the ability to induce neuronal different iation in stem cells could be found in the media supernatants of the co-cultures. Conclusions: The co-culture system described here is suitable for testing neuronal differentiation capability of numerous types of stem cells. Especially in the case of human cells, it may be of clinical relevance for future cell-based therapeutic applications

    State history and economic development: evidence from six millennia

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    The presence of a state is one of the most reliable historical predictors of social and economic development. In this article, we complete the coding of an extant indicator of state presence from 3500 BCE forward for almost all but the smallest countries of the world today. We outline a theoretical framework where accumulated state experience increases aggregate productivity in individual countries but where newer or relatively inexperienced states can reach a higher productivity maximum by learning from the experience of older states. The predicted pattern of comparative development is tested in an empirical analysis where we introduce our extended state history variable. Our key finding is that the current level of economic development across countries has a hump-shaped relationship with accumulated state history
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