4,382 research outputs found

    Long-term hearing results and otological complications of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients: comparison between treatment with conventional two-dimensional radiotherapy and intensity-modulated radiotherapy

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the long-term audiological outcome and otological complications of nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients who have received intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) versus conventional two-dimensional radiotherapy (2 DRT). STUDY DESIGN: Prospective study on the audiological outcome and otological complications 5-9 years after radiotherapy. METHODOLOGY: Patients had pure-tone audiogram before radiotherapy and 5 years after radiotherapy. Otological examination was performed 5-9 years after radiotherapy by an otolaryngologist. RESULTS: There is a significant deterioration of the hearing threshold 5 years after radiotherapy but there is no statistically significant difference in the deterioration of hearing between IMRT and 2 DRT. Six patients in the 2 DRT group and 1 patient in the IMRT group had osteoradionecrosis of the external auditory canal (p = 0.042). CONCLUSION: There are fewer incidences of osteoradionecrosis of the external auditory canal in patients treated with IMRT. There is no difference in bone conduction threshold in patients treated with IMRT or 2 DRT.postprin

    Art therapy and mindfulness with survivors of political violence: A qualitative study

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    Instanton solution for Schwinger production of 't Hooft-Polyakov monopoles

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    We present the results of an explicit numerical computation of a novel instanton in Georgi-Glashow SU(2) theory. The instanton is physically relevant as a mediator of Schwinger production of ’t Hooft–Polyakov magnetic monopoles from strong magnetic fields. In weak fields, the pair production rate has previously been computed using the worldline approximation, which breaks down in strong fields due to the effects of finite monopole size. Using lattice field theory we have overcome this limit, including finite monopole size effects to all orders. We demonstrate that a full consideration of the internal monopole structure results in an enhancement to the pair production rate, and confirm earlier results that monopole production becomes classical at the Ambjørn-Olesen critical field strength

    Electroweak sphaleron in a strong magnetic field

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    In an external magnetic field, the energy of the electroweak sphaleron—representing the energy barrier to baryon and lepton number violation—decreases but remains nonzero until the upper Ambjørn–Olesen critical field strength set by the Higgs mass and the electric charge. At this point the sphaleron energy vanishes. We demonstrate this by numerically computing the sphaleron configuration in the presence of an external magnetic field over the full range of field strengths until the energy barrier vanishes. We discuss the implications for baryogenesis in the early universe and the possibility of observing of baryon and lepton number violation in heavy-ion collisions

    Using Bars As Signposts of Galaxy Evolution at High and Low Redshifts

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    An analysis of the NICMOS Deep Field shows that there is no evidence of a decline in the bar fraction beyond z~0.7, as previously claimed; both bandshifting and spatial resolution must be taken into account when evaluating the evolution of the bar fraction. Two main caveats of this study were a lack of a proper comparison sample at low redshifts and a larger number of galaxies at high redshifts. We address these caveats using two new studies. For a proper local sample, we have analyzed 134 spirals in the near-infrared using 2MASS (main results presented by Menendez-Delmestre in this volume) which serves as an ideal anchor for the low-redshift Universe. In addition to measuring the mean bar properties, we find that bar size is correlated with galaxy size and brightness, but the bar ellipticity is not correlated with these galaxy properties. The bar length is not correlated with the bar ellipticity. For larger high redshift samples we analyze the bar fraction from the 2-square degree COSMOS ACS survey. We find that the bar fraction at z~0.7 is ~50%, consistent with our earlier finding of no decline in bar fraction at high redshifts.Comment: In the proceedings of "Penetrating Bars through Masks of Cosmic Dust: The Hubble Tuning Fork strikes a New Note

    Efficient Online Timed Pattern Matching by Automata-Based Skipping

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    The timed pattern matching problem is an actively studied topic because of its relevance in monitoring of real-time systems. There one is given a log ww and a specification A\mathcal{A} (given by a timed word and a timed automaton in this paper), and one wishes to return the set of intervals for which the log ww, when restricted to the interval, satisfies the specification A\mathcal{A}. In our previous work we presented an efficient timed pattern matching algorithm: it adopts a skipping mechanism inspired by the classic Boyer--Moore (BM) string matching algorithm. In this work we tackle the problem of online timed pattern matching, towards embedded applications where it is vital to process a vast amount of incoming data in a timely manner. Specifically, we start with the Franek-Jennings-Smyth (FJS) string matching algorithm---a recent variant of the BM algorithm---and extend it to timed pattern matching. Our experiments indicate the efficiency of our FJS-type algorithm in online and offline timed pattern matching

    An isolate of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 originally classified as subtype I represents a complex mosaic comprising three different group M subtypes (A, G, and I)

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    Full-length reference clones and sequences are currently available for eight human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) group M subtypes (A through H), but none have been reported for subtypes I and J, which have only been identified in a few individuals. Phylogenetic information for subtype I, in particular, is limited since only about 400 bp of env gene sequences have been determined for just two epidemiologically linked viruses infecting a couple who were heterosexual intravenous drug users from Cyprus. To characterize subtype I in greater detail, we employed long-range PCR to clone a full-length provirus (94CY032.3) from an isolate obtained from one of the individuals originally reported to be infected with this subtype. Phylogenetic analysis of C2-V3 env gene sequences confirmed that 94CY032.3 was closely related to sequences previously classified as subtype I. However, analysis of the remainder of its genome revealed various regions in which 94CY032.3 was significantly clustered with either subtype A or subtype G. Only sequences located in vpr and nef, as well as the middle portions of pol and env, formed independent lineages roughly equidistant from all other known subtypes. Since these latter regions most likely have a common origin, we classify them all as subtype I. These results thus indicate that the originally reported prototypic subtype I isolate 94CY032 represents a triple recombinant (A/G/I) with at least 11 points of recombination crossover. We also screened HIV-1 recombinants with regions of uncertain subtype assignment for the presence of subtype I sequences. This analysis revealed that two of the earliest mosaics from Africa, Z321B (A/G/?) and MAL (A/D/?), contain short segments of sequence which clustered closely with the subtype I domains of 94CY032.3. Since Z321 was isolated in 1976, subtype I as well as subtypes A and G must have existed in Central Africa prior to that date... (D'après rÊsumÊ d'auteur

    Incoherent non-Fermi liquid scattering in a Kondo lattice

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    One of the most notorious non-Fermi liquid properties of both archetypal heavy-fermion systems [1-4] and the high-Tc copper oxide superconductors [5] is an electrical resistivity that evolves linearly with temperature, T. In the heavy-fermion superconductor CeCoIn5 [5], this linear behaviour was one of the first indications of the presence of a zero-temperature instability, or quantum critical point. Here, we report the observation of a unique control parameter of T-linear scattering in CeCoIn5, found through systematic chemical substitutions of both magnetic and non-magnetic rare-earth, R, ions into the Ce sub-lattice. We find that the evolution of inelastic scattering in Ce1-xRxCoIn5 is strongly dependent on the f-electron configuration of the R ion, whereas two other key properties -- Cooper-pair breaking and Kondo-lattice coherence -- are not. Thus, T-linear resistivity in CeCoIn5 is intimately related to the nature of incoherent scattering centers in the Kondo lattice, which provides insight into the anomalous scattering rate synonymous with quantum criticality [7].Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures (published version

    Instanton operators in five-dimensional gauge theories

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    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY 4.0), which permits any use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are creditedN.L. is supported in part by STFC grant ST/J002798/1. C.P. is a Royal Society Research Fellow.N.L. is supported in part by STFC grant ST/J002798/1. C.P. is a Royal Society Research Fellow.N.L. is supported in part by STFC grant ST/J002798/1. OPen Aceess funded by SCOAP

    Sequential introduction of single room isolation and hand hygiene campaign in the control of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in intensive care unit

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>After renovation of the adult intensive care unit (ICU) with installation of ten single rooms, an enhanced infection control program was conducted to control the spread of methicillin-resistant <it>Staphylococcus aureus </it>(MRSA) in our hospital.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Since the ICU renovation, all patients colonized or infected with MRSA were nursed in single rooms with contact precautions. The incidence of MRSA infection in the ICU was monitored during 3 different phases: the baseline period (phase 1); after ICU renovation (phase 2) and after implementation of a hand hygiene campaign with alcohol-based hand rub (phase 3). Patients infected with extended spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing <it>Escherichia coli </it>and <it>Klebsiella species </it>were chosen as controls because they were managed in open cubicles with standard precautions.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Without a major change in bed occupancy rate, nursing workforce, or the protocol of environmental cleansing throughout the study period, a stepwise reduction in ICU onset nonbacteraemic MRSA infection was observed: from 3.54 (phase 1) to 2.26 (phase 2, p = 0.042) and 1.02 (phase 3, p = 0.006) per 1000-patient-days. ICU onset bacteraemic MRSA infection was significantly reduced from 1.94 (phase 1) to 0.9 (phase 2, p = 0.005) and 0.28 (phase 3, p = 0.021) per 1000-patient-days. Infection due to ESBL-producing organisms did not show a corresponding reduction. The usage density of broad-spectrum antibiotics and fluoroquinolones increased from phase 1 to 3. However a significant trend improvement of ICU onset MRSA infection by segmented regression analysis can only be demonstrated when comparison was made before and after the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) epidemic. This suggests that the deaths of fellow healthcare workers from an occupational acquired infection had an overwhelming effect on their compliance with infection control measures.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Provision of single room isolation facilities and promotion of hand hygiene practice are important. However compliance with infection control measures relies largely on a personal commitment, which may increase when personal safety is threatened.</p
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